- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 336386
Lolland (formerly spelled Laaland) is the fourth largest island of Denmark, with an area of 1,243 square kilometers (480 sq. miles). Located in the Baltic sea, it is part of Region Sjælland (Region Zealand). As of 1 January 2013, it has 62,578 inhabitants.
Lolland is also known as the "pancake island" because of its flatness: the highest point of the entire island is 25 m (82 ft) above sea level, just outside the village of Horslunde. The island has been an important communication highway, among others for Nazi Germany during World War II. Historically, sugar beet has been grown in Lolland. Sugar is still a major industry, visible from the large number of sugar beet fields.
The largest town of Lolland is Nakskov, with 15,500 residents. Other main towns are Maribo (6,000 residents), which hosts the seat of the Diocese of Lolland and Falster, Sakskøbing (3,500 residents) and Rødby (2,500 residents).
The governments of Denmark and Germany plan to connect Lolland with the German island Fehmarn, by a future Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link. Route E47 from Copenhagen crosses the Guldborgsund strait between Lolland and Falster via a modern tunnel, but the motorway currently terminates at Rødbyhavn where a ferry carries vehicles to Fehmarn. Two older bridges also span the strait between Lolland and Falster, the Frederick IX Bridge and Guldborgsund Bridge at the northern end of the strait. Falster is directly to the east of Lolland.
Et portræt af Daniel på 20 år, som bor i en lille by på Lolland. Et indblik i hvordan livet kan se ud, for en ung mand i udkantsdanmark. Musik af: Tobias Niemann Brix
Sommerurlaub in Dänemark 2019. Uns hat es nicht weit nach Dänemark reingetrieben, kurz nach Fehmarn ist unsere Ferienwohnung genau in Hummingen. Von hieraus starten wir unsere Erkundung auf der Insel Lolland.
"Lolland Falster" is taken from the upcoming Spids Nøgenhat album Kommer Med Fred due out October 21st, 2013 on Bad Afro Records. Directed by Adam Olsson. https://vimeo.com/user11014215 - www.TheGood-TheBad.com http://www.badafro.dk http://www.facebook.com/badafrorecords http://www.facebook.com/spidsnogenhat
Der malerische Osten von Lolland ist ein grünes Paradies mit vielen abwechslungsreichen Wander- und Radwegen. Das Städtchen Maribo am weitläufigen Maribo See hat eine schmucke Altstadt und viele Läden, die hübsche Hafenstadt Nysted lädt ein zu einem Drink mit Meerblick und die kleinen Fischerhäfen, die man schon suchen muss, sind genau das was Dänemark so liebenswert macht: hyggelig! Mehr Infos zu Lolland: https://www.fejo.dk/de/Dänemark/Inseln/Lolland
Fra På røven i Nakskov (5) sendt af TV2 den 28 Maj 2015
I forbindelse med opførelsen af Femern-forbindelsen bliver der skabt 300 hektar nyt land på Lolland.
Benny er lolliker og har boet på Lolland hele sit liv. Han har været landmand, sælger og arbejder nu som vagt i København og som pædagog på et bosted på Fejø. Han har dyrket håndbold på topplan. I dag spiller Bennys fire voksne børn, også håndbold på topplan. Derfor bor de forskellige steder i Europa, hvor de spiller på de store internationale håndboldhold. Benny er politisk aktiv og kommer dermed meget rundt i landet. Benny synes ikke selv, han taler med dialekt, men når han er til politiske møder rundt omkring i landet, kan han godt se på folk, at de smiler til ham, fordi han taler lidt anderledes.
Mit Lolland. En film af Kaj Ludvigsen og Hans Ivar Bentsen. I valget mellem landskabelig skønhed, historiske minder og moderne virksomheder dukker "Mit Lolland" op. Javel, hvori også indgår gamle købstæder med velholdte huse, markeder, hvor der handles på bedste vis. Havnemiljøer, hvor der altid er liv. KORT SAGT: Lolland er et skønt sted. Ydermere er det krydret med reportage fra Middelaldercenteret, et landbrug og en præstegård. Der går en skrøne om, at der ikke foregår noget på Lolland. Her har vi modbevist det igennem et besøg på Holeby/MAN Diesel og Lalandia. Bor du her, får du det ud af filmen, at du kan nikke genkendende til nogle af billederne. Er du -- eller har du været -- turist her, får du endnu flere indtryk med hjem, hvor du bor. Optaget år 2000. Spilletid ca. 46 minutter.
Lolland (formerly spelled Laaland) is the fourth largest island of Denmark, with an area of 1,243 square kilometers (480 sq. miles). Located in the Baltic sea, it is part of Region Sjælland (Region Zealand). As of 1 January 2013, it has 62,578 inhabitants.
Lolland is also known as the "pancake island" because of its flatness: the highest point of the entire island is 25 m (82 ft) above sea level, just outside the village of Horslunde. The island has been an important communication highway, among others for Nazi Germany during World War II. Historically, sugar beet has been grown in Lolland. Sugar is still a major industry, visible from the large number of sugar beet fields.
The largest town of Lolland is Nakskov, with 15,500 residents. Other main towns are Maribo (6,000 residents), which hosts the seat of the Diocese of Lolland and Falster, Sakskøbing (3,500 residents) and Rødby (2,500 residents).
The governments of Denmark and Germany plan to connect Lolland with the German island Fehmarn, by a future Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link. Route E47 from Copenhagen crosses the Guldborgsund strait between Lolland and Falster via a modern tunnel, but the motorway currently terminates at Rødbyhavn where a ferry carries vehicles to Fehmarn. Two older bridges also span the strait between Lolland and Falster, the Frederick IX Bridge and Guldborgsund Bridge at the northern end of the strait. Falster is directly to the east of Lolland.
Wounded and forsaken
I was shattered by the fall
Broken and forgotten
Feeling lost and all alone
Summoned by the King
Into the Master's courts
Lifted by the Savior
And cradled in His arms
I was carried to the table
Seated where I don't belong
Carried to the table
Swept away by His love
And I don't see my brokenness anymore
When I'm seated at the table of the Lord
I'm carried to the table
The table of the Lord
Fighting thoughts of fear
Wondering why He called my name
Am I good enough to share this cup
This world has left me lame
Even in my weakness
The Savior called my name
In His Holy presence
I'm healed and unashamed
You carried me, my God