A hundred attractions you shouldn't miss in Ireland
Planning a trip to Ireland?
You won't miss any of the highlights when you bring this little book along.

A hundred attractions you shouldn't miss in Ireland

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"The descriptions of Ireland are so interesting, rich with history and tradition that we want to go there...
even though we are already here!"

"This book is fantastic! It really captures Ireland's history
and conveys a great sense of where we have come from."

"[This] is a labor of love for Irish history and culture. The directions to the venues are very good and detailed."

Our list of attractions is arranged geographically, and each comes with a substantial write-up that includes driving and public transport directions, a website and a phone number. So whether you're into breathtaking scenery, Stone Age settlements, Vikings and round towers, Normans and their castles, world class cuisine, Nobel Laureates in literature, distilleries, the Titanic, lighthouses, exquisite gardens, Scuba diving, fishing or traditional music,
it's all right here at your fingertips.

This is the perfect guidebook (6"x9") for anyone contemplating a trip to Ireland, and it also makes a fantastic gift for people who would love to go but can't do so right now. It's a planner for people who are on their way to Ireland, and a souvenir for those who haven't been there yet. ($18 US, black and white interior.)

Map of 100 attractions in Ireland

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