- published: 13 May 2014
- views: 4965326
Area is the quantity that expresses the extent of a two-dimensional figure or shape, or planar lamina, in the plane. Surface area is its analog on the two-dimensional surface of a three-dimensional object. Area can be understood as the amount of material with a given thickness that would be necessary to fashion a model of the shape, or the amount of paint necessary to cover the surface with a single coat. It is the two-dimensional analog of the length of a curve (a one-dimensional concept) or the volume of a solid (a three-dimensional concept).
The area of a shape can be measured by comparing the shape to squares of a fixed size. In the International System of Units (SI), the standard unit of area is the square metre (written as m2), which is the area of a square whose sides are one metre long. A shape with an area of three square metres would have the same area as three such squares. In mathematics, the unit square is defined to have area one, and the area of any other shape or surface is a dimensionless real number.
Area was a themed nightclub that operated from 1983 to 1987 at 157 Hudson Street in Manhattan, New York City.
Micheal Alig worked as a barback and busboy. The club was known for its unusual invitations.
The club was founded by brothers Eric Goode and Christopher Goode, Shawn Hausman and Darius Azari. The brick building housing Area was originally built in 1866 to house the stables of the American Express Company.
The club was open from Wednesday to Saturday, 11 pm till 4 am.
Area attracted many celebrities. Writing for Details was Stephen Saben and Michael Musto, writing for The Village Voice magazine, these tabloids chronicled the doings there, and looked back on the phenomenon in Musto's book, Downtown.
There are several mentions of Area in Andy Warhol's diaries. Ben Buchanan was the official photographer for the club and was there most nights documenting the scene. These photos were in Details every month and often in the New York Post and Daily News.
Of the "three hot clubs" in lower Manhattan in the 1980s—Area, Limelight, and Danceteria - Area "[died] a natural death", Limelight survived with a less artistic clientele, and Danceteria "[gave] way to expensive office space".
An area is an administrative unit of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), which typically is composed of multiple stakes and missions. Areas are the primary church administrative unit between individual stakes and the church as a whole.
The areas as they now exist were formed in January 1984. Prior to that time, general authorities served as "area supervisors" and at times resided outside of Salt Lake City. In 1984, 13 initial areas were created; by 1992 there were 22, and by early 2007 there were 31. As of August 2012 there are 25 areas.
Until 2003, each area had a president and two counselors, all of whom were typically general authorities (area seventies were sometimes asked to be counselors). This three-man body was known as the area presidency. In that year, the church eliminated area presidencies for all areas located in the United States and Canada. Each of these areas were placed under the direct supervision of one of the seven members of the Presidency of the Seventy, thus freeing more general authorities from specific area assignments. Since these areas were previously administered by area presidencies located at church headquarters in Salt Lake City, the administrative change was not as drastic as it might seem.
The Chernobyl disaster (also referred to as Chernobyl or the Chernobyl accident) was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the town of Pripyat, in Ukraine (then officially the Ukrainian SSR), which was under the direct jurisdiction of the central authorities of the Soviet Union. An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe.
The Chernobyl disaster was the worst nuclear power plant accident in history in terms of cost and casualties. It is one of only two classified as a level 7 event (the maximum classification) on the International Nuclear Event Scale, the other being the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011. The battle to contain the contamination and avert a greater catastrophe ultimately involved over 500,000 workers and cost an estimated 18 billion rubles. During the accident itself, 31 people died, and long-term effects such as cancers are still being investigated.
Chernobyl is a Hasidic dynasty that was founded by Grand Rabbi Menachem Nachum Twersky, known by the name of his work as the "Meor Einayim" (meaning "vision", lit. "the light of the eyes"). The dynasty is named after the Ukrainian town of Chernobyl, where Rabbi Nachum served as the maggid ("[communal] preacher").
Rabbi Twersky was a student of the Baal Shem Tov (the founder of the Hasidic movement) and his pupil and chief disciple the Maggid of Mezritch. He is considered one of the pioneers of the Hasidic movement. His book Me'or Einayim ("Light [of One's] Eyes"), comprising insights on the weekly Torah portion, reflects his proclivity to Kabbalah. It has gained widespread acceptance as one of the major works and foundations of Hasidic ideology.
Rabbi Menachem Nachum Twersky was succeeded by his son, the Rebbe Mordechai of Chernobyl – also known as the Chernobyler Magid. Throughout his life Rabbi Mordechai collected large amounts of money for tzedakah (charity), but before his death he regretted not collecting even more than he did. His thoughts, sermons and discourses were published in his book Likutei Torah, which was praised for its holiness by other Hasidic leaders. Throughout his teachings, Rabbi Mordechai stressed the importance of pure speech and pure thought as a condition for a proper prayer connection. He also spoke of including all Jewish souls in one's prayer, even evil people. By doing so, evil people will stand a better chance of repenting (teshuvah).
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Артист : Ареа Песна : Фреквенција на љубовта Албум : Сè што сакам си ти
4K Video Connect with AREA: https://www.instagram.com/area.mk/ https://www.facebook.com/GrupaAreaOfficial/ 👂Listen 👂 ✅Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2S2p1jn Режија, сценарио и камера: Даниел Јовески Дрон: Небојша Петревски, Даниел Јовески Улоги: Илија Трале Левески Марија Стојаноска Makeup and styling : BACKSTAGE STUDIO Гостивар Специјална благодарност до Драган Величковски - Тајзи Посебна благодарност до МОНТЕНЕГРО Гостивар за несебичната помош во реализацијата на ова видео Отсекогаш Дојде сосема чист и се отвори ми се даде себе и рече мила повели јас гледав во тебе, а гледав во далечината и видов сè, ја видов вистината. Ме привлекуваш, со секој гест од земја ме треснуваш можно ли е дека те познавам отсекогаш а кога збориш оган во срцево ми разгоруваш ко да ме знаеш, з...
Извeдувач : Ареа Песна : Сите мои слики Албум : Врати на имагинација Не поседувам авторски права на песнава, сите права задржани од сопствениците. ©
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Area · MagnusTheMagnus Area ℗ 2017 MTheM AB, under exclusive license to Universal Music AB Released on: 2016-11-01 Studio Personnel, Mixer, Recording Engineer, Producer: MagnusTheMagnus Studio Personnel, Mastering Engineer: David Kutch Composer Lyricist: Magnus Lidehäll Auto-generated by YouTube.
Math is fun! Learn about area in this math video for kids! You will learn the difference between perimeter and area, learn how area works and even learn how to find the area of rectangles and squares! ❤️ Homeschool Pop? Join our team and get tattoos here: http://homeschoolpop.com Thanks for learning with us today! We hope to see you next video! Homeschool Pop Team
Mutiu the Lastma officer is a very zealous officer. But he's about to discover that not every 'customer' is a good 'customer'... :) The AREA Show Season 1 is coming soon! Subscribe to this channel and follow us on all platforms to get latest updates! We're also giving out free stickers for WhatsApp on our telegram channel. See link below to join! Telegram: https://t.me/theareashowtelegram Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theareashow/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheAreaShow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theareashow/
Provided to YouTube by SM Entertainment 같은 자리 Area · SHINee Atlantis - The 7th Album Repackage ℗ 2021 SM Entertainment Released on: 2021-04-12 Lyricist: MINHO Lyricist: JQ Lyricist: Cha Yu Bin Lyricist: Lee Yeon Ji Composer: Peter Wallevik Composer: Daniel Davidsen Composer: Sam Merrifield Composer: James Yami Bell Arranger: PhD Auto-generated by YouTube.
Are(A)zione è stato il primo disco live pubblicato dagli Area. Registrato durante una serie di concerti tenuti nel 1975 a Milano (durante la Festa del Proletariato giovanile al Parco Lambro), a Napoli (durante la Festa dell'Unità), a Rimini (in occasione della Festa della gioventù) e a Reggio Emilia (durante un concerto presso il Teatro Comunale). È probabilmente il miglior concerto reperibile su disco degli Area anche per la qualità della registrazione audio, di gran lunga superiore a gli altri concerti pubblicati. Il disco si apre con 3 pezzi estratti dai precedenti lavori in studio: Luglio agosto settembre (nero) da Arbeit Macht Frei, La mela di Odessa (1920) da Crac! e Cometa rossa da Caution Radiation Area. Segue il brano inedito che dà il titolo al disco, mentre la chiusura è a...
Enjoy Indoor Playground for kids Family Fun and Play Area 10 minutes Compilation for Children! All videos from Jaroslava SeezisKids: https://seeziskids.com/en/learn-colors-with-kid-vlogger Enjoy watching, don't forget to subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUHpcULkrSfjlgeyULRoH8w Our channels you may also like: LoLo Kids: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpekra_v5x9oNXRRHtj_HNQ BuBuDu Kids: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUHpcULkrSfjlgeyULRoH8w Ya Ya Kids: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX2aWvoU7kRp5nLFzNCr_Jg Baby Baby TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP17QORCNYJINVPC4jmx7yg WOW! It's Baby Elli: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7AkME4aT9GA5hzeEH74g Fun Baby Show: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdM5NWvtklUOD4Q-G97EKnw Yaroslava & Playground: https://w...
Area is the quantity that expresses the extent of a two-dimensional figure or shape, or planar lamina, in the plane. Surface area is its analog on the two-dimensional surface of a three-dimensional object. Area can be understood as the amount of material with a given thickness that would be necessary to fashion a model of the shape, or the amount of paint necessary to cover the surface with a single coat. It is the two-dimensional analog of the length of a curve (a one-dimensional concept) or the volume of a solid (a three-dimensional concept).
The area of a shape can be measured by comparing the shape to squares of a fixed size. In the International System of Units (SI), the standard unit of area is the square metre (written as m2), which is the area of a square whose sides are one metre long. A shape with an area of three square metres would have the same area as three such squares. In mathematics, the unit square is defined to have area one, and the area of any other shape or surface is a dimensionless real number.