frænka lokifr

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

the upstairs goblins are washing my clothes for me (still waiting on the washer appliance; it's been over a month - hard to reconcile my glee at the death of capitalism with my growing serious need for clean clothes)

it makes me weep a little bit because I feel unworthy of their care (let's unpack that next year, though, so tired)

thank you, upstairs kith


tumblr just informed me you haven’t been posting in a while. So you’re camping? and having clean clothes is okay you know. Doesn’t mean you need or love capitalism 😛


[stops rubbing sand into eyes] oh thank goodness <3

#things are going so well I'm suspicious ^_^

the upstairs people in this scene are the angel kind of goblin; i'm the bridge troll kind of goblin still for a while

bottom-up creation of an environment my immune system can tolerate has been a real epic tale! I can't possibly find the words for how grateful I am about it. It's been a tough trek but I'm starting to feel the effects of healing


Glad things are going well.

If you’re in the woods be wary of ticks. Ya never know.


as a southerner by nurture, I’m used to convenient roving possums eating the ticks off folks’ faces, but there really aren’t possums here! so I’ve been trying to lure down some ravens or whatever those birds are that circle above me so serenely while I’m laying here