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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

american leftists seem extremely focused on anti imperialism (good) but rarely- if at all- discuss decolonization in their own fucking country, despite acknowledging that it is a settler colonial state.


im serious about this though. as an urban indian, i definitely cant speak on this as much as a rez indian could. but i know from talking to rez friends i have and from what the american indian movement has screamed for over the years that we need land we can grow on, we need clean water, we need to allow the wildlife that once lived in this land to live here again (meaning you need to listen to us before building those high speed rails you all get so hard over).

you cant drool over the zapatistas while ignoring people in your own country who have a similar goal


silly me I never provided things to read on the topic of decolonization! I'd personally suggest the following as "beginner level" essential reading to understand decolonization:

Discourse on Colonialism (Aimé Césaire) - this is more a focus on colonization, but I feel it's a necessary read in my opinion as in order to understand decolonization I believe it's important to first understand colonization.

Wretched of the Earth (Franz Fanon)

Decolonization is Not a Metaphor (Tuck, Yang)

also an "easy to process" read, to understand landback specifically here in Turtle Island, I'd suggest reading The Red Deal (there is a pdf, I don't mean the article with the same title)


Discourse on Colonialism (PDF, ebook, mobi)

The Wretched of the Earth (PDF, ebook)

Decolonization is Not a Metaphor (PDF)

The Red Deal (PDFs of Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Source: mirsaidsultangaliev


Good news: if you’re currently laying around and not producing anything, you are a credit to your species.


I’m an ant biologist and I’d like to point out that ants also spend a significant percentage of the time doing nothing.

Turns out sometimes the most evolutionary useful thing you can do is chill and not wear yourself to shreds, whether mammal or insect. It helps you deal with emergencies and adapt to change. Plus, you can act as living food storage!

That last part is probably more an ant thing than a human thing, but hey, live your dreams.


it’s also a bear thing, which absolutely explains me


Doing absolutely fuck-all is how antarctic sea sponges live to be over 10,000 years old, so live your best, longest, laziest life.


Remember lions? Fellow apex predators?

Yeah, they spend 16-20 hours of the day laying around, socializing, raising Cubs and napping.

The last 4-8 hours are spent hunting.

Wait wait, they’re not a primate so they don’t count.

How about Orangutans?

Well, they spend 90% of their time awake just hanging out in food-rich areas, eating fruit and leaves, socializing, raising children, and chilling.

Well, they’re not people so it doesn’t-

How about Stone Age people in Europe?

They probably worked 3-5 hours per day, every day. (Though seasonal changes in food scarcity could change that)

Laborers in ancient Egypt worked 8 hours, with an hour break at lunch. They did this for 8 days, then rested 2 days. That sounds familiar. Except… they also had regular time off for festivals and holidays, and only worked for about 18 out of every 50 days.

Artisans in imperial Rome generally worked from 6am to Noon, and then had the rest of the day off… and only worked for half the year, due to all the holidays and festivals they got off.

But that’s too easy, what about a Peasant in medieval England?

6-8 hours per day, with Sundays off, Farm workers put in longer hours at harvest time but worked shorter days in winter when there are fewer hours of daylight. Economist Juliet Schor estimates that in the period following the Plague they worked no more than 150 days a year, due to the long holidays and many festivals.

Ugh, let’s go poorer. 17th century France. Starvation was afoot for the working poor!

During the reign of King Louis XIV, the workers of France had it tough, and hunger for the poorest was a fact of life. The typical working day was as much as 12 hours long, but two hours were set aside midday for lunch and perhaps an afternoon nap. Nevertheless, the Ancient Régime is said to have also guaranteed peasants, labourers and other workers a total of 52 Sundays, 90 rest days and 38 religious holidays off per year, meaning they worked just 185 out of 365 days.

So what changed?

The industrial revolution, baybe~~

New factory owners could work their employees to the bone due to a lack of regulation and abundance of cheap labour.

The typical factory worker in mid 19th-century England toiled away for a soul-destroying 16 hours a day, six days a week, 311 days per year!

THAT nightmare became the standard by which western society began to judge “work-life balance” and anything gentler than the industrial factory’s unfettered brutality is considered “softness”

(So many people died being mangled in those machines. Hair handkerchiefs went into style during American industrialization because working women would otherwise get their hair caught in the machines, and be either scalped or be bodily pulled inside to die…. But that’s a horror for another time)

Americans in 2020 worked an average of 8.5 hours per day on weekdays, plus another 5 hours on weekends.

Taking out federal holidays and weekends, we work 262 days per year. Most of us get 5-9 sick days to take per year. (Yes, a fixed number, no matter how sick you really are), and usually either no paid vacation, or 7-15 days paid vacation, depending on seniority and the company. Unpaid vacation doesn’t have a max, but taking it often risks you getting fired.

Even comparing against the poorest laborers in ancient history the current working structure for humans is, frankly, inhumane.

We are mammals. Let us rest. Let us celebrate holidays and attend festivals. Let us attend to our homes and families.

Even the ultra wealthy folks who got their heads chopped off gave us more time off than this!!!

Someone in the comments said something like “humans are instinctively industrious and productive, as social creatures!”

Buddy, that’s a lie fed to you by capitalism.

In our default state, we attend to our families yes, but we also party like hell, lounge around, and make fantastic works of art just to be proud of ourselves. We made beautiful things for the joy of creating them.

Stone Age humans may have spent a couple hours hunting and gathering, but DEFINITELY spent loads of time painting every available surface. Time and weather washed most of it away, but some places like Arizona and Colorado still preserve a few of the endless murals made by ancient hands.

Evidence shows that the ancient world was COVERED in paintings and etchings - just saturated with images of birds and beasts and humans, sunsets and cool weather. We invented mythologies and painted about them. We did something impressive, and painted about it. We taught our children how to paint and lifted them into our shoulders so they could mark the ceiling.

In our most base state, humans will work enough to survive, but our instincts demand we use all other time to create art. We want to communicate. To make connections.

“Working” or “being productive” is not on that list.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Source: amaraqwolf

man there’s been a lot of talk about how nurses are acutely suffering during COVID times but almost no one – including and especially hospital administrators – seem to grasp how royally this is going to fuck everyone over after COVID for years and years to come. experienced nurses don’t grow on trees! burnout, depression, compassion fatigue, and trauma are near universal, half the nurses and doctors I know crack jokes about how “it’s not a drinking problem, it’s a drinking habit!”, and the only thing anyone is talking about is “how can we leave here” – travel nursing, retirement, cushy outpatient private practice. why break your soul working inpatient when you could get paid x4 your current rate to inject rich housewives with botox? anyone who’s got the credentials and experience to do so is jumping ship while they still can. like hey, anti-vaxxer, you survived COVID but end up in the CVICU for a massive heart attack five years from now. fantastic, your treatment team will be one divorced veteran nurse with PTSD who hates everyone now and the three junior nurses with borderline alcoholism and chronic workplace back injuries whose nursing skills all come from virtual simulations and preceptors showing them workarounds because no one had time to actually do anything properly. and everyone, including people who are pro-vaxx, who are as sick as I am with our fellow citizens’ bullshit, seems to think that once COVID goes away, the healthcare workforce will snap back to where it was before late 2019, and it won’t!!! you will be seeing the effects of COVID in our healthcare system for decades to come, and they will be bad.


i’m angry as a healthcare worker and i’m angry as a chronically ill person who has other traumatized chronically ill people I care about. we’ve gotten to the point of, “Look, just keep all your patients alive, don’t worry about anything beyond that”, and that’s a bad standard to have! when nurses choose to be or are taught to be or are forced to be mechanics instead of healers, healthcare becomes unnecessarily traumatizing and dangerous, because the first things to go in any emergency bare-bones situation are time-consuming safety procedures, comfort, autonomy, and respect.

i have a friend who has stage 3 ovarian cancer – they got an oophorectomy/hysterectomy a month ago, and in the week that they were hospitalized after the surgery, no one changed their bedsheets once. not once! it was such a violation of hygiene and basic dignity that it still haunts them, makes them less likely to trust their medical team, and I guarantee you that not a single one of their nurses or techs even had ten minutes to change those sheets without making another patient forfeit their treatment to do so. every time they went “Okay, now I have time to change the sheets”, some other critical thing came up, it always comes up, it piles up, and so that decision to leave a young cancer patient in dirty linens was the moral one, because better that five people suffer mild to moderate traumatic psychological injuries than one person be cared for and comforted and have all their physical & emotional needs met at the expense of three people laying in their own diarrhea for 12 hours while they scream for help and the fourth having an unnoticed massive stroke because someone skipped their neuro assessment. the moral calculus is grotesque and inescapable. and i’m furious that this is the system we have, full of trauma and danger and lateral violence, a system that chews patient and worker up alike and spits them out mangled, all because of fucking money.

Source: sheathandshear

I’m sorry there’s something so funny about people trying to justify excluding [insert identity] people from LGBT spaces on the grounds that “it’s not lesbian gay bi or trans therefore it’s not LGBT” like that’s some kind of clever gotcha and not, like, an embarrassing admission that they’re incapable of thinking beyond the most literal possible interpretation of an initialism in favor of any kind of coalition building 


do you experience sexuality and/or gender in a way that makes white capitalist heteropatriarchy angry? cool, you’re family! 


idk idk I just, PERSONALLY, cannot imagine someone expressing that they, too, feel alienated and possibly even victimized by cishet society and thinking “I need to grill this person and make them prove it” rather than, like, “huzzah, another ally.” could not be me!

Source: batmanisagatewaydrug

i hate the prison abolition discussion so much, because like, whenever you actually talk to prison abolitionists about the extremely obvious problems with their opinion, it resolves with either crazy nonsense (in the communist utopia there will be no rape or murder, when prison is abolished we will simply kill rapists), weasel bullshit (sure, im a prison abolitionist, but i dont think prisons should be ABOLISHED, i just think they should be like, smaller and kinder) or the infuriating "the very fact that youre asking what we would do about rape and murder proves youre stupid and closed minded"

okay this isnt totally fair, some people bite the bullet and are like "yeah, not punishing rape and murder is worth abolishing prisons" and i can respect that


Let's use a metaphor. Say we are trying to invent waterproof fabric. Since it hasn't been invented yet, one conclusion we may come to is that it is impossible. One could bring out hundreds of thousands of examples of fabrics and clothing and have water seep right through. From this data, one might say that a quality of fabric is that water can go through it. But is that true? Karl Popper's contribution to the philosphy of science is useful here. There is no positively proving something, you have to use falsification.

What actually lets water go through fabric is that there is a big enough space between the fibres that water can fit through it. If we close up all of these, it becomes waterproof. And so, it was made and now we have it.

So too can we say the same thing about the causes of crime. There are a lot of material conditions that lead to crime just as there are a lot of holes in fabric. But this is finite, and if we get all of them then its done.

The only logical out to this is if there is some quality inherent that makes this impossible. Not much we can do about osmosis in cell membranes, for example. But is there a comparable crime gene inherent to humanity? Or is it perhaps more likely that we simply don't have the tools to close up everything yet?

In the meantime I'll be trying to close up everything I can.


but that still doesn’t answer the question? i’m for abolishing prisons but this is just another “we’ll just make crime not happen”

“we simply don’t have the tools to close up everything yet. in the meantime i’ll be trying to close up everything we can” so what do we do with serious criminals between now and, hopefully, a day where we can just stop crime from happening?


It's two separate questions. The idea that cops / prison prevent or deal with violent crime is an assumption that's finally being examined.

The problems of assault and stealing aren't solved by cops / prison - there's lots of evidence to suggest the opposite.

Punitive approaches to crime appease the idea of justice; prevention is one of many tragically ignored & underfunded sciences. There are a lot of data to suggest that meeting people's basic needs prevents a ton of crime, not just stealing, but rage & frustration & dominance crimes also.



A while ago I found a post explaining some of the points, if you need more detailed information you can search for yourself.

Source: transgenderer

Something I really don't see discussed is the intersection of ableism and fatphobia and how if you look at how fat disabled people are talked about you'll see a blatant desire for eugenics that's usually not even obscured


Think about the last time you saw disabled fat people portrayed as anything but a villain or at best a punch line


Not to mention if a disabled person is fat and uses a wheelchair or electric scooter or anything like that ppl will accuse us of just using it bc we’re lazy and our fatness is seen as “proof” that we’re just lazy

Source: bedenjoyer

the day that tumblr learns that it isn’t progressive whatsoever to shame people for being attracted to men is the day the world heals. there’s nothing progressive about shaming gay and bisexual men using homophobic tactics and spreading biphobia toward bisexual women.


you know what? shaming straight women for liking men isn’t cute either. i genuinely hope that every straight girl has a fulfilling and happy relationship. when you put the blame on women for even dating “grrr evil men” in the first place you ignore the amount of abuse that women face in relationships and you excuse the men who are misogynistic and pieces of shit by emphasizing the idea that it’s normal for men to treat women like garbage.

Source: spidermanbf

Folks, friends, y’all…. esk*mo is a slur. I understand a lot of people don’t know that, I don’t want to be a dick about it, but I’ve been seeing it in fics. Wanna write “esk*mo kisses”? Just say “nuzzled noses” or something.

I’m not here to call anybody out, it’s been in multiple fics, I’m not vague posting. This is just a psa. 👍🏻


If you could help me spread awareness about this by reblogging, I’d really appreciate it.



I’ve had this post on insta saved for sometime ❤️


[Text Description: “Hey! Reminder: Eskimo is a slur. It means ‘snow eaters’ in Cree and is a slur against Inuit . Also don’t use ‘Eskimo kisses’. It’s called Kunik. It is a greeting mostly used for family… Kunik was how I’d greet my mom and grandmother as a small child.” /TD]


Rebloging for the awareness and especially for the alternative words


And so people who are just learning this now know the proper usage: “Inuit” is plural. The singular is “Inuk”, as in “he is an Inuk”

Source: aphroditestummyrolls