Managing the earth's energy resources

Energy is everywhere around us: in the river that spins the mill wheel, in the engine of a car, in the water of the pan that we heat, in the force of the wind that spins the wind turbines… and even in our human body! A better management of the resources is crucial in this day and age and specialists in energy trading are here to help us succeed!


Green energies

Supplied by the sun, the wind, the heat of the earth, waterfalls, tides or the growth of plants, renewable energies generate little or no waste or polluting emissions. They contribute to the fight against the greenhouse effect and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. More details on

Solar energy

Solar energy

The sun's rays, trapped by glazed thermal collectors, transmit their energy (solar energy) to metal absorbers - which heat a network of copper pipes containing a heat transfer fluid.
Wind energy

Wind energy

Like the windmills of the past, wind turbines generate mechanical or electrical forces. Wind energy has genuinely become a major producer of renewable electricity.
Hydraulic Energy

Hydraulic Energy

Hydroelectricity appeared in the mid-19th century. The water is used to make a turbine drive an electrical generator. The latter injects the Kilowatt hours into the grid.


It includes three main families: wood energy or solid biomass, biogas and biofuels. These are all materials of biological origin used as fuels for the production of heat, electricity or fuels.

Non-renewable energy sources

Non-renewable energy sources are all resources that do not recreate themselves naturally or too slowly considering the rate at which they are used.

If the increasing demand for a form of energy meant that the amount of resources would no longer meet the demand, then we would be talking about exhaustion. The main sources of non-renewable energy are fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

Fossil fuels come from plant and marine organisms that lived millions of years ago. Residues of these organisms have been transformed by temperature, crustal activity and pressure. Fossil fuels, including oil, coal and natural gas, are the result of this long process. More information on

Uranium and nuclear energy

Uranium is a white-silver metal and a primary energy source. After uranium is extracted and crushed, it is transformed into fuel to fuel nuclear reactors to produce electricity.

Benefitting from renewable energy at home

Prepare the project rigorously: the phases of reflection, communication, mobilization and feasibility study are essential for a successful installation using a renewable energy source whatever you are.