Latest News for: arastu yar jung


Reunion of Hyderabad’s Arastu family: 500 members meet in US

The Siasat Daily 21 Sep 2019
Sheikh Abdul Husain Jaleeluddin Moeen-ul-Hukama Khusru-e-Deccan Nawab Arastu Yar Jung Bahadur ... Wise words of Arastu Yar jung ... Sajid Ali, grandson of Arastu Yar Jung manages the legacy left by his parents through the yearly Arastu Yar Jung lectures in Hyderabad and the various scholarships offered in his ancestors’ name at Osmania University.

Irrum Manzil: The hospitality hotspot of yore

The Times of India 30 Jun 2019
“No less a surgeon of the stature of Arastu Yar Jung, the royal physician to the Nizam VI, had performed a surgery in Irrum Manzil. Fakhr-ul-Mulk’s son Ghazi Jung, who was in the Hyderabad army, suffered from appendicitis and was operated on in the operation theatre attached to the palace.
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