Humour needs no analysis, which may be why so many clever people don’t take it seriously ...Cliff Michelmore’s favourite harness was made of meat?’ Or come on stage as The Man With The Stick, holding an enormous stick with a plastic bag stuck on the end, empty because Mortimer had forgotten to put anything inside it? The audience would shout ... .
Sports presenterFrank Bough has died at 87 (Picture. Rex). Former Grandstand presenter Frank Bough has died aged 87, a family friend has said ... Bough died in a care home last Wednesday (Picture. REX). Bough stepped down from breakfast television in 1987 to join the travel programme Holiday, taking over from Cliff Michelmore. Advertisement. Advertisement ... .
I suppose if I start fantasising about Cliff Michelmore in a sarong – he was TV's first fearless inspector of Spanish donkey rides and Venetian gondola ...
More than 50 years ago, Aberfan, a small coal mining town in Wales, was irreversibly changed in a few minutes when 144 people, mostly school children, were killed by a coal-waste landslide. What made it worse was that it was a mistake ... In an in-depth article titled "Aberfan ... {{}} ... BBC ... Cliff Michelmore was one of the television reporters at the scene ... .
The BBC broadcaster who commentated on the 1969 moon landing says he would have ruined the experience for viewers if he had obeyed orders ...Cliff Michelmore anchored all the main broadcasts, while Burke and Patrick Moore focused on the technical aspects and science of the mission in a broadcast which attracted a peak of 16 million UK viewers ... He said.
But for many who did manage to make it to the big moment, it was life-changing. Fifty years on, we speak to three people who have been contributing to a UK SpaceProject/AHRC project, MoonMemories... In the studio, James Burke, Patrick Moore and Cliff Michelmore were trying their best to keep things going without any pictures from the Moon ... .
The 82-year-old co-presented the BBC’sApollo programmes with astronomer Sir Patrick Moore and Cliff Michelmore in 1969, with special broadcasts from launch day on July 16, running through to the moment Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 20, the first all-night broadcast on British television, and its return to Earth on July 24 ... .
The 82-year-old co-presented the BBC’s Apollo programmes with astronomer Sir Patrick Moore and Cliff Michelmore in 1969, with special broadcasts from launch day on July 16, running through to the moment Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 20, the first all-night broadcast on British television, and its return to Earth on July 24 ... .