BPM: Bullets Per Minute Review in 3 Minutes Awe Interactive

BPM: Bullets Per Minute is a rhythm-based roguelike first-person shooter by Awe Interactive.

You play a Valkyrie blasting underworld minions who are invading Asgard. While you can move and jump freely, you have to dash, dodge, shoot, and reload to the rhythm of the music. Failing to do any of those actions on beat means you don’t perform the action, though there’s no additional penalty. Most guns take two or three rhythmic hits of the reload button, but certain shotguns, revolvers, and grenade launchers require a hit of the button for each round you load into it. Reload method and bullet type makes each gun feel distinct and leads to excitement when you find your favorites or something new.

While it’s not perfect, BPM: Bullets Per Minute is a blast. The joy of combat and the music you bop to are infections, and I found myself thinking about combinations of upgrades and where secrets might be after finishing each run. I recommend it for anyone interested in roguelikes, challenging rhythm games, or single-player FPS with something different to offer.

BPM: Bullets Per Minute is available now on PC for $19.99 with a 10% off launch discount on top, with console ports planned for the future.

Watch our full Review in 3 Minutes for BPM: Bullets Per Minute.

Review copy provided by the publisher. Reviewed on PC.

Jesse Galena
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