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Thu Oct 21 2021 (Updated 10/23/21)
Facebook Lies Cost Lives
On October 17, a caravan of 20 autos parked in front of Mark Zuckerberg's Palo Alto home so protesters could honk loudly and deliver a pink slip to the Facebook CEO while chanting, "Mark, You’re Fired!" The protest came on the heals of whistleblower Frances Haugen’s testimony before the Senate Commerce Committee. Haugen, a former Facebook employee, told senators the social media giant's products "harm children, stoke division, and weaken our democracy."
Mon Sep 27 2021 (Updated 10/19/21)
Bay Area Rejects Texas Anti-Abortion Law
On September 1, Texas’ anti-abortion law banning the procedure after about six weeks of pregnancy went into effect, despite the 1973 Supreme Court ruling which established a constitutional right to this form of healthcare. Reproductive justice advocates in the San Francisco Bay Area and across the country held major protests on October 2 and October 3, with the fate of Roe v. Wade and legal abortion on the line. Indybay has coverage from a dozen cities.
On September 17, protesters hung a giant banner from Wells Fargo's headquarters building on San Franciso's Montgomery Street that accused the bank of funding climate destruction. Evoking the draft card burnings of the Viet Nam war era, a protester cut up her Well Fargo ATM card. With wildfires raging throughout California and weather "events" increasing in ferocity worldwide, environmentalist groups like Xtinction Bay Area are demanding that big banks stop funding of fossil fuel development.
Members of the Yemeni-American community and world peace activists grieved on the third anniversary of the loss of 40 children whose lives were taken by a 500 pound US-made, Saudi and United Arab Emirates-led bomb. On August 8 in San Francisco, demonstrators laid down 40 pairs of shoes and 40 backpacks to memorialize each child's life. Speakers at the rally co-hosted by Yemini Alliance Committee said that the US government is complicit in the devastation to life and land as it continues to arm Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Responding to legal pressure from the Center for Biological Diversity, the federal government finalized a new rule on July 30 expanding critical habitat protection along the West Coast for critically endangered Southern Resident killer whales. The population of Southern Residents stands at just 74 orcas. The National Marine Fisheries Service designated 15,910 square miles of new critical habitat, expanding current protections in Washington’s Salish Sea south along the coasts of Washington, Oregon and California to Point Sur.
On July 20, homeless activist Dez Martinez set up a tent on the lawn in front of Fresno City Hall and invited other activists to come through. She then put out a general call for more people to come by and set up tents on July 23. On the second day only a couple of tents went up, but around fifty supporters came. They demanded better alternatives to being on the streets. One of the activists at City Hall was Gordie Ochinero-Bermudez, who recently did a 450-mile bike ride to raise money for porta-potties for Fresno’s homeless population.
Wed Jul 28 2021 (Updated 08/18/21)
Bay Area Organizing to Stop Line 3
Line 3 is a tar sands oil pipeline that violates the treaty rights of Minnesota tribes. On July 16, five activists were cited at a demonstration at the federal building in San Francisco that was organized to draw attention to President Biden's inaction on the issue. The Line 3 pipeline is a project of Canadian fossil fuel company Enbridge, to increase their exports of tar sands oil. Climate and Indigenous rights activists in the Bay Area again stood up to stop the construction of Line 3 in solidarity with a National Day of Action on August 13.
Tue Jul 27 2021 (Updated 07/31/21)
Resistance at Sausalito Camp Eviction
On June 29, the city of Sausalito cracked down with force on an encampment near Dunphy Park. Occupants joined by housing activists formed a line of resistance and shouted their demand to see a warrant. It was a tense stand-off that followed months of contention and a legal battle. Resistors fought bravely but were told their new home would have to be an area that is muddy and close to a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ debris yard, where boats are taken from the water for destruction.
Unhoused residents and liveaboard mariners of the Bay Area and the state of California converged on Caltrans headquarters on June 22 to demand District 4 director Dina El-Tawansy cease and desist from displacing people living on Caltrans land, as well as people living anchored out on Richardson Bay in Marin. Speakers and musicians elevated the voices of the unhoused at the press conference. A reenactment depicted evictions happening to thousands of unhoused and anchor-out folks throughout California.
Indigenous-led organizations and communities across California are monitoring very closely the killing of Gerardo Chavez Martinez in Salinas by the Salinas Police Department. Gerardo was an Indigenous Zapotec youth who did not speak English and had limited understanding of Spanish. When police were called to Gerardo’s home on July 16, he did not understand the commands to come out and to raise his arms. Gerardo was shot three times and murdered by police officer Mario Reyes of the Salinas Police Department.
Tue Jul 27 2021 (Updated 09/22/21)
California Oil Among the Most Climate-Damaging on Earth
Oil produced in California is among the most climate-damaging on the planet and is getting worse, according to a new report released by the Center for Biological Diversity. 'Killer Crude: How California Produces Some of the Dirtiest, Most Dangerous Oil in the World' finds that California oil emits more carbon dioxide per barrel than the rest of the global supply refined in the state. It’s now even more climate-heating than Canadian tar sands oil refined in California. The report comes as record heat and drought bake the West.
Tue Jul 27 2021 (Updated 07/29/21)
"Unite to Fight" Holds March for LGBTQ and Human Rights
In the absence of an "official" Pride parade this year, San Francisco's LGBTQ community marched down Polk Street to City Hall for the People's March and Rally on June 27. With signs, banners, and costumes, the diverse crowd of roughly a thousand people followed a custom built bus sound truck, proclaiming "Make Racism Wrong Again", and four march leaders. Unlike San Francisco's previous Pride parades, UPS, United Airlines, Apple, and other corporate sponsors were absent.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife reported on June 23 that a new wolf pack has established itself in southern Plumas County. Named the Beckwourth pack, the group of three wolves was first confirmed in May but not officially announced. Photographs of the three wolves composing the Beckwourth pack were captured on a trail camera. A preliminary DNA analysis shows one wolf is LAS12F, a 2-year-old female wolf born into the Lassen Pack’s 2019 litter.
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10/21/21 Demonstrators at Facebook CEO’s Palo Alto Home Demand Zuckerberg Be Removed frontpage | media | peninsula | california | us09/27/21 Dozens of Pro-Choice Protests Hit Northern California, Along with Nationwide Actions frontpage | womyn | central-valley | sf | south-bay | east-bay | peninsula | north-bay | california | government | santa-cruz09/20/21 Climate Protest Signs and Street Theater Shut Down San Francisco's Montgomery Street frontpage | environment | sf08/17/21 Activists Set Up Tents and Demonstrate for Alternatives to Being on the Streets frontpage | health-housing | central-valley | government08/17/21 15,910 Square Miles of Critical Habitat Added to Existing Salish Sea Protections frontpage | environment | sf | peninsula | north-bay | north-coast | california | us | animalliberation | santa-cruz08/17/21 Yemeni Community Holds Memorial for Children Killed in US-Saudi Bombing in 2018 frontpage | antiwar | sf | us | international07/28/21 Construction of Tar Sands Oil Pipeline Violates Treaty Rights of Minnesota Tribes frontpage | environment | race | sf | california | us | santa-cruz07/27/21 Report Finds CA Oil Emits More Carbon Dioxide Than Global Supply Refined in State frontpage | environment | california07/27/21 Dead Whales Washing Up on Bay Area Beaches Is a Wake-up Call environment | sf | california | animalliberation07/27/21 Photographs of 'Beckwourth' Pack Captured on Trail Camera frontpage | environment | central-valley | california | animalliberation07/27/21 People's March and Rally Returns in Absence of Pride Parade in San Francisco This Year frontpage | lgbtqi | sf
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The Inner Sanctuary and The Uprooted Generation Roland Rottenfusser and Niocolas Riedl Sat Oct 30th 7:21am
The Shortwave Report 10/29/21 Listen Globally! Dan Roberts Thu Oct 28th 9:48pm
The Humanity Simulation Vandana Shiva and Kerstin Chavent Thu Oct 28th 7:35am
The Different Types of Female Genital Cutting Daniel Rold Tue Oct 26th 5:12pm
The Collapsing American Military Paul Craig Roberts (1 comment) Mon Oct 25th 4:15pm
The 1.5 target calls for an eco-socialist revolution Hans Rackwitz Sat Oct 23rd 8:43am
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