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More about the station
WRFU "Radio Free Urbana" 104.5FM is a low power FM station in Urbana Illinois.
Our programming features an eclectic mix of talk and music chosen by local, community, volunteer members of WRFU. Each radio show is run by a collective.
We recently got a lovely email saying: "I'm a local musician. I'd like to thank you for your dedication to music and to the community! I hope you realize the healing that you do for our culture."
To learn more about all the WRFU shows: see the list of current shows
To browse past shows: archived recordings of (some) past shows
To get involved: contact WRFU's volunteer station manager: wrfumanager at ucimc dot org or show up at our monthly meeting! [You might notice that the email address is readable so that we can reduce the spam.]
Monthly Meetings:
When: 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00pm.
Where: During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are meeting virtually. email wrfumanager (at) ucimc (dot) org to get the zoom link.
[In person meetings, when we go back to them, are held at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center / 202 S. Broadway Ave Urbana IL. go through the shared lobby with the Post Office and enter the IMC venue space by going through the red double doors.]
To Become a WRFU member and support us financially: Join WRFU
To Join the rfu email list: send an email to wrfumanager(at)ucimc.org
To ask other questions: also write to WRFU's volunteer station manager, [email protected] dot org
To Submit a Public Service Announcement: see PSA and how to submit one
To start your own radio show:
- Write up a proposal with the 5 W's: Who, What, Where, When, and Why. You'd write up something about the purpose of the show, who would do it, a show title, how long you'd like the show to be (an hour is common, though shows run from half an hour to two hours), whether you'd intend to do shows live vs. pre-recorded (either is possible), things like that.
Choose a time: There's a mix of available times - you can browse the week's schedule and choose an open time: http://wrfu.net/
- Weekday daytimes are pretty much wide open.
- Weekday early evenings (5pm-8pm) are fairly busy but have some open slots.
- On weekend days, there's a 1:00-2:00pm Saturday show ("Union Edge") which hasn't happened in a while, so you could probably take that.
- You will need to become a Member of the IMC ($50 per year, or $25 for low income)
- You will also a need to become a WRFU member (an additional $25/year, though if that's a hardship then something might be worked out).
- Bring the proposal to the next WRFU meeting or send the proposal to wrfumanager @ ucimc (dot) org
- Once your show is approved, you will be trained by the WRFU volunteers.
- And the fun begins! Here is a link to help you get creative with your show's introduction: https://www.cloudrad.io/radio-intros . Great exits are also important.
Thanks for visiting WRFU 104.5FM
Here's the current weekly lineup of shows: