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RBA signals end of easy money

Interest rates will rise sooner than expected, but that isn’t reflected in equity markets that are yet to include the less bullish scenarios in the bond market.

  • Tony Boyd

RBA edges closer to rate hike

Governor Philip Lowe has acknowledged underlying inflation had picked up quicker than expected and signalled rate rises could begin earlier than forecast.

  • Updated
  • Ronald Mizen

Australian dollar eases after RBA fights back hawks

The Australian dollar fell back after the Reserve Bank warned hawkish markets that a cash rate increase in 2022 was unlikely.

  • Cecile Lefort

Lowe says ‘Australia is different’ on interest rates

Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe thinks Australia can resist the global inflation forces caused by supply chain disruptions and labour shortages.

  • John Kehoe

Why does the RBA even bother forecasting interest rates?

While Tuesday’s RBA move looks messy, forward guidance is one of the central bank’s most powerful tools in a world where interest rates are already at zero.

  • Michael Read

‘A difficult choice’: Lowe kills off yield curve control

Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe has ditched yield curve control, but claims it was not a decision forced by the market.

  • Jonathan Shapiro

RBA must give up predicting the future

The damage done to the Reserve Bank’s credibility shows why indulging in forward guidance on interest rates is a bad policy tool.

  • Warren Hogan

RBA starts weaning property market off ultra-cheap debt

By abandoning its yield target, the Reserve Bank is tacitly condoning the lift in short-term bond yields, which are already reflected in higher costs for fixed rate home loans.

  • Karen Maley

Philip Lowe Q&A: RBA governor on rates, migration, house prices

RBA governor Philip Lowe discussed whether wage growth is achievable, what effect migration might have on the outlook, and whether it will step in to curb house prices.

  • William McInnes

RBA’s new messaging has ‘bought it more time’

The RBA’s decision to scrap its forward guidance has given it more flexibility, economists say, and an ability to stay dovish in the face of a rowdy bond market.

  • Alex Gluyas

Bond traders ramp up bets on ‘big shift’ in global monetary policy

Investors are increasingly testing central bankers’ insistence that elevated inflation will be fleeting.

  • Tommy Stubbington

Inflation expectations point to accelerating wages growth

Evidence of elevated inflation expectations highlights that wages growth is climbing, while consumer confidence rebounded to its highest level since July 2021.

  • Alex Gluyas

This Month

Big bets are coming due for Westpac and the RBA

Peter King is yet to convince investors he has the right approach and Philip Lowe is struggling to make the market have faith in his 2024 timetable for rate rises.

  • Jennifer Hewett

RBA should not be pressured to pay dividends: economists

A possible recapitalisation of the Reserve Bank’s balance sheet would not stand in the way of its newfound role as a policy tool of last resort.

  • Cecile Lefort

RBA rate rises to boost bank profits

Interest rate rises in response to inflation would boost the profit margins of banks and be partly underwritten by the RBA if borrowing costs rise before 2024.

  • John Kehoe

Bankers stand to win, and lose, from rising interest rates

The country’s bankers have mixed feelings as they contemplate the growing willingness of central bankers around the world to tighten monetary policy to curb rising prices.

  • Karen Maley

Retirement of RBA’s ultra-loose policy hinges on inflation upgrade

Tuesday’s board meeting is shaping up as a history-making event, with the RBA readying to plot a retreat from ultra-loose monetary policy settings.

  • Cecile Lefort

Why rate rises could cost the RBA and government billions

Economists say the Reserve Bank could be forced to scrap its multibillion-dollar dividend to the government and may require a capital injection from Treasury.

  • John Kehoe


Reserve Bank fronts pressure to dump bond yield target

The battle between the RBA and markets over a timeline for cash rate hikes is expected to lift a gear at Tuesday’s monetary policy meeting.

  • Tom Richardson

Why the Reserve Bank may need to be recapitalised

The central bank does not have sufficient capital if it is to increase rates any time soon.

  • Grant Wilson