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Australia’s vaccine-led escape from the gilded cage has begun

NSW and Victoria are now showing how other states - including WA - can safely start to rejoin the world as soon as their vaccination rates catch up.

  • The AFR View

RBA rate rises to boost bank profits

Interest rate rises in response to inflation would boost the profit margins of banks and be partly underwritten by the RBA if borrowing costs rise before 2024.

  • John Kehoe

Education establishment fails the curriculum reform test

Bureaucrats and academics stubbornly hang on to education practices and pet ideas that have no basis in evidence.

  • Glenn Fahey

How Morrison stifles carbon market forces

If the federal government can’t do anything constructive on climate change, it should at least get out of the way of those who can.

  • Craig Emerson

Why rate rises could cost the RBA and government billions

Economists say the Reserve Bank could be forced to scrap its multibillion-dollar dividend to the government and may require a capital injection from Treasury.

  • John Kehoe

Frydenberg warns on ‘downside risks’ from China

The Treasurer says the slowdown in the Asian nation’s economy and construction sector poses a danger to Australia, particularly on demand for iron ore.

  • John Kehoe


Why the Reserve Bank may need to be recapitalised

The central bank does not have sufficient capital if it is to increase rates any time soon.

  • Grant Wilson

China’s falling factory activity a sign of economic woes ahead

Manufacturing activity contracted by more than expected in October, hurt by persistently high raw material prices and softer domestic demand.

  • Reuters

Amazon’s low-cost model challenged by higher wages

The e-commerce retailer mushroomed during years of stagnating US wages. It appears to be no match for a tight labour market.

  • The Lex Column

10 long reads for this weekend

The week the global inflation story started to get real; the 27-year-old who’s made $170 million out of Oodies; and everything you need to know before you fly overseas.

  • Andrew Burke

The week inflation started to get very real

Prices are rising at petrol stations, on construction sites, at supermarket checkouts and throughout supply chains, and wages pressures are everywhere.

  • Ronald Mizen

Reserve Bank’s chance to start getting rates back to normal

Inflation shocks and a bond market revolt provide the stage for the bank to start walking back its forward guidance the cash rate will stay nailed to the floor until 2024.

  • The AFR View

The worst for retail sales ‘is now behind us’

Commonwealth Bank card-spending data for the weeks following the lifting of restrictions showed a strong rebound was under way.

  • Ronald Mizen

Young Rich List: prosperity meets purpose in our land of opportunity

The 2021 The Australian Financial Review Magazine Young Rich List directly links promoting business-led prosperity to social purpose in a unique and innovative way.

  • The AFR View

ECB holds line on inflation after ‘a lot of soul-searching’

The European Central Bank still maintains that price spikes will prove temporary – even if they last throughout next year.

  • Hans van Leeuwen

US posts weakest growth of recovery on supply woes

Gross domestic product expanded at a 2 per cent annualised rate following a 6.7 per cent pace in the second quarter.

  • Reade Pickert

Even the RBA is having trouble retaining staff

The Reserve Bank of Australia is struggling to retain staff as young, bright economists and analysts find the grass is greener outside 65 Martin Place.

  • Ronald Mizen

Climate change could make home loans more expensive

Regulators and a leading banker have warned climate change could push up home loan interest rates.

  • John Kehoe

Cormann pushes Morrison government to adopt carbon price

New OECD data shows Australia lagging wealthy economies in pricing emissions, as OECD boss Mathias Cormann pushes the Morrison government and other nations to adopt stricter carbon pricing.

  • John Kehoe and Jacob Greber

Bank of Canada accelerates potential timing of rate hikes

Canadian policymakers could be ready to lift borrowing costs as early as April, as supply constraints limit the economy’s ability to grow without fuelling inflation.

  • Theophilos Argitis