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Jennifer Hewett


Jennifer Hewett

Jennifer Hewett is the National Affairs columnist. She writes a daily column on politics, business and the economy. Connect with Jennifer on Twitter. Email Jennifer at


Global dance aims for a domestic target

Scott Morrison is determined to sell Australia’s ‘commonsense position’ on everything from climate change to submarines. His target is always domestic and aimed at voters in marginal seats.

This Month

Big bets are coming due for Westpac and the RBA

Peter King is yet to convince investors he has the right approach and Philip Lowe is struggling to make the market have faith in his 2024 timetable for rate rises.


World leaders playing to different audiences in Glasgow

Scott Morrison has his lines on climate change on endless repeat. For the government, Glasgow is the full-kilt rehearsal for an election campaign on the ‘Australian Way’.

Sex, lies and ICAC phone taps

The #MeToo era has changed the rules since Monica Lewinsky’s sexual relationship with Bill Clinton, but the combustible combination of sex and politics is still scorching Gladys Berejiklian.

Class action lawyers in the fight of their lives

The Morrison government wants to curb the returns to litigation funders and lawyers in class action lawsuits but the industry is gearing up for a fight.


Morrison’s ‘magic pudding’ climate plan plays bluff with Labor

Scott Morrison believes he now has the plan he needs to sell to the electorate on climate change, trusting in his own political instincts to find the Opposition’s jugular.

Telstra joins Team Australia on China

Telstra would have no interest in Digicel without the federal government’s prodding and the generous taxpayer funding that allows it to proceed.

Morrison seals climate deal, but doesn’t satisfy critics

Scott Morrison was beset on all sides over climate policy but has struck a deal with the Nationals. He is still being challenged by many Liberals to be more ambitious, though.

Hybrid work is the way of the future

Any return to the office is still likely to allow more people to work from home at least a few days a week as part of the new fashion for hybrid working.

Morrison wants net zero, then fight another climate war against Labor

Scot Morrison has to manage fractious Nationals to deliver the Coalition’s climate change policy, but he is banking on still waging climate wars in the seats he needs.

Australians need a PhD in ‘borderology’ to figure out the rules

The confusion over domestic borders and travel is mirrored in uncertainty over immigration levels once Australia’s international borders open up.

A jagged tear in the sterling reputation of ‘Saint Gladys’

Former NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian will be interrogated by ICAC. It’s another example of the blurred line between the personal and public interest in politics.

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Daniel Andrews takes a political exit route

Daniel Andrews says Victoria and NSW are now “closely aligned” and will increasingly operate as one zone while other states pursue their own divergent COVID-free paths.

Morrison forced to fight the last war on climate change

Rebel Nationals are complicating Scott Morrison’s ability to sell a climate change policy that will keep the lights on, costs down and jobs and investment up just in time for Glasgow.

McGowan’s ‘safe’ state ripe for legal challenge, but it’s a long shot

Mark McGowan has no interest in Western Australia rejoining the rest of the country as other states borders reopen. That’s provoked backing for a High Court challenge.


Energy crisis darkens door to the last chance saloon

The likelihood of a deal with the Nationals now suggests the Prime Minister will go to the Glasgow climate summit. But the energy crisis in Europe makes for a perfect political storm.

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Step aside for a brave new world of energy

The political stalemate in Canberra isn’t stopping business or state governments from accelerating their own changes in energy use in order to reduce emissions.

Business turns up the temperature on Scott Morrison

With the Glasgow climate summit looming, the Prime Minister is under new pressure from the Business Council of Australia to announce stronger targets for emissions reductions by 2030.


Frydenberg’s gamble to cut the cord for business

The Treasurer is confident Australia’s economic rebound will be as strong as it was pre-delta. But the decision to cut off business and household support payments once vaccination targets are reached will test that conviction.

Surging energy prices create perfect storm for PM

Demand and prices for coal and gas are surging just as Australia is trying to finalise plans for decarbonising its economy. What’s the story?