Tim MurphyCompte certifié


I write about national politics and sinkholes for . tmurphy@motherjones.com

Inscrit en novembre 2008


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  1. il y a 3 heures

    “In this season — I don’t know if I’m supposed to say this — but at one point he has a UTI infection.” Another episode, still waiting.

  2. a retweeté
    il y a 10 heures

    Two Halloweens ago, my wife & our daughter saw an NYPD cop drive the wrong way and hit a kid. Then cops lined up and arrested a bunch of Black boys who were trick-or-treating. I just checked on the case. No cops have been disciplined.

  3. il y a 4 heures

    kendall careening toward uncut gems

  4. a retweeté
    il y a 6 heures

    Very on-brand that the MSG network is playing an 80s Billy Joel concert

  5. a retweeté
    il y a 6 heures

    “How do you do, fellow kids?” Steve Buscemi (actual Steve Buscemi)

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  6. il y a 6 heures

    celebrating jerry remy, like everyone else, by rewatching the "here comes the pizza" clip

  7. il y a 17 heures

    "Gounardes is pushing a bill that would require automakers to create crash test ratings not simply for occupants of the car, but also for those outside the vehicle"

  8. il y a 17 heures

    "By Thursday evening, according to data released by City Hall, thirteen thousand city employees had received a first dose this week...'More than 1,000 first-dose vaccine shots were provided to our members today,' the police commissioner, tweeted Thursday"

  9. a retweeté
    31 oct.
  10. 31 oct.

    feels like "just throwing to the cutoff guy" is an inefficiency

  11. 31 oct.

    on the other side of the ledger we have Dusty Baker and his very strong october aesthetic.

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  12. 31 oct.

    lol it is just very easy not to root for this team once the crowd starts doing that thing

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  13. 31 oct.

    the Mitford family wikipedia page is quite busy

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  14. 30 oct.

    ...and a new Boston team formerly known by various dumb things but also the "Somersets," swooped in and took the old name but changed it into a both singular and plural word that doesn't exist, but which is nonetheless far preferable to "Braves"

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  15. 30 oct.

    the Braves were the Boston Red Stockings, which they picked up after the Cincinnati Red Stockings folded and then changed to the Red Caps after the Cincinnati Red Stockings came back, and then the Cincinnati Red Stockings became the Reds, and then the Red Caps changed their color

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  16. 30 oct.

    general impression of michigan football fandom is "vaguely Job-like?" and this is not really dispelling that

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  17. 30 oct.

    my advice? continue making mark zuckerberg the spokesman for your product.

  18. 30 oct.

    marine insurance/army air corps reconnaissance; rancher/miner/cement plant worker; soldier/miner/farmer; advertising salesman; raising lots and lots of children

  19. 30 oct.

    would've had this michigan game on earlier if I'd been informed it was a Gus Game

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  20. 30 oct.

    "about half my employees are willing to sacrifice their livelihood for a weird facebook cult. that doesn't reflect on me at all—actually, it's your fault."

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