Emma BOOOOlden


House Is an Enigma, Maleficae, medi(t)ations. Fellow. Best American Poetry. A-EIC , Ed. . Rep'd by at .

가입일: 2008년 3월


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정말로 이 트윗을 보시겠어요? 트윗을 봐도 @emmabo 님의 차단을 해제하지 않습니다

  1. 29분 전

    my furby is an honor student

  2. 7시간 전

    (this is the tweet that most exemplifies my writing process in case you were wondering)

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  3. 7시간 전

    oh shit i'm apparently writing an essay wtf

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  4. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 12일

    A friendly reminder: The supply chain is full of challenges. So if there are books you want before the holidays, PLEASE visit your indie bookstore ASAP to place an order or ask for recommendations. You'll have your gifts and bookstores will make it through this critical season.

  5. 8시간 전

    if i finally give in and read trust exercises, how much of a nervous breakdown am i going to have? this is a serious question

  6. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    9시간 전

    so did we get regular captain kirk or evil captain kirk back

  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 12일

    David Lynch's DUNE had Patrick Stewart's Gurney Halleck carrying a pug in the field of battle. Denis Villeneuve's adaptation does not. Let that sink it.

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  8. 10시간 전

    my favorite show is the doordash tracker

  9. 10월 12일

    nothing describes america better than the part in every drug commercial where they say not to take the drug if you’re allergic to it.

  10. 10월 12일

    how will this differ from how i currently read poems, i'll leave that up to you

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  11. 10월 12일

    from now on i'm only reading poems in the cadence folk/psychedelic singers used in the 60s. also i will be monumentally stoned.

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  12. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 12일
  13. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 12일

    Sure sounds like Big Government trying to tell Small Business what they can and cannot do

  14. 10월 12일

    ghosts are just boneless skeletons

  15. 10월 11일

    if i am honest i spend the first 30 minutes of every cult documentary worried that i might accidentally join a cult

  16. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 11일
    님에게 보내는 답글
  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 11일
    님에게 보내는 답글

    💯💯💯also my book comes out this week if you're into spooky ghosts and ghouls who can't take a hint & go haunt someone else.

  18. 10월 11일

    if you’re looking for a good monday afternoon activity may i suggest preordering books

  19. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 11일

    The govt identities today as Columbus Day, so I’m sharing my Columbus villanelle. Thanks to for publishing this poem last year on Columbus Day. ()

  20. 10월 11일

    great british bake off is comprised of 5% delicate sponge and 95% pure glistening seratonin


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