
Should I count the run if I die in the end cutscene after time stops? by Great_Heep in speedrun

[–]Great_Heep[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

unfortunately in this case I am the entire community. happy to share my notes on the game if someone else wants to learn lol. the point about it being more interesting makes a lot of sense tho, refilling on o2 is really just a detour that adds nothing of interest to the run either routing or tech-wise. It doesn't really add anything to the experience to keep it in.

Should I count the run if I die in the end cutscene after time stops? by Great_Heep in speedrun

[–]Great_Heep[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The cutscene is first-person real-world but you lose all control after the boss dies.

The Titans Draft in Game 3 by AlexTheGreat1997 in smitepro

[–]Great_Heep 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Interesting take on the Titans' thought process. I wouldn't be surprised if they had some issues tunnel-visioning into specific gods and matchups, that would certainly explain things like the AMC pick. The one that still doesn't make sense to me is the Erlang Shen. Who would look at Panitom's performance in game 2 and go, "well, thank god he isn't playing Erlang, or we would have been in real trouble". Either ban Erlang and Gilga if you're that scared of the carry-killer warrior jungle, or use the ban for something else. Get rid of Ronny's Yemoja.

Without rewatching the set, the biggest thing that sticks out to me is the raw amount of displacement and disruption the Leviathans drafted, and how little the Titans did to counter it. Based on my limited SPL watch time this year, the Titans like to use non-losing lane matchups to stay even until late, pick up one good fg fight, and win. They can usually get away with that because of their incredible mechanics and patient, safe play (think Paul's infamously conservative positioning).

Problem this time around was that the Leviathans are just as good if not better mechanically, and they drafted in such a way that they could force picks even if the Titans were playing safe. Even with the world's best positioning and relic usage, if Yemoja and Gilgamesh want to kill you, they'll kill you. Too much displacement and space control. The Titans didn't have any good tools for counter-initiating or slowing down the deathball. I think they had the right idea with the Ganesha, but they needed more. I would have liked to see them pick up Hun Batz to scatter the heavy groupings, and maybe somebody like Xing in solo for the extra peel. Xing's good vs. double hunter too.

End of my Rope Trying to Find a Power Metal Song that Was Playing at Work by Great_Heep in PowerMetal

[–]Great_Heep[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks boss, sounds like fun! I like their sound from the bit I've heard so far and I don't mind things wandering in other metal-genre directions. I'll give it a shot.

[TOMT] Power Metal Song by Great_Heep in tipofmytongue

[–]Great_Heep[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Mystery solved by the good folks over at /r/powermetal. Turns out I remembered pretty much everything wrong but I got pointed in the right direction eventually. Song is Unleash the Archers - Awakening

End of my Rope Trying to Find a Power Metal Song that Was Playing at Work by Great_Heep in PowerMetal

[–]Great_Heep[S] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Holy hell you're absolutely right, it is indeed "Awakening" by Unleash the Archers, thank you so much, this has been bugging me all week! I guess this just goes to show how easy it is to misremember things when you try to play something in your head over and over again. I got the lyrics wrong, the gender of the vocalist wrong, and there isn't exactly much of a breakdown in there anywhere. Chorus lyrics still sound like "stand against" on a relisten though, can definitely see how I got that wrong. Thank you guys so much though, super impressed that y'all managed to get it with how wrong I was on pretty much everything. Found some great music along the way too, I really need to start expanding my Power Metal playlist.

End of my Rope Trying to Find a Power Metal Song that Was Playing at Work by Great_Heep in PowerMetal

[–]Great_Heep[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hmm, also unfortunately a no. As best as I recall the song in question didn't drop to half-time headed into the chorus. Y'all are recommending some quality music though so ty for the help.

End of my Rope Trying to Find a Power Metal Song that Was Playing at Work by Great_Heep in PowerMetal

[–]Great_Heep[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I'm listening through some more stuff and something like Helloween's March of Time is very much in the right ballpark stylistically. Driving double-kick but not a blastbeat, clean vocals, soaring chorus, not an excessive amount of chorus/strings/chanting or narrative interludes. On the plus side I have to say I'm finding some pretty kickass music while I'm looking for this mystery song

End of my Rope Trying to Find a Power Metal Song that Was Playing at Work by Great_Heep in PowerMetal

[–]Great_Heep[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Male vocalist, tending more towards a cleaner Dragonforce sound than a grittier Sabaton-esque style. Relatively short guitar solo I think, more on the 1-2m level than an absurdly long shredfest. I can't remember exactly how much there was in the way of guitar shenanigans outside the solo, I'm mostly a drum guy. The only thing that stuck out hard to me was that breakdown after the 2nd or 3rd chorus, I just feel like I don't usually hear full-on tempo-drop breakdowns in this kind of music too often. Barely any background in Power Metal besides half a playlist of Sabaton and a little bit of Powerwolf and Rhapsody so I could be wrong.

[TOMT] Power Metal Song by Great_Heep in tipofmytongue

[–]Great_Heep[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Fits in with their stuff musically but the lead vocals didn't sound anything like Sabaton at all. Higher, cleaner, less "growly".

[TOMT] Power Metal Song by Great_Heep in tipofmytongue

[–]Great_Heep[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Definitely not Run to the Hills, just finished listening to Number of the Beast and doesn't sound like anything off there. Had a more upbeat, positive "epic" feel than most of the Maiden stuff I've listened to, again closer to a Blind Guardian or Rhapsody of Fire or something. The song I'm looking for also had double-kick pretty consistently throughout, drums were moving a lot faster than anything in Run to the Hills.

How to get my players to be more proactive instead of reactive? by Great_Heep in DMAcademy

[–]Great_Heep[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I can certainly give that a try. I'm just worried they'll say, "Yes, give us the open world, we want to explore it" and then keep doing the same things (the same has happened with a few other issues I've brought up).

I guess if they do that, there's still nothing stopping me from quietly taking it as a "no" and putting the game back on rails. Talking is at least the best first step, I suppose.