126 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi,

    Do you review CDs?

    If so… we’re working on a new EP
    Would love to get you a copy.

    Let me know, thanks!



  2. Absolutely – my forte is the 80’s New Wave and Post-Punk, but I would definitely be willing to write a review about your CD. Thank you for stopping by and let me know if you are still interested.

    All the best,


  3. Miss Parker,
    How did you find out about Abecedarians in FL of all places? (I may’ve have grossly underestimated their success.) I’m sure they never played there. (My wife’s from FL and I know seeing bands off of the mainstream, and not local, in FL was tough as many bands didn’t tour pass through there.)

    Enjoy the blog. Great work!

    Also, I’d like to make a comment on a posting of yours but I’d rather do it off-blog. Would you contact me on email?

    Best, Deiter


  4. Hi,
    my name is Massimo Discepoli, and I’m a musician from Italy, producing my own music under the Nheap moniker.
    I’ ve just released my new album, Skymotion, whose music is a mix between jazz and electronic, ambient and avant-garde, experimental and melodic.
    Let me know if you’re interested in reviewing it

    Best regards


  5. I’m a Floridian living out West. Really dig your blog. I just released a rock and roll web comedy series which I think you’d like. Its ‘Flight of the Concords’ meets ‘Weird Al’ on crack. Enjoy!

    The Rock Vlog Ep. 1 – “Morrissey’s Melancholy Music Vlog”

    The Rock Vlog Ep. 2 “Danzig’s Vlog Of Death”

    Thanks for watching 🙂


  6. Hi Miss Parker!

    I read the above comments and was wondering whether you would be interested in a promo for my debut release? I’ve been described as post-punk by a few people.

    Let me know if you do and I can arrange a copy being sent your way!

    Kind regards from Scotland

    Alastair – Deathpodal


  7. Not sure what if anything you know about The Stabilizers, but this song above haunts me to this day. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only album they released, and the only single. I’d be curious what you think of that song, since you’ve already discussed so many of my other faves. (omg, the Alarm? Icehouse, Icicle Works [Chop the Tree is still my fave]…)

    So many of your 80s unsung bands are bands in my record collection. If nothing else, you’ve reassured me I’m not crazy: This stuff really WAS good, even if I was the only person who liked it.

    Thank you for what you’ve done here. Oh, and thanks for reminding me of Pop Goes the World. Brilliant song to this day, and a sure cure for depression…

    “Every time I wonder if the World’s alright… End up in some disco dancing all night.” Go, Ivan.


  8. OK…so now you’ve gone and done it….you have me hooked! What a great sound – definitely 80’s….a hybrid of many of the styles I’ve discussed to date. It leaves me wanting to hear more. I am definitely going to be on the hunt for info/music from The Stabilizers. Watch these pages for a criminally underrated feature because, by golly, this band should have had much more exposure.

    I can’t thank you enough. This is what makes the Interwebs a happy and fascinating place. People from all over can gather to share and discuss things (like music) that add another dimension to their lives.

    And crazy? No. You are a person of very good taste, I’d venture. Life got in the way of my enjoyment of many of these musical gems. I am so grateful for a chance to go back in time and relive what I missed the first time around. And very thankful for people like you who call my attention to great, underrated music.

    Happy New Year!


  9. Can you please help me find contact information for Gary’s management. I’ve been trying for a long time to find details so I can seek permission from for a project I have on hold.

    Many thanks



  10. Hi Mike – I assume you are speaking of Gary Numan? I suggest you go to his webpage and send him an email through the contact page there. I have corresponded with his father, Tony Webb, previously, but he has since retired (and rightfully so – he has been at it for a long time!). Numan’s official website is located at: http://www.numan.co.uk/ and click on the email link. Good luck!


  11. Dear Mr. Kints,

    I apologize for using your property without permission. I didn’t find this picture on Flickr – I know better than to use pictures from that site.

    I have, however, given you credit for the picture in the the post. Please see here: https://raveandroll.wordpress.com/2009/11/21/80%e2%80%99s-music-rules-criminally-underrated-artists-bands-fad-gadget/

    The credit appears just before the video links.

    Thank you for your understanding, and all the best with your fabulous photography.



  12. I have a song I found that I once asked you to locate 🙂 Would you like me to mail it? Care to send me an email,Miss P, as my system crashed and your addy is long gone (:

    Hope you’re doing well these days, oh, and thanks for the Breeding Ground.That was a treat!



  13. In your blog post about Gary Numan you list his more “recent” albums and then state “and the latest, Dead Son Rising”. I don’t think it’s out yet or even will be in some time… (the latest info says late summer, early fall, but it just as well might be next year)



  14. Hi Milla – thanks for your note. I realize it hasn’t been released yet, but there are some promo materials out there, as well as reference to it on Numan’s official site. I felt that it doesn’t hurt to generate some pre-inerest in the forthcoming LP, but will clarify in the article.



  15. Hey MP…great blog. Thanks for pulling the Breeding Ground trivia out of the air tonight in the Mar Theatre…



  16. Hi Miss P! I just came across your great blog – how can I send you an e-mail about upcoming rock and roll art shows in San Francisco?


  17. Hi Nikki,

    Thank you for the kind words. Unfortunately, I live about the farthest away from San Fran as possible – in SoFla. I also don’t advertise on my blog…other than to direct folks to where they can buy music from my “Criminally Underrated” features.

    Anyone that sees your comment and wants to click your link to dicover what you have for sale can be my guest.


  18. Hey Sonja,

    I replied earlier, but it seems to have disappeared. I wanted to thank you for the kind words, the link, and to let you know I’ve linked back to you. I browsed your blog – love it! The posts are heart-felt and I can relate to much of what you have written. 🙂

    All the best,


  19. Hi MissP,

    Love your blog!

    I’m writing to tell you about a new free download, a live track from a band that’s been around for a while, made some rock ‘n’ history, and is currently sounding better than ever — THE CULT. Recorded live, Oct. 1, 2010, “White” is available via a free download widget at


    The widget is hassle-free: I hope you’ll consider embedding it the blog so your readers can download the free track, which happens to be a rather great chunk of powerful hard rock. Sounds almost epic with the volume up. (“Textured metaphysical rock music for the contemporary music head,” says frontman Ian Astbury.) You can copy the embed code for the widget by clicking “share,” then “copy embed” on the share panel.



  20. Abcedarians – I was doing some research and you seem to know a lot about these guys. I don’t recall the name of the song, but I know some lyrics: “Stare through the window, listen to the rain fall down…” and “but it happened only yesterday, tippped my hat and waled away…”

    It has been 20+ years and I can’t get the song out of my head. Do you know this song (great bass) and if yes, where oh where can I get a copy? Thanks!




  21. Hi pjmh – thanks for stopping by. The song you’re referring to is “Ghosts” from the AB-CD album. I’ll see if I can get permission from John Blake to share this with you – if so, I’ll be in touch through the email addy you left.


  22. I’ve been trying to locate a CD containing the song I Want You Back by Sherry Kean, but I’m not having much success. I know it was released on Retro 80’s Vol 6 Pure Canadian, but I can’t find that CD for sale anywhere. Has this song been released on any other CDs?

    The Pure Canadian CD was mentioned in the comments for this blog entry of yours, which is how I found your blog.



  23. Hey DB – give me a little bit to do some research, and even ask a few people. I promise to get back with you one way or another via the email address you listed. Thank you for stopping by!



  24. DB – I sent you an email – let me know if you haven’t received it. My email client is acting up. Thanks! xo


  25. Hi,

    I came across your blog recently and I thought it was fantastic. I’d like to submit the recent independently released album Pinion by my band, Figurehead, for your consideration. The album can be previewed and downloaded for FREE in its entirety at our Web site, http://www.figurehead.net.

    The album is of note in part because its songs actually predate the band’s official formation way back in 2004. Though it’s only been released recently, the sound of the record is definitely rooted in the 80s post-punk sound and heavily influenced by bands like The Cure, Joy Division and Bauhaus, among others. Pinion was inspired by a DIY ethic and represents an effort to make a big record in a bedroom. The record has just received 3.5 (out of 5) stars from the NWshoegazing blog (http://nwshoegazing.wordpress.com) and the song “Idiot Savant” from Pinion appears on a just-released Vibrato 11.01 compilation by NWshoegazing.

    Thanks for your consideration, and please let me know if you need anything from me!



  26. Hi Jason,

    Thank you for the kind words. I’m on your site now listening to your music and it’s, in a word, *fabulous.* I hear a lot of Abecedarians influence, as well as the unmistakable “shoegaze” genre, which, besides 80’s New Wave/Post-punk, is an absolute fave of mine.

    Thank you for the opportunity to listen to your music. I highly recommend it to anyone who is a shoegaze fan. It’s expertly crafted, highly listenable, and extremely relevant. Please keep in touch and update us on what’s going on! I’ve linked to you, and wish you all the best.



  27. Miss Parker! Been a long time and I apologize. My puter was acting up and I am just starting to get my old stuff back on as I remember it. Glad to see you are still advocating 80’s music. When is the big chat night on your chat room? CYA!



  28. ((((((((Willy))))))))) – great to see you again! Thanks for dropping by. Ed Cook’s chat night is Tuesday from 8 pm until 10 pm. Hope you’ll come by to visit!



  29. Hello Miss Parker,
    Cool site. Hey, I just put out my book, 33 Days, about my L.A. indie band, Divine Weeks’, first tour in the summer of ’87. It’s really a coming of age story/rock memoir. Any interest in reviewing it for your blog? We were on Steve Wynn’s Down There label, and you can hear samples of Divine Weeks’ music on my website: 33daysthebook.com.



  30. Hi Bill! Yes, I absolutely would be interested – it fits in perfectly with the 80s music theme. Just checked in over at your site, and will plan to return soon. Thanks so much for asking!



  31. There’s an excerpt of the book on the book’s website, and I’m happy to send you an ebook version of it. Here’s the video for Divine Weeks’ song In The Country (For Jim Carroll) featured on MTV’s “120 Minutes.”


  32. Thanks again! I’ll send you my email address via the one you registered with. Can’t wait to view the video…I’m listening to David Marsden’s show at the moment (and transcribing the playlist), but will definitely give it a listen tomorrw.



  33. Hey MissP!

    Came across your blog on a ruthless internet promotion binge, and thought you might enjoy hearing our new EP, as we’re unabashedly new-school new-wave (if such a thing exists!)

    we’re “The Colour Thirteen” – now firing up for a full album this summer as well as live shows in the LA area (and… perhaps… beyond…)

    Feel free to check it out (and download for free… just enter $0 when you check out) here:


    Hope you enjoy it!

    (and Nick)


  34. *Fabulous* music – enjoying it now. Thank you for the information and please keep me posted. It’s an electronicaphile’s dream!



  35. Hello! I just discovered your show tonight on my way home from work! I really love it. I did a google search and stumbled upon your blog. I must say that I really enjoy reading what you have to say..I noticed that on your previous shows, you happened to play some Spoons songs. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but they have a new album out – their first in almost 23 years. It’s called ‘Static in Transmission’ and it is quite good. I would say that it is their best album since their classic Arias and Symphonies. Anyways you can get it at pretty much every good music store or on iTunes. I would highly recommend it. Anyways, your show is awesome! Keep up the great work and if you could, please play more Spoons. Check them out at http://www.thespoons.ca ! Have a good night!


  36. Hello Miss S – thank you for the kind words. Yes, I know about the Spoons’ new CD. David Marsden has been playing tracks on his Saturday and Sunday night shows on 94.9 The Rock.FM. It sounds like a fabulous CD, and I plan on getting a copy soon. Cheers!


  37. Hello: I am an old acquaintance of Richard Cubbons way back in Scarborough in the 80’s….I remember he use to skate around Toronto in a mad scientists jacket. I have been in contact with a mutual friend (Evan Taylor of Blibber and the Rat Crushers)
    who suggested I make contact with Richard ( I am an analog fiend). Thanks! John


  38. Hello Miss P –
    Would you be interested in hearing Simple Minds’ Jim Kerr’s first ever solo album? Let me know I’ll send u a link ( I need your email addy for that – perhaps you want to interview him? Let me know)




  39. Thanks for making up the playlists of The Mars Bar. I have listened to him since 1978 and love his free form style.


  40. Just watched that Abcedarians YouTube clip and enjoyed it much. Electropop is not my thing really but I did enjoy that tune. Also, I really liked your video accompaniment–very very well done.


  41. Come across your blog looking up the new Numan album. What I’ve heard of it is very good, as is the review, so going to pick that up soon.

    Here’s the (shameless) plug for Neurotic Wreck mood music for mood swings – synth noise and blurry ballads

    Not sure it’ll ALL be to your taste, but hopefully the synth poppier tracks (the first and last ones, Stay, Carry You Home and Snow / Your House) will do something!


  42. Hi D Shea,

    Thanks for stopping by. I’m sure a lot of people will assume it’s just the “fan” in me, but in all honesty, Dead Son Rising is a brilliant collection. The more I listen, the more I want to listen. The layers of each song are amazing.

    Thank you for the music recommendation – I’m always looking for something new to catch my ear. I’ll be sure to check it out.

    Again, many thanks and Cheers,


  43. would you be interested in a rational youth 30th anniversary cdep? there’s also reissues by monty cantson and cham-pang. where do we send music?


  44. Great blog on 1 of the most innovative musicians of our time – Gary Numan. I heard “Are Friends Electric” as a small child but never knew the title or who the artist was until I walked through Camden Market one day and heard that song being played from a guy who was selling c.d. compilations. Blew me away cuz that particular song kind of put me in a trance whenever I heard it 🙂
    By the way, I’m an ol skool raver from the 90’s. Got an e-book based on the scene coming out shortly! Check out my blog when you get the chance:




  45. Thanks so much Frankenraver. I will definitely check out your blog when I get home from work this evening, and look forward to your memoirs.

    Love your recollections of “discovering” Gary Numan. He is finally getting the critical acclaim once again that managed to escape him all these years. It’s wonderful to see him being recognized both as an influence and as an innovative musician.

    All the best to you!


  46. Hi MissP,
    It appears you have great taste in music. If you’re interested in post-punk, gothic rock or psychedelic folk noir then you might be interested in The Mad Pride. The music has been likened to David Sylvian, Bowie, Pink Floyd, Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen. It is also Creative Commons (hence completely free). There are 34 free mp3 downloads (3 albums) on the facebook and reverbnation pages. All the best either way. 🙂


  47. Hi Rowan! Thank you for the kind words. I can’t wait to check out your music. Thanks, too, for that opportunity!

    All the best,


  48. Hi MissP,
    I’d just find your blog doing my internet research to promote the first new EP (Giallo) from my band Deadly Blvd. Strangely, I heard about Gary Numan for the first time and I listen to it. I find is music really great, I’d just listen to his first stuff, but I will listen the progression of all is career over the years for sure. I don’t know why I’d never hear about him before. Thanks for the discovery. Anyway, if you are interest, I’d love if you could give a listen to my music. You can find it for listening and free downloading on bandcamp : http://deadlyblvd.bandcamp.com

    Best regards,


  49. Thank you for your comment, Martin. I certainly wish you all the best. And yes, I highly recommend that you check out Gary Numan, both his early and later music. He is the biggest influence for electronic music, often referred to as the “Godfather of Electronic Music.” He still records brilliant music 34 years later, and is winning over the critics who have slagged him off over the past two decades. xo


  50. Please help us by blogging aobut this!

    Dark wave band from Los Angeles featuring Christopher Hall and Johnny Haro, the lead singer and drummer from Stabbing Westward and guitarists Nick Quijano (American Headcharge, Rikets) Rich Jazmin and Martin Kelly from Living Dead Lights on Bass guitar.

    The new album “PUPPET” was released on 11/1/11 on EAR/ EMI records and features a guest vocal from the Birthday Massacre’s CHIBI! and piano by Jinx from Black Veil Brides! The new album is an intense blend of metal/ Alternative Rock / and electronics definitely taking you back to the Darkest Days era Stabbing Westward. The first single is called Every Trace hear it on a rock radio station near you!! hope you like it.

    please blog about liking us on facebook:


    Music video for Every Trace:

    the website:


    please help us out by spreading the word about our unique blend of industrial and rock!


    Nick Quijano

    (guitarist of The Dreaming)


  51. Hey MissP! It’s jason v from Figurehead again. I wanted to personally invite you to check out my latest project, Turbopause. It’s got a little different flavor from Figurehead, but I’m really proud of it, and I think you’ll enjoy it. As always, it’s free to listen to and download. We just released a 6-song extended EP via http://turbopause.com. Thanks so much, and keep up the good work! -jason v


  52. Hi Jason – great to hear from you! Can’t wait to check out the new music – thanks for thinking of me. All the best! xo


  53. Hello Miss Parker. I’m looking for this song so I now know it wrong on your playlist for March 10/12 Song ; An Englishman in New York. It is performed by Godley & Cream. Not 10cc. For me now the fun starts trying to find the album. I had not heard it in so long!!! Have to Love Marsbar!!
    bty, Nice website!!


  54. Hi Greg – Duh me, that was an error on my part – thank you for the correction! Hope you have luck finding it – let me know! All the best, MissP xo


  55. Hi Miss Parker, I was excited to find your site as I’m working with a modern pop/electronic musician named Francis Bowie who has a strong new wave influence. I’d love to send a download link and info your way for Rave & Roll consideration. Feel free to email me if interested in listening! Thanks for your time,


  56. Did someone say “Bowie” and “New Wave” in the same breath? Of course I would love to listen. I’ll be in touch later this evening. Thank you! 🙂


  57. Hello Miss parker, I am on a mission! I am looking for any information on Red Sun Horizon. I have tried many searches and am now informed why the sun is red in the morning!! Not helping!! I’ve heard it many times of David Marsden’s show. Anything would be apprieciated. Thanks and keep up the good work.
    Great site!!!


  58. Hi Greg! Red Sun Horizon is actually two members of Slave To The SQUAREwave ~ Rob Stuart and Colin MacPhail. That’s why they sound so spectacular! Hoping this helps – Cheers! xo


  59. Hello,
    I’m Dan Shea, currently the only member of Neurotic Wreck, a synth-pop influenced post-dubstep act based in St Helens, in the middle of the North West of England overshadowed by far more interesting neighbouring cities. I’m trying to promote my free download mini-album Leave Tonight: Mixtape Part 1 with contributions from two up and coming producers Crystal Eyes and Korean chillwave act Dazed Marrow. I’m not trading on their names…til they “make it”. Then I might.

    I can appreciate why you wouldn’t want to wade through a full mixtape so here’s the track most people I’ve played it to have marked a standout:

    Thanks for reading and thanks even more if you actually like it and feel like writing about it, or even if it moves you to slag me off please do so as the worst thing I can think of is to be mediocre as opposed to awful or really good. I appreciate you probably get a fair bit of stuff sent your way, but trust me this is only the beginning. Just needing a bit of a push and sending it to people who are as passionate as I am and know what they’re talking about (and aren’t afraid to express that opinion before a consensus is formed)…well, it seems like a good way of doing it, doesn’t it?

    Dan Shea


  60. Hello.

    My name is Chris, and my musician alias is Python Blue. I am a budding instrumental musician with emphasis on ’80s and ’90s-style music, and was wondering if you are willing to critique an album I am trying to promote known as Prison of the Mind, a mostly-instrumental album covering those decades.

    If you do not have the time to review the whole album, here is one of my personal favorites: a cover of one of Gary Numan’s rarest instrumentals.


    Thank you for your time. If this isn’t the material you’re looking for, a push in the right direction would also be appreciated.

    Thank you again.

    Chris Day


  61. Hi Chris,

    You’ve done an excellent job covering Gary Numan’s “Red Sky” from the soundtrack album Radial Pair. I have to make a comment about the overview you’ve written on your website. Gary Numan is far from a “one-hit-wonder” scoring major hits with “Are Friends Electric” and “Down in the Park” in addition to “Cars.”

    Also, Radial Pair is clearly a transition from the dance music he experimented with into the industrial/goth genre he’s perfected ever since. In fact, Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) cites Gary Numan as an influence, not vice versa. Numan has blazed trails for other musicians who end up getting credit for what he has been developing and perfecting for many years.

    All the best to you in your musical endeavors. I think you have a great future ahead of you.

    Miss P


  62. I can’t seem to find an email address for you, so I’ll try reaching you here? I thought you might like this video — Nathalie Archangel’s first since 1987’s “Mr Perfect For Me.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qMBX2X3WFQ If you don’t know Nathalie, that’s reason No. 2 why I’m writing. She is my fave singer ever (released an album on Columbia, then one on MCA, feat. duets with Howard Jones and Frankie Valli), and is at last releasing new music (new album next week!). Everyone should know her name, but since they don’t, I’m trying to help spread the word. If you’d like an interview, yell. 🙂


  63. Hi there,

    Congrats for your blog. We are hosting an event that you might be interested in.

    On Wednesday 8th May’13 ditto is incredibly privileged to host a private screening of groundbreaking musician Thomas Dolby’s award winning short film ‘The Invisible Lighthouse’, with Thomas performing the film’s musical score & narration live.

    A ghost from Thomas’ past, the recent decommissioning of the Orford Ness Lighthouse inspired him to revisit this childhood landmark and capture its mysterious splendor. The result is an exploration of not just the lighthouse, but of his own childhood memories.

    Free spaces are limited, so to ensure you can join us at this private event at our studio in Islington N1, please contact us now at campfire@ditto.tv


    ditto tv team


  64. I’ll allow your comment to be viewed because I believe Thomas Dolby to be an incredibly gifted artist. Thank you for the information.


  65. trying to get you some info on newly digitally released music from very obscure 80s new wave band Blue Clocks Green for this incredibly wonderful site…but i can’t find another way other than this. sorry.


  66. No apologies needed…I just previewed some of your music on YouTube and think you have a great 80’s sound. All the best for your digital release!


  67. Was looking for a song recently played but notice it’ not listed anywhere; another Marsden “find” – Kelley Stoltz: Are You My Love.


  68. Hi MissP.
    Hoped you might be interested in our new single ‘Tears’, which has its feet firmly planted in 80s New Wave/Post Punk. Hope you like. 🙂



  69. Venus In Furs has a new release Blue; it is scheduled for digital distribution on May 29.

    I have provided some samples here: https://soundcloud.com/michael-t-nolan. I hope you would check it out.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    About Venus In Furs:
    Edgy and electronic, Venus In Furs blends a full band with synthesizers and vocals. The live shows are an event with dancing girls and dark, electronic rock. The band has shared the stage with many acts including: Killing Joke, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, Nine Inch Nails, A Perfect Circle, Sponge, Violent Femmes.


  70. Hi MissP:

    I represent to SEXORES, a Shoegaze/Dream Pop band. Recently, we released our new album “Red Rooms” with the Italian record label COYPU RECORDS, and we are interested in being reviewed by your page. We are open mind, and we receive any opinion, as long as it helps us to grow. Thank you for your time, I will write you down the links where you can listen to the whole album online.

    Spotify: http://bit.ly/29NlIGF
    Bandcamp: http://bit.ly/29Sn25L

    Looking forward to your response.


    Emilia B.


  71. Hello MissP,

    Love this blog, it covers so many great artist. Truly amazing work.

    My name is Albert Bevia, I am a Indie Rock singer-songwriter from Spain, influenced by The Smiths, The Cure and Echo & the Bunnymen.
    My debut album ¨You.¨ will be released on October 15, 2016 via itunes and Amazon. It would be an honor and a privilage to get a review from you.

    Here is a soundcloud link where you can stream my debut album:

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Albert Bevia


  72. Hello,

    I’m a journalism student writing about rising interest in 80s music for people born after that decade. Would you be willing to answer a few questions about 80s music in general and if you’ve seen this trend?

    Thank you,
    Erica Yee


  73. Hi,

    My name is Alex Goetz, currently going by the stage name LX&R. I recently released a single called No Dreams that was largely inspired by new wave and post-punk sounds of the 1980s and was wondering if you would be interested in listening to it and/or posting it on the site.

    SoundCloud link:

    Thank you so much!


  74. Hi Alex – thank you for sharing that with me. The track is fabulous. Do you anticipate any other tracks to accompany it? If so, please let me know when you release them. Thank you!


  75. Hello, I’m trying to make my friend’s music known in the world, he recorded these two songs (among others) back in the 80’s, and when he showed them to me I got so inspired I had to make videos for them. I’m wondering if you could help me promote them on your page. Enjoy! 🙂


  76. hi

    i’d like to draw your attention to a new zürich band, who just released their first album (a free download) and have made a video (directed by ana hell, whose ‘secret friends’ went viral earlier in 2016): perverts in white shirts

    the video:

    the album: power to the sheeple:

    thanks for your time!
    with kind regards


  77. Hello,

    I love your site! I am a Duran Duran archivist, writing with hope that my new book on the band’s concert memories could be of interest to your audience, especially as DD’s tour continues this year. It would be an honor to have your attention.

    The Music Between Us: Concert Ads of Duran Duran links rare handbills and promotional adverts with memories from shows around the world, essentially celebrating the DD live experience and what it means to be a fan. Something everyone can relate to.

    I would be happy to send a pdf of the full book content if a review is possible. I appreciate your consideration very much and look forward to hearing from you.

    All my best,

    Andrew Golub

    Durandy Productions, LLC



  78. Hello Mark, and thanks for your comment. I went to the website and I absolutely would be honored to review JJWTHF. Beverley’s voice is amazing and the clips I listened to…the arrangements are fabulous. Thank you! I’ll email you my email contact info.


  79. Pingback: 80s (and sometimes 10s) Music Rules ~ Criminally Underrated Artists/Bands ~ Beverley Beirne | Rave and Roll Blog

  80. Hi there, LiiN’s debut album – Users – is influenced by a lot of classic 80s synth sounds. If you would be interested in reviewing would be great to send a copy.

    Liked by 1 person

  81. Did someone say “80s” and “synth” in the same sentence? Yes, indeed, I am interested! Thank you for contacting me. I see your web page has previews of the songs. I will make time to listen this weekend. Again, many thanks, and cheers!


  82. Miss Parker, Hi, I was looking for a particular band, ran across the title of your blog (uncovering 80’s obscurity) and thought I would give you a try. All I have is loose memories, but there was a band right around the years 1983-85 that had several songs that hit the charts but I’m not sure if they ever broke the top 40. I have very little clues to go by so I apologize, but one memory is a music video of them playing in a factory. Another clue is that they actually had as one of the words in their lyrics was the word “Israel”, which is unusual. Again, I apologize for the vagueness, but out of curiosity (and it bothers me that I can’t think of them), I have looked everywhere, so thought I would try. Thanks for your time,


  83. Yep, That’s it. Don’t know why I didn’t think of that. They didn’t have any “One hit wonders”, but had several popular song and it looks like they only broke the top 40 with one or two, but they still had a lot of air time in the 80’s. Thanks much. Have a good one. J

    Liked by 1 person

  84. Between 1978 and 1983 I had a band called Wow Federation. We were based in Oxford playing a kind of
    Post punk pop with mutant disco leanings. We liked The Pop Group, The Contortions, The Monochrome Set but also Odyssey. We released one single. This year New Reality Records out of Leicestershire released ‘Roccoco Pop’
    An album of recordings from that period
    Looking at your wonderful blog I think you are going to like it

    I’d love to hear your thoughts
    Millree Hughes New York


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