Rachel Hamm (Republican candidate for Secretary of State in California) #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

“We were staying at a hotel, and my parents were staying here with our children. And… I am a prophetic dreamer. That means I see things through my dreams before they happen, God speaks to me through my dreams and shows me things. So I wake up in a [inaudible] hotel and I have just had a dream that someone has tried to break into my home, murder me and light my house on fire.

“OK so I wake up and - poough! my heart’s beating, I’m sweating. So I wake up and I pray. And I use my authority in Jesus’ name and say ‘No, no-one is going to break into my home or murder me or light my house on fire or hurt me in any way, in Jesus’ name’. I pray, and I do what I know to do, and I get a piece and I go back to sleep.

“I wake up in the morning and I call home and my mom says, who’s standing right here, ‘You are not gonna believe what happened last night. You know the witches, the self-proclaimed witches who live two doors down? Well someone broke into their house, murdered her and lit the house on fire’.”

Bud_Spencer #dunning-kruger #wingnut forum.literotica.com

Terry McAuliffe, Imbecile

This has got to be seen to be believed. It's hard to understand how base, dishonest and idiotic this man truly is:


Insanity begets insanity...

I'm not going to tell you what it is, just that it's racist to even ask and anyway, no one is teaching it despite all the unions vowing to protect all the teachers teaching it.

No one can define it first of all.

First of all, CRT is actually quite well-defined, with a number of books on ithaving been published over the last 30 years or so. Second, it's not quite the point to say they aren't teaching it, because to teach it would open it to objective study and criticism. What is being done is CRT's assumptions and methodologies are being introduced to students without them even being aware of it. As such, lies are taken as axiomatically true.


Through the adaptation of CRT's assumptions: the USA is irredeemably racist and all of its institutions are shot through with racism. This is being taught as true in schools today. It's also taught that any disparity in favorable outcomes is due to racism solely....the passage about "subtle dynamics" is tautological eyewash that means nothing.

"CRT" is never mentioned, but all of its precepts and assumptions are treated as fact when they are nothing but ideological hokum.

CRT is anti-West, as evidenced by this passage from Delgado and Stefancic:

“Unlike traditional civil rights, which embraces incrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law.”


I cited Delgado and Stefancic for my contentions, two high priests of CRT. And you? No one. If you'd like, I'll provide more citations from even more CRT boosters.

Corey Goode #ufo #magick #conspiracy spherebeingalliance.com

There are a lot of stories of ET Groups coming into our solar system to remove the Orion Group and liberate our civilization. These stories will have to bear fruit at some point. What happens in December when the Sol System is still not liberated and nothing has changed? It amazes me, as I have said over and over, no matter how much I prepared the mass consciousness of the fact that it is our mess to clean up and that we had been tricked into believing stories of salvation from angelic races doing the work for us.
These nanotechnology components were self-assimilating machines that came together inside the body of its host after a certain frequency was broadcast. Their population had built out a very large infrastructure to relay signals from the nanotechnology in those who had been implanted. What wasn't shared with the wider population was that this new infrastructure (similar to 5G) broadcast signals that prompted the components within their bodies to assimilate into nanite machines.

Micca also told us that after this historic change occurred on his planet, the Zulu began to appear and begin helping the people heal and find their way back to spiritual practices that would bring positive growth and healing to his people. Micca told us that the Orion Group had used their own consciousness against them and had tricked them into creating religions with their own versions of Hell (three versions on his planet). After the Zulu showed the people how they had been deceived and interfered with spiritually, they were introduced to the concept of ONENESS and their true power.
Since these events took place before the solar flash in their solar system and their mass consciousness attained a certain level, the solar event was anticipated without fear. Micca's people were liberated from the Orion Group and the AI gods' agenda. With the Zulu guidance, Micca's people settled into their transition and now exist in the harmony of 4th Density.

I cannot emphasize enough that there will be no Angelic ET's coming to our rescue or aid until we step up to do our part. Stories of humanity's liberation by saviors may be comforting, but they prevent us from individual action to secure liberation on our terms.

Pepe Escobar & Vladimir Putin #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut asiatimes.com

The world according to Vladimir Putin

Russian president, in Sochi, lays down the law in favor of conservatism – says the woke West is in decline

The plenary session is the traditional highlight of the annual, must-follow Valdai Club discussions – one of Eurasia’s premier intellectual gatherings.

Vladimir Putin is a frequent keynote speaker. In Sochi this year, as I related in a previous column, the overarching theme was “global shake-up in the 21st century: the individual, values and the state.”

The re-alignment of the balance of power presupposes a redistribution of shares in favor of rising and developing countries that until now felt left out. To put it bluntly, the Western domination of international affairs, which began several centuries ago and, for a short period, was almost absolute in the late 20th century, is giving way to a much more diverse system.

Putin made several references to freedom, to family – in his case, of modest means – and to the importance of education; he heartily praised his apprenticeship at Leningrad State University.

In parallel, he absolutely destroyed wokeism, transgenderism and cancel culture promoted “under the banner of progress.”

This is only one among a series of key passages:

We are surprised by the processes taking place in countries that used to see themselves as pioneers of progress. The social and cultural upheavals taking place in the United States and Western Europe are, of course, none of our business; we don’t interfere with them. Someone in the Western countries is convinced that the aggressive erasure of whole pages of their own history – the “reverse discrimination” of the majority in favor of minorities, or the demand to abandon the usual understanding of such basic things as mother, father, family or even the difference between the sexes – that these are, in their opinion, milestones of the movement toward social renewal.

Made in Heaven (“Lolipill is the Ultimate Truth”) #racist #crackpot #wingnut incels.is

JFL If one is offended by racial slurs, they simply hate their own race.

I've been visiting some Asian cope subreddits just to see how they think, and it's adorable how much self loathing Asians and Hapas have for themselves. Constant bitch fits between Asian men and Noodle whores chasing white cock. It made me realize something, that these people deep down all hate themselves and want an outlit for their anger. And they also hate being REMINDED of the race they were born into.

Why DOES an asian get angry at being called a slot-eyed manlet? Is that not what they are? An ethnic slur is just a reminder of what race one is. If one is offended by being REMINDED of their race, this just means they hate themselves. If someone called by a Turkroach or Sand Nigger I would not GAF since I am proud of my race. Meanwhile, call an African a Nigger and he will chimp out, call an Asian slant eyed and he will seethe, call a Hispanic a manlet and he will fume, call an Indian a dicklet and he will cry.

The truth is because these are all undesirable traits. Negro bones ARE ugly. Asian eyes ARE ugly. Being a manlet IS ugly. Being a dicklet IS ugly. You're seething because you're being reminded of your own subhuman genetics.:feelshaha: There's a reason there are no genuine ethnic slurs for Aryan people. How the fuck are you gonna make fun of someone with golden hair and sapphire eyes? How the fuck are you gonna make fun of someone with firey hair and emerlad eyes? How the fuck do you make fun of people with skin white like the rays of the sun or pink skin like the shine of a ruby?

[several young light-skinned children with various hair colours; file names identify them as Kurdish]

Fyi, this is also why ethnic-passing Europeans, like Anglos, Italians, Iberians, and Greeks ALSO hate being reminded of their lower rank in the whiteness heirarchy. The people below may be European, but they are still ethnic.

[several South European men, including a news article about a Cosa Nostra boss being arrested]

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut adrenogate.net

Let me catch you up. Princess Diana(in an annoying voice) never existed. She was played by Elton John’s husband David Furnish, who may very well be the real father of both William and Harry for all I know. She never died in that tunnel in France “[sic]as the Paparazzi snapped photos of her dying on the pavement” as they will sensationally claim in the tabloids. As you can see, Mr. Furnish is looking very healthy and lively and is very much alive carousing the world with Elton John and Camille A’Fayed. He looks a lot like William to be honest. The Royals are a crock of Lizard shit.

Enjoy the gossip though. It’s OK to gossip so long as you’re learning the truth about Diana at the same time.
SATURN SERPENTS EXPOSED part 2- THE FAKE CROWN OF ENGLAND – PRINCESS DIANA FAKES HER DEATH – Mark Alan King is King David Reborn and Dirty Diana knows this

PRINCESS DIANA FAKES HER DEATH and Changed her gender – she is now David James Furnish

PHOTO With so called Princess Diana with guy NAMED MARK KING !!! This is a satanic ceremony photo

All of this was discover with Gematria and of course the Holy Spirit and Almighty GOD YHWH !

Alexandra Bruce/Miles Guo #conspiracy #racist #wingnut forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Chinese billionaire dissident, Miles Guo says the quiet part out loud, as he describes the CCP’s vaccine plan to conquer the West.

Guo, who lives in exile in New York is the financier of the Chinese Whistleblower Movement, which broke the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop and which publishes the GTV.org and GNews.org websites. He has been correct so far in his assessments of the progress of the CCP’s Unrestricted Warfare campaign against the US.

He says the goal of vaccinating the militaries of the West is to wipe them out so China can take over and once these militaries are vaccinated, the campaign to get everybody vaccinated will end and an “antidote” will be offered that won’t save the lives of the vaccinated but it will stop them from shedding to others.

“What the CCP wants the most is to have the troops get vaccinated. Once they get vaccinated, the US military will collapse and the CCP will triumph.

“After the US troops are vaccinated, I tell you the vaccination against the CCP virus will basically be near the end…Especially when Wall Street, Hollywood celebrities, the White House and the troops are vaccinated, I can assure you there will be no vaccination issue.

“The people implementing the vaccination are soon to be finished. Those who are pushing the vaccination behind the scenes will likely have achieved their goals. Vaccination will no longer be pushed, and the antidote will be certainly offered. The antidote will pop up.

“What is the antidote for? It’s not to heal the damage brought by the vaccines, it’s to prevent you from transmitting the virus instead of a remedy for the vaccines.

“Those who were vaccinated are sentenced to death. The antidote for the vaccines is still in the hands of the CCP. Since the CCP wants you to die, how would they offer the antidote to you?

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Degeneracy And Degenerate Themes Among Female Musicians As An Increasing Trend/WHY WOMEN ARE DESPICABLE"]

I have been noticing these past few years, some of the horrifying Music which is being produced or otherwise re-arranged by many Female Musicians

I am not talking about “Modern Music” per se, the Degeneracy in the Modern Music is nothing new, and I understand it and where it stands

I am talking about Women behind Classical Music and other styles

And this is not about just American girls either, these are girls WORLDWIDE who are making some of the obnoxious Music and performing works of very respected Artists, and I’ve seen such girls who do this hailing from countries such as Lithuania, Georgia, and elsewhere

For one, these Female Artists seem to be obsessed with introducing Feminist and Political Messages in their Albums, and also cater to audiences which follow their Feminist and Political Values

A lot of these Musicians also seem to pursue “Jazz”, as Jazz is known as a Degenerate Music style, and they will try to introduce Children’s Music, Rock Music and other styles and incorporate it in the most haphazard, cringy and also distasteful way with the Jazz Music
I remember growing up listening to Female Musicians of all kinds, and even through the 90’s and maybe a bit into the 2000’s, I’ve never heard what kind of garbage is becoming a thing now around Women who play and sing Music
Women are becoming an increasing liability and danger around us, and despite what any Man’s opinion may be on a meatbag that is a pleasure to look at, that meatbag is destroying our civilization and the future of having future pretty meatbags to look at and have our way

It is the biggest error that Men of certain Nations, such as the English, Celts, Viking and Americans have done in the Liberation of Women, making them “equal” and giving them “rights”

Various TERFs #pratt #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: A transgender woman filed a discrimination complaint alleging she was denied admission to an assisted living facility | Maine Public (https://www.mainepublic.org/courts-and-crime/2021-10-21/a-transgender-woman-filed-a-discrimination-complaint-alleging-she-was-denied-admission-to-an-assisted-living-facility?_amp=true)

( IrishTheFrenchie )

but an administrator denied her admission because of a concern that she wanted to stay in a room with a female roommate.

There is no age when men stop raping women.

( Srfthrowaway )
Yup. You know this man would have also demanded female PSW for intimate care.

( Pugsnotdrugs_411 )
On the slightly less nefarious spectrum of entitlement, he could just be doing this solely for validation purposes. But I guarantee it's because he wants to flex his power over women and god forbid, because he wants to commit a sex crime.

( ProxyMusic )
This is the next frontier in the march of the invading trans tyrants. Trans orgs have been "training" people involved in running LTHCFs and home health agencies for a number of years now. It's part of the strategy of making inroads in areas where the persons being encroached upon and put at risk are those who are most vulnerable and least able to fight back - kids in school; women in prisons; women in shelters & rape refuges; women acutely ill in hospitals; elderly, infirm and disabled women in nursing/care homes & rehab facilities, or who rely on health aides & helpers in their own homes.

( bellatrixbells )
Ok so let me get this straight. This elderly man needs to be housed in an assisted care living facility and demanded a female roommate for validation purposes. That was denied because females deserve their dignity and privacy, so now he's suing the state for a human rights violation ?

This guy is basically suing a state for not letting him violate the privacy of women.

Doesn't make any sort of difference that he's dressed up as a mock woman for years. I wonder if he dumped a wife and kids to live his fetish full time ? "Oh, but he's been using women's facilities for years" So ? He shouldn't have been doing that in the first place. Fuck him.

BTW OP next time you upload a link with a misgendering title, I suggest you change it to proper pronouns :) I wondered who was she-ing this man hahah

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick bennettleeross.com

The moon is an artificial satellite
Used to run artificial negative frequencies

It is embedded with sound waves in a primary octagon pattern
That produce a lunar matrix of artificial magnetism
To manipulate and harvest human souls

Corporate logos are intentionally designed
For immersion in the lunar matrix geometry propagation
Which is called the Black Cube

Our education system is infiltrated
With control narratives and manipulation tactics
Such as the fake Darwinian evolution timeline

These fabrications are designed to indoctrinate the population
Into a slave class

Cloning operations is an expression of spiritual warfare

Burning Man is where entities feed off of the energy
Of the approximately 60,000 spellbound attendees

Through hypnotic music drugs chants colors and invisible electrical currents
The great fire will sear like a brand
A message into each person
Stealing souls

Water holds information and memory
Thus the electromagnetic transmission of DNA genetic information in our body
Is carried through water

Water is meant to be a natural and powerful healing force

The 12 sided icosahedron shape and its frequency
Can be easily used to instantly purify water

When the high powered beams of CERN
Is directed towards the ionosphere
It will affect the weather

The change in the ionosphere will also affect peoples minds

CERN can also be used to harvest souls

We are in a very high potential growth cycle

The negative entities who control the human leadership
Have called for a great blood sacrifice
In a great planned reset

The level of betrayal is prevalent
In the hidden war over consciousness!

Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon dinarchronicles.com

On Fri. night 22 Oct. President Trump was expected to board Air Force One in preparation for the Global Currency Reset and return of 209 countries to gold/asset-backed currencies.

Sat. 23 Oct. would be an important date: the Emergency Broadcast System could come out.

Sat. 23 Oct. Tesla Free Energy would kick in and go through the present power lines. Cost of your former electrical bill should drop by 75%. The Military was already using Tesla Free Energy.

Also on Sat. 23 Oct. Bond Holders (handled out of Reno, Zurich, New York, Texas and Hong Kong) would receive a percentage of their accounts.

Sun./Mon. 24. 25 Oct: President Trump would tweet “My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon Us” and then he would begin to send out on the Emergency Broadcast System, seven Presidential Messages to phones and TV sets worldwide.

Mon. 24 Oct to Tues. 2 Nov. Ten Days of Darkness was slated to begin while the world went into full Martial Law.

During this Ten Days of Darkness all militaries of the globe and via the US Military, would shut down all media, Internet, phones and TV programming.

For ten days 100% of The People would be asked to remain indoors so the Military could make Mass Arrests and broadcast 10 days of 3X8 hour sessions of video confessions, Military Tribunals and evidence of scandals.

While this was happening the Military would be removing governments worldwide and making global arrests on 500 thousand indictments filed in federal courts across the nation and globe.

GESARA/ NESARA would be activated.
Charlie Ward was the official spokesperson for the Quantum Financial Team. It was Ward’s team that moved 650 plane loads of gold from a 150 mile tunnel (that ran from Switzerland to Israel) beneath the Vatican to the proper owners – the US Treasury and treasuries of other countries. He said, “They’re not in any hurry. They’re making sure there are no mistakes.”

The White Dragon Family Elders have cut off giving credit, or monies, to the bad guys.

Death Cult Award

joy pullmann #fundie #psycho thefederalist.com

For Christians, Dying From COVID (Or Anything Else) Is A Good Thing

Christian teaching diametrically opposes the underlying theology pushed in popular COVID narratives. That’s true despite the appearance generated by the majority of Western churches prioritizing obedience to men instead of to God by shutting themselves down over COVID-19. Doing so contradicts numerous clear commands of scripture.

It’s a mark of the weakness of the Western church that more church leaders have not proclaimed this to the world by now. They’ve left standing for basics of the faith to the far too few strong pastors such as John MacArthur and Mark Dever. Let’s go through a few of these clear biblical teachings that even this theologically basic laywoman knows thanks to parents who read the Bible to her growing up and excellent pastoral instruction since then.

God Decides When We Die, Not COVID
For one thing, Christians believe that life and death belong entirely to God. There is nothing we can do to make our days on earth one second longer or shorter: “all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be,” says the Psalmist. “For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s,” says Saint Paul in Romans 14:8.

For another thing, for Christians, death is good. Yes, death is also an evil — its existence is a result of sin. But, thanks be to God, Jesus Christ has redeemed even death. In his resurrection, Christ has transformed death into a portal to eternal life for Christians. What Satan meant for evil, God has transformed into good.

Sincera/Pleiadean Family #crackpot #ufo #magick pleiadianfamily.net

Gaia (i.e. Earth) is a multidimensional being.

“Dimension” here means two things:
a) vibrational density;

b) level of consciousness.

The relation between a) and b) is that of correspondence.

In her material form, Gaia has four layers of vibrational densities.

Following are the nine levels of the flow, with respect to humanity:

The 9D is the first-level manifestation of Galactic Consciousness, the first movement of the galactic womb energy, the one-in-all and all-in-one state; the 9D doorkeepers are human intelligences in the galactic core—the central sun, Ra.

The 8D is the realm of primal division of dualities, featuring rudimentary structural forms of Galactic Consciousness; the 8D doorkeepers are human intelligences in the Orion constellation.

The 7D is the realm of sound and harmonics that can generate geometric patterns in 6D; the 7D doorkeepers are human intelligences in Andromeda, a twin galaxy to the Milky Way.

The 6D is the realm of numerical and geometric forms—the mathematical morphs (the Platonic ideas, so to speak); the 6D doorkeepers are human intelligences in the Sirius star system.

The 5D is the realm of beauty and love—the artistic morphs (the flesh-and-blood level of Platonic ideas, so to speak); the 5D doorkeepers are human intelligences in the Pleiades star cluster.

The 4D is the realm of concepts, symbols, and archetypes, angels, demons, and spirits—an astral zone; its doorkeepers are astral lights, whom you call “angels.”

The 3D is the realm of dense matter, home of organic and inorganic things in space-time; its doorkeepers are Gaian humans.

The 2D is the realm of elemental spirits (i.e. earth, water, fire, air, and ether); its doorkeepers are the reptilian powers, whom you call “dragons.”

The 1D is the realm of Gaia’s inner sun, the source of planetary energy, the Root Chakra of all life forms; its doorkeeper is Gaia herself.

Silvana Falon #fundie facebook.com

They tell you that we are spinning through an expanding space. God says in Genesis that His Creation is finished.

They tell you that Earth is tilted on an imaginary axis, they are indirectly telling you that Earth bows to or reveres the Sun. God says not to worship the heavenly bodies!!

They tell you you're living on a ball (Baal). God says He is sitting upon the circle of the Earth (the circle is a flat shape).

We are in the end times, if you don't begin to believe God before alleged human science, you don't know where you're standing on.

1 Tim. 6:20. O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.

Vox Day and John Bradley #psycho voxday.net

[From "Pillow Time"]

Another hit from Boomer Patrol! You can hear it at Soundcloud

Pillow time
Open all the drawers and press it down onto your face
Pillow time
All the lights go out now with a gentle hand on a pillowcase
Pillow time
One last breath preceding death, there’s nothing left that you’ve got to fear
Pillow time
You won’t go to Heaven, but you can’t stay here

I know who still thinks they’re really great
I know who taught all of us to hate
I know who I want to suffocate
And send very far away

Pillow time
Time for you to go to back to the nothing you used to be from
Pillow time
This one won’t be over ‘til you feel comfortably numb
This isn’t paralepsis, it’s time to hit the exits
There’s no need to pretend
Pillow time
Every generation is another generation’s end, yeah

I know Boomer is a metaphor
I know what they have to answer for
No one wants to see them anymore
Now please just go away

Pillow time
Time for you to go to back to the nothing you used to be from

I know who still thinks they’re wonderful
I know who is insufferable
I know death is non-refundable
Hush now and go away

Pillow time
Every generation is another generation’s end

EricNeoMatrix #psycho #moonbat friendlyatheist.patheos.com

[in response to another of Rick Wiles’ vaccine conspiracy theories]

Why do we even bother allowing bastards like this guy to live? They contribute nothing positive to society and are hell-bent on destroying us for their own sadistic amusement.

You know what we should do? We should kidnap antivaxxers like Wiles in the dead of night, forcibly inject them with a double dose of the Delta variant, and toss them in glass prison cells, where their slow and painful deaths will be televised. Not only would it be fucking hilarious to hear their gasps for air, but it’ll serve as a warning for anyone else who tries to lie about vaccines.

Michael Love and The Pleiadians #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger 5dearthproject.com







Roosh V #quack #crackpot #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #transphobia rooshv.com

[From "Modern Psychiatry Is Demonic"]

The secular world makes people ill by denying the presence of God, and then the secular world gives the solution of psychiatry and its obsession of prescribing anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs
The whole field of psychiatry is backward rationalization. They study patients with mental illness, theorize on the biochemical state of their brains, and then shovel them with ultra-addictive drugs to make their brains appear similar to those without mental illness, but this is merely studying the effect of a disorder and then declaring it to be the cause
A psychiatrist will study house fires, notice that firemen always seem to be present at them, and then create a solution to destroy all firehouses, the “obvious” source of fires
Having a “brain chemical imbalance” is often the effect of a faithless or sinful state of existence where depression is due to the consequences of secular life
Psychiatric drugs disconnect you from your humanity and make it harder for you to repent before God. Consider that God gave us emotional states to help us orient our lives closer to Him
Feminism is demonic because it inverts the natural order by trying to make man as coming from the woman’s rib instead of the other way around, and here comes the psychiatrist to further enable this inversion with a heavily-marketed drug that keeps the independent woman working
The doctors all work as a team to destroy the human soul, one prescription, vaccination, and surgery at a time, until all that is left is a husk of a human
I believe that a person with symptoms of depression or psychosis should consult with an Orthodox priest for spiritual diagnosis and treatment. I would guess that treatment will include repentance, baptism, receiving communion, prayer, a change of diet, lifestyle adjustments, and in severe cases, exorcism

Gina Peddy #crackpot nbcnews.com

A top administrator with the Carroll Independent School District in Southlake advised teachers last week that if they have a book about the Holocaust in their classroom, they should also offer students access to a book from an “opposing” perspective, according to an audio recording obtained by NBC News

Gina Peddy, the Carroll school district’s executive director of curriculum and instruction, made the comment Friday afternoon during a training session on which books teachers can have in classroom libraries. The training came four days after the Carroll school board, responding to a parent’s complaint, voted to reprimand a fourth grade teacher who had kept an anti-racism book in her classroom

A Carroll staff member secretly recorded the Friday training and shared the audio with NBC News

“Just try to remember the concepts of [House Bill] 3979,” Peddy said in the recording, referring to a new Texas law that requires teachers to present multiple perspectives when discussing “widely debated and currently controversial” issues. “And make sure that if you have a book on the Holocaust,” Peddy continued, “that you have one that has an opposing, that has other perspectives”

“How do you oppose the Holocaust?” one teacher said in response

“Believe me,” Peddy said. “That’s come up”
Peddy did not respond to messages requesting comment. In a written response to a question about Peddy’s remarks, Carroll spokeswoman Karen Fitzgerald said the district is trying to help teachers comply with the new state law and an updated version that will go into effect in December, Texas Senate Bill 3

“Our district recognizes that all Texas teachers are in a precarious position with the latest legal requirements”[…]“Our district has not and will not mandate books be removed nor will we mandate that classroom libraries be unavailable”

speculareffect #racist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

Way back, I wrote this article explaining the very fact that police brutality (which is very real) isn’t race-based at all. They will fuck your white ass up, too, without hesitation.

I later wrote this article indicating that I was torn when it came to backing the blue.

Today, I no longer subscribe to the COPAGANDA and I see police officers for the violent, ZogBot, idiotic morons that they truly are.
Now, there is a marked difference between ACAB (All Cops are Bastards) and ACAR (All Cops are Racist). The latter is patently false and is a myth conjured up and perpetuated by Jews and the Jewish lamestream media. As iterated earlier, ACAB, because police brutality doesn’t give a shit about your race and they have a license to kill you.
Were we as citizens, allowed to exercise our rights under the constitution; to form or own security firms and private militia, absent the interference of the state, there would be no need for cops. Instead, we are criminalized for adhering to the constitution and are essentially told that only cops have the right to use deadly force, under any circumstances.
Abolishing the police is necessary and I do not mean this in the way BLM does, which is, niggers should be left to commit violent crimes, agress and violate others, without consequences.

Many an idiot will have the nerve to posit the argument that cops are necessary to maintain law and order. Give me a fucking break. The cops are here now and there’s still chaos.

These fucks were ordered to spitefully stand down and allow roving bands of niggers and Antifa members to destroy cities. Just as how they can and were ordered to stand down, these road pirates can and will be ordered to put their knees in your necks, if and when you refuse the death jab.

What causes these cops to act like power-tripping faggots? They usually are low IQ, emotionally unstable, mangina men, with inferiority complexes, who were unpopular in high school.

Lin Wood #wingnut t.me

In my opinion, Marjorie Taylor Greene is a communist. Greene is running around saying ‘Impeach Biden,’ that says that Biden won — he didn’t. And you would never impeach him with a communist Congress. It's a waste of time. It's all show. A traitor will come into you as a patriot. Be careful!

HellaHella #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

APP (autopedophilia) often overlaps with AGP (autogynephilia).
The combination of the two is at the heart of transgenderism. People do not want to look at this degeneracy, because every normal sane person feels sick. Instead, people choose to believe 'gender dysphoria' pity party narratives.

Various Terfs #sexist #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: "It so weird to me that after realizing we are men, we are more willing to accept our femininity."

( AnneLister )
Adopting the sissification fetish from their brave and stunning transwomen sisters, I see.

( GynyHappyPeople )
That was my thought.

It’s a sub of trans identified females acting out trans identified male fantasies. So many “catboy” selfies.

( AnneLister )
TRAs make me so embarrassed on behalf of cats.

( tacocat )
Jesus. These people need to get off the internet.

( MonstrousRegiment )
When I saw the post title I instantly imagined some new variation on trans-identifying men who understand that they're autogynophiles! What a disappointment!

( gncautistic )
So they're totally fine with being feminine and a stereotypical woman just as long as you call her a ''he''? this shit you can't even make up! Calling themselves ''femboys'' is so gross. TIF's also can't keep their fetishes a secret.

( ComplicatedSpirit )
There’s so much to unpack. Internalized misogyny, the conviction that all things must be “gendered,” the anxiety over conforming to “masculinity” or “feminity” and what they’re identifying and presenting as. These people have serious problem and they’re turning to fucking Reddit and Tumblr to validation rather than help.

( hmimperialtortie )
And this is yet another example of why I’m really over TIFs and my sympathy for them has almost completely evaporated. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

( Jacknife )
Can't they just cut the crap and act out AGP as cis women?

Cedrines #ufo #magick eraoflight.com

The Sirians are a star race from the Sirius star system. ​​They are incredibly powerful, sharp and sovereign beings with a piercing gaze. Sirians are highly intelligent, advanced psychics and “quantum geeks” who have been helping humans evolve for millennia.
Like all of the other star races, the Sirians evolve between certain degrees of variability and reside within different realms and dimensions. The Sirians that I work with are always from the 9th to 12th dimensions so they are all ascended masters and therefore they can share the wisdom of their realm with great precision.

Scientists say that it is impossible for life to be on planets in the Sirius star system, but it doesn’t mean that life doesn’t exist because life forms don’t always need what humans need to survive, they can exist in different realms and planes of existence beyond time and space reality.
Sirians actually have three brains. The left brain, right brain and an overall brain. They are highly telepathic with advanced physic abilities. They work to help humans increase their intuition and psychic abilities as they help us anchor in more and more of these 5th-dimensional frequencies.

I perceive Sirians as a very interesting mixture of beings. Some of them live in more tribal states in communities where they gather together and go into trance states to reconnect with their planet.

With great precision, they are able to activate huge vortexes of frequencies, open portals and receive information from all over the universe simply by using their brain and their consciousness.
When the Sirian frequency comes it completely penetrates the field. It feels so strong! But there is nothing aggressive about it. People may feel aggression with this kind of energy because Sirians have such pure crystalline advanced frequency that when they come into our field and work with us, we have no choice but to rise up to the highest frequency that we have within. We cannot hide anything!

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut townhall.com

It's Time for Civil Disobedience: Here Is How We Stop Biden Vaccine Mandates

I'm one of the few white conservatives in America who grew up in a majority-black urban city and attended an all-black middle school and an all-black high school. So, I grew up with an understanding and appreciation of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and his extraordinary ideas and strategies -- in particular, civil disobedience.

King was against any form of violence. So am I. But he understood that civil rights for black Americans would never be achieved without pushing the envelope. So, King inspired protests, strikes, boycotts, sit-ins and other forms of civil disobedience to get the attention of the government, businesses, media and white America.

It worked. I had a front-seat view of how effective his strategy was. King and his civil disobedience strategy changed this country and helped achieve civil rights and equality for black Americans.

Sadly, it's now time for conservatives, Christians, patriots and 80 million-plus Trump warriors to adopt the mentality, strategy and tactics of Dr. Martin Luther King and other black civil rights leaders. Because we are now the persecuted. It's our civil and human rights being violated.

Notorious Inkler #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #psycho #racist incels.is


Well that's a new one

Isnt your skin white too?

He is pissed off because he is just a Polack. Slavs are literally the slave race off rich european countries. 70% of all prostitutes are from EE and they suck dicks for practically pocket change. The vast majority of EE men work minimum wage (or at least low paying) manual labor jobs.

However, this thread is just low quality bait, but I give him a bump for the effort anyway.

Is that why Putin hates the west?

Could be idk.

Have you enjoyed some of that slav pussy for pocket change

Yes and I only paid 50€. She was a solid 8/10 and I coomed on her tits without paying extra. She was also really friendly.

Brutal ngl

It's the truth. The funny thing is that soys will use this as an argument to justify immigration, but they simultaneously admit that immigrants are nothing more than modern SLAVes. I'm so glad that McDonald's introduced those touch screen panels to order and pay your food because I don't have to interact with some low IQ immigrant anymore.

slav's seem to cope a lot with masc stuff, white knighting, and other thugmaxxing stuff. seems like the lower iq you are, the more likely you are to thugmaxx

damn. and to think tesla was a slav

Yeah, there are always exceptions to the rule. This post wasn't just an insult, it's literally the truth.

lol your future is just as bleak as slavs once your will run of wealth, future is painted with chink colours

Keep coping, Polack. You are the slave race of Europe and this will be the case until the day I die

you were raped by slavs literally just like your pathetic nation at fall of the berlin

Few foids were raped by slavs 70 years ago. So what? EE is a shithole. We lost two world wars but we're still the economic powerhouse of europe. You made this thread at 3:40am local time. Do you even have job? I could get you one. 10€/h in a brothel, cleaning rooms.

To koniec #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

I unironically hate white people

Do you hate crackers?

Yes Votes: 23 52.3%

No Votes: 21 47.7%

Total voters 44

they are cucked scum of the earth

they worship foids, fucking pinkoids

When I was younger I looked up to crackers. But they got too Degenerate due to too much money/comfort over time. They are like the Eldar from Warhammer, a race too blessed and lives a life too easy.

i hated always germanic anglo french white crackers

muuhh superior race when east asians and jews have higher iq

Whites have committed many atrocities and actually have pushed some ethnic groups to extinction, but what saddens me more is that many don't know or don't give a fuck about what happened. I do get along with Whites on an individual level, but the history of the Americas, Australia and Africa infuriates me.

I hope I don't have any European blood in me, as it might imply that my female ancestor was a JBW slut or was raped.

colonialism, feminism, woman’s rights, lgbt faggots, modern entertainment, bringing blacks to America

Holy shit you niggas evi

i wish slavs, curries, pakis, east asians, SEAasians, mestizos, BLACK KINGZ massacred some cracker german, american, dane, swedish, english children

As a non white I have to ask why you hate whites/Northern Europeans

cause they think that slavs are subhuman and they bringed degeneracy to slavlands

i wish we would sterilize them


dutch cracker stealing slav women

Add drug legalisation to the list.

crackers confirmed to be subhuman

just look at subhuman faces of germanic subhumans like danes, swedes, norwegians g*rmans

and worst of them angl*s

Southern Europeans are crackers too

lol crackers think they are arabs

slavs and meds aren't white

i'm myself eastern european and i'm mongoloid warrior who will kill blonde cracker babies

Daniel Baranowski #wingnut #racist #conspiracy americaoutloud.com

Imagine if the Federal government, the Teacher’s Unions, the National School Boards Association, National Council on Family Relations, Democrat Party, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, the National Media, including all social media platforms, and Radical Progressives in Congress focused their time and efforts on scolding Black Americans that “Blackness” is at the core of American “Racism?”

What if they insisted a person can be “Black” without giving in to “Blackness?” What if they demanded Blacks give up their misplaced Black Supremacy, including their Black Privilege & Black Fragility. After all, they dominate most amateur and professional sports in America and much of the entertainment industry.

So you ask, why would the so-called Progressive Left do such a thing! Wouldn’t this be completely opposite of what they believe and preach? Well, yes it would be. But for the Left, political ideologies are like clothes; when the weather changes, so do their dressing habits. If they thought a 180-degree change in ideology is what they needed to win and stay in power, they’d turn so fast you’d likely suffer a severe whiplash by just watching.

So, in ten years, who’s to say that the Left won’t change their minds on Whiteness versus Blackness?” But for now, The Democrats have moved so far Left that if the political world were indeed flat, they’re as far Left as they can go before falling into a dark and endlessly deep abyss.
Because Whites are the majority race in America, the Democrats are doing everything in their power to topple their numerical position. They attack White people, who, through no fault of their own, are White, not Black, Brown, or any other racial skin color.

President Biden’s efforts to conquer Whiteness is second only to insisting every American must be vaccinated against COVID-19. If Dr. Anthony Fauci could develop a vaccine against Whiteness, this preposterous drug would also be a top-listed mandatory injection.

Accuracy in Genesis #fundie #dunning-kruger accuracyingenesis.com

"If humans and chimpanzees are over 98% identical base-for-base, how do you make sense of the fact that chimpanzees have 10% more DNA than humans? That they have more alpha-hemoglobin genes and more Rh bloodgroup genes, and fewer Alu repeats, in their genome than humans? Or that the tips of their chromosomes contain DNA not present at the tips of human chromosomes? Obviously there is a lot more to genomics than just nucleotide substitution. But the percentage comparison renders that fact invisible, and thus obscures some of the most interesting genetic questions."

"Our DNA is about 75% similar to that of a nematode, which is basically a small soil-dwelling worm. No-one would suggest a nematode is 75% human? Another good example is that during the sixties, American doctors tried to use chimpanzee organs for transplants in humans, but in all cases the organs were totally unsuitable. ... An interesting footnote that shows how complex this issue really is, ... humans differed from most other animals, including chimpanzees, in a small but possibly vital way. In most animals, the surface of every cell, except brain cells, carry glycoproteins that contain one particular member of a family of sugar molecules called sialic acid. In humans, a genetic mutation means this sugar is not present in any cell in the body. Proteins and membrane lipids that have sialic acid take part in many processes. They help cells stick to one another. They may also play a part in disease susceptibility. This might be a reason why Chimpanzees seem far less suspeceptible for infectious diseases like malaria and cholera. ... This might be one factor in those chimp to human transplants in which organs were rejected."

John Lash #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy humansarefree.com

“Gnosticism” is the label scholars use for a body of teachings derived from the Mystery Schools of pre-Christian antiquity. Gnostics who protested against Christian doctrines such as divine retribution and Christ’s resurrection found themselves targeted as heretics and were brutally suppressed by early converts to the One True Faith.

Gnosis (“inner knowing”) was a path of experimental mysticism in which the initiates of the Mystery Schools explored the psyche and the cosmos at large. Using psychoactive plants, yoga, and sex magic, these ancient seers experienced altered states and developed siddhis, occult skills such as clairaudience and remote viewing.

Gnosis was a kind of yogic noetic science melded with parapsychology. In heightened perception, Gnostics developed a vast cosmological vision centered in a female deity, the Divine Sophia. The Gnostic creation myth is unique in that it includes a full-blown explanation of how inorganic alien beings came to be present in our solar system.

The Nag Hammadi material contains reports of visionary experiences of the initiates, including first-hand encounters with inorganic beings called Archons.

Archons inhabit the solar system, the extraterrestrial realm as such, but they can intrude on Earth.
This is exactly what Gnostics said about the Archons: they can affect our minds by subliminal conditioning techniques.

Their main tactics are mental error (intellectual virus, or false ideology, especially religious doctrines) and simulation. Archons are predatory, unlike a wide range of non-human and other-dimensional beings also know to the Gnostics, beings who are benevolent or neutral toward humanity.

Two types are clearly identified:

a neonate or embryonic type
a draconic or reptilian type

Obviously, these descriptions fit the Greys and Reptilians of contemporary reports to a T. Or I should say, to an ET.

Various Commenters #elitist #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Latina shoots man who refused to kiss her in Illinois

Mom of 3 charged with murder for 'shooting man for refusing to kiss her'

I would have expected trouble from the guy named Jim Jones but he was the victim this time.

I'm just surprised James Jones could resist an offer like that from a ravishingly beautiful natural blond like here. Odd that she dies her roots brown. Must be the latest trend in Tacoland.

This woman is a walking poster child for abortion. She and her sprogs are nothing but a net drain on the lawful US taxpayer.

The guy would have to be smashed to kiss that ugly mug.

Please go on birth control or get sterilized immediately. Hope the kids don't continue the cycle.

The murderer's kids will most likely continue the cycle. Welfare trash is a lifestyle provided by those who enable them to both leech and even breed children they cannot even themselves afford. And the bums are shameless about it.

Those who should breed often do not. Those who do breed often should not have bred. Sad but true.


Many Latin women are mental.

I concur.

They will stab you (literally) and then a second after cry while professing how much they love you. This really happened to a friend of mine and he is White of Irish, Italian and Welsh stock. The sad part is he ended up marrying her. SMH. Haven't heard from him in years so I don't know their current status. Hope he ended up burying her under a concrete site.

They are jealous white people are more attractive.

(Kevin Rowe)
Long ways off from the Rio Grande, eh chica?

Looking at her nasty mugshot, now kinda understand why Mexican men drink so much tequila before they go home at night. The article sounds like she’s into girls anyway so she probably wouldn’t mind prison. Our tax dollars hard at work housing and feeling illegals.

Mayday #ableism #transphobia #crackpot ovarit.com

RE: CAIS are men, not women, and prove sex is binary

A female is not: "identifying" as female, growing up as female, socializing as female, dressing up as female, and "passing as" female.

A woman, a female, is an organism that can bear offspring and/or produce eggs under the right conditions.

CAIS are males with an inability to respond to androgens. The product of the inability is a male with a pseudo-female like appearance, creating the illusion of a female.

Beneath the layers, CAIS have no internal female sex organs - no uterus and no ovaries. They have testes - the male gonads that produce sperm. Their bodies were supposed to support the production of sperm and failed. They are men in every sense of the word.

The only reason they even know they are intersexed is because of modern medicine

The reason humans know they are humans and not another specie is modern medicine, and study of genes. Surely you wouldn't claim humans were not humans before they learned of what separates each specie.

CAIS were not women before modern medicine. They were disordered men.

ChristianZen #dunning-kruger #racist reddit.com

RE: ‘Eastern European discrimination awareness’ part 6.

What’s the point of this? Some people are dicks but that’s nothing new.

To bring awareness to problems in Europe that are worth solving?

Then why title it "east european bla"? Are you aware that we all have to deal with bias? That is in fact how our brains work, thinking in boxes. Not easy to overcome.

A lot of people commenting thanked me for posting this. Also, there were people saying they got PTSD, depression, low confidence due to all the discrimination they have experienced. The problem is very real.

And now what? You want a east-block history and awareness month in all schools over the world? People walking with candles and forming human chains? "Hand in hand for eastern lands"? Benefit concerts?

When will people learn to grow the fuck up. React in the very situation. Actually step up for yourselves. If you do that, i promise you won’t have to deal with ptsd

Local man baffles doctors, invents incredible new method to remove mental trauma by "Just toughening up bro"

Everyone says this until they get the shit beaten out of them once and their minds change. I’ve had my moment. I hope you are protected enough by those around you that you’ll never be in that position. The world simply isn’t that black and white.

I just don’t deal with shit people. If somebody calls me slurs because of resentments against my country of origin then i know that this person is trash. But when i see an option that they are just stupid, then i try to educate them (like a grown up). This is all im saying.

Listen, the only appropriate reaction is “oh yeah, that should not be happening in a europe we’re trying to build”. I would really like you to be stepping up when getting consistently literally zero callbacks after applying to over 700 entry level positions after obtaining a master’s degree unless it’s a cleaning or construction work.

Were i live this doesn’t applies.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #quack henrymakow.com

The goyim have been brainwashed to believe that Jews are innocent victims of gentile persecution and bigotry.

They are not told that Jews are the victim of other Jews -- the Sabbatean (Illuminati) Jews or Cabalists who use them as pawns, human shields and satanic sacrifices.

"Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren," say the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (9-2) a "forgery" that reads like the blueprint of the New World Order unfolding today.

Zionists and Communist Jews are Sabbbatean Jews or satanists. They hate Torah Jews and have conspired against them for more than 300 years. I am tired of hearing that some Jews are wonderful human beings. These are not the Sabbateans.

The Holocaust is the finest example of Sabbateans sacrificing other Jews to achieve their goal of a Jewish state, the future capital of their dystopian New World Order. Thus, Zionists have no compunction about sacrificing Israelis to the covid GMO "vaccine" especially if it makes people think "covid" is not a Jewish plot.

The Illuminati consist of Sabbatean Jews and their Gentile Freemason flunkies. Sabbateans are chameleons taking on the identity of their targets, destroying them from within.

Ordinary Jews are the scapegoats for their Satanist brothers who are imposing madness on humanity. Do these Jewish dupes deserve this fate? Yes because they have been indifferent to what Organized Jewry (Sabbateans) is doing in their name.

Zionist bankers funded the Nazi Party. It is an outrage that Israel claims to represent Jews and accuses its opponents of "anti-Semitism."

This may explain why Zionists are poisoning Jews with vaccines in Israel today.

There is an unrecognized schism in the Jewish people, where heretics (Sabbateans) have exterminated the mainstream and taken control of the remnant through Zionism and Communism. Yet, due to the anti Semitism organized by them, Jews mistakenly cling to their leadership. They are being crucified like everyone else.

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

To all my beloveds...I am here! I am watching over you all and assisting in our greatest ever “comeback” for Humanity! We are prevailing, I promise you that!

We are going to send the cabal the biggest message ever...we do not back down, we do not cower, we do not waver! We awakened ones are the biggest threat ever to the cabal and their overlords (dark galactics). They know already that they are done...what is going on now is just the “cleanup on Aisle 10!” (smile)
One of the ways that you can truly quiet down all of the outside “noise” that surrounds you daily (so you can do your inner work) is to “uninstall” all of the apps on your computers and phones that are spewing fear and negativity. I will add there are even many Truther and Patriot sites which are not providing positive insights and information. If what you are reading does not make you feel good inside then quit reading it! It is as simple as that!
Many of you who are reading this message are advanced enough in your spiritual understandings as to know that you no longer “need” to follow these types of information being disseminated...you are past that level of need...you understand it all enough by now, so you can now use that time to address other areas of your life.

Now, for those of you who follow this “intel” information, and various videos regarding disclosure, etc because you are so anxious for the tide to turn and you are wanting to do your part in all of it...well, I tell you this now...if you truly want to help all who are working to defeat the cabal so we can usher in our New Golden Era, then focusing on yourself first and foremost, is the most important thing you can do toward achieving that goal...because the increased Light from all of you is the biggest fear of the cabal...they literally cannot live in the Light! Hence, that is why they have been pulling out all the tricks they can to dim your Light...but it is not working!

The Pleiadean Family #crackpot #ufo #magick pleiadianfamily.net


We (the Group of 8) are 8 personifications of 1 Pleiadian soul. This Pleiadian human soul is the SOUL ANCESTOR to a tribe of Pleiadian starseed souls living in Earth-human bodies now.

During the Neolithic era, this soul appeared as 4 couples / 8 individuals to various Earth-human tribes for teaching purposes. In the current era, we use the same form to resume communication with you, our greater family.

Our channeler, Qin-Ra (Chinese by birth), had close interactions with us in Neolithic Ireland. One of our earthly offspring, Qin reconnected with us during a journey to Ireland in 2006 AD and offered to serve thereon as our co-worker and messenger.

Our team consists of two sides:

​a. the Group of 8, represented by Sincera

(ancestral soul in the 5th Dimension)

​b. Qin-Ra

(starseed soul in the 3rd Dimension)


As one of the 40-plus souls aboard the Civilization Mission, our soul has worked in other lands on Earth besides Ireland.

There were numerous Pleiadian cradles of civilization on Earth in the New Stone Age (ca 9500 to 3000 BC).

Now we, the Group of 8, present Ireland as the 1st Pleiadian site for disclosure, the 1st ancient Pleiadian civilization to be brought back to your awareness.

Why Ireland?

In the Neolithic era, Ireland was an exemplary Pleiadian “kindergarten" for starseeds.

Many graduates of our Ireland school are alive on Earth, now reincarnated in different races and cultures.

These starseed graduates need to remember their golden childhood and reconnect with civilization’s sparkling roots.

In the Information era, Ireland shall play a key role in the awakening of Earth humanity. A portal island into other dimensions, a treasure island of megalithic temples, Ireland is a timeless gateway to the realm of sacred Earth and sacred cosmos.

@SatiriaNews #pratt #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

We read the article. It’s ideological gibberish. Complete drivel. Utter nonsense. One slogan after another.

You & every one of your ancestors for millions of years was born from an egg produced by a female & a sperm produced by a male.

“Keep on sloganeering I guess”.

Cope. I mean, seriously—you can drop the pretence that anti-trans activism is somehow *really* about the rights of women, or that it's *really* about safeguarding children, or *really* about free speech.

No-one gives a shït what you wear or call yourself, sweaty.

Trans activists are getting people fired from their jobs for even questioning your deranged cult that says male child molesters are women and must be placed in women's prisons purely on their own say-so.


You have a penchant for being incapable of saying anything remotely on-topic. Where did I mention anything about what people wear or call themselves? Incidentally, people DO care what others wear and call themselves—if they didn't, they wouldn't be freaking out over pronouns or an innocuous ad featuring a gender nonconforming kid; deadnaming wouldn't be an issue, because people wouldn't engage in it maliciously. But sure, "no one cares"—except, well, for those that obviously do.

No-one cares what you call yourself.

They care about you imposing your brand new, white western colonial gender religion on them.

No-one has to comply with your demands that they bow to your "gender" in all questions over everything.

You literally just demonstrated that YOU care.

Yes, we care about deranged idiots lying to vulnerable kids that they can change their sex, and that anyone who even questions that hates them & deserves violence.

None of this is stopping you wearing whatever clothes you like & calling yourself whatever you like.

Henry Makow PhD/E. Michael Jones #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #fundie henrymakow.com

In "A Goy Guide to World History" Part 4, a handful of thinkers describe how satanist Jews (Communists) have systematically attacked and dismantled the Christian social fabric.

These Jews were taught that this is necessary to prevent anti-Semitism, which they were told is irrational and a mental illness.

In the 45 minute documentary, E. Michael Jones, editor of Culturewars, explains how Satanism inverts truth. Evil is good. False is true. Sick is healthy. Thus Jews (Organized Jewry) who hate Gentiles are the "persecuted victims" while Gentiles who defend themselves are "haters" and mentally ill. Homosexuality is healthy while the nuclear family is sick.

Jones, the author of a dozen books, explains that Western Civilization is built on the belief in Logos, i.e. the Moral Order, God.

Logos uses Ethos (Will) to restrain and guide Pathos (Passions.)

Satanist Jews interpret any restraint on lust as Christian. In fact, Jones explains that, as the terms imply, Western Civilization is based on this Greek principle.

Take away Logos and Ethos, and Pathos runs amuck. You have Satanism i.e. Cabalist Judaism. "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." This is the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which Jones believes will destroy society.
As satanic possession, Communism takes many forms. When it failed to mobilize the worker to revolt, it morphed into feminism and mobilized women. Communist Jews promoted sexual "liberation" and "LGT rights" to undermine gender, marriage and family. They promoted multiculturalism and mass migration to undermine race and culture. Satanist Jews always find a fissure to pack a stick of dynamite. Blow up Syria and inundate Europe for example. Civilization must fail so their hegemony will succeed.