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Know the facts

To make sure you get the best information on vaccinations, resources are available from the US Department of Health & Human Services.
Like Balaram and his grandson, we’ve got a BIG reason to smile. 😁 Thanks to vaccines & boosters, grandparents around the world can safely squeeze their grandchildren. We must protect this progress! Do your part & make sure you & your family are fully #vaccinated.
In light of the #pfizerdocuments, hospitalizations of the #vaccinated, statements from Dr. Montagnier (Noble Prize Winner) & Dr. Malone, the book entitled The Real Anthony Fauci, the rising number of injuries & lack of protection…anyone who still believes the narrative is an….
One year ago today I had a life altering experience; I was #vaccinated. Since then my life hasn’t been the same. For months afterward I struggled with all manner of neurological issues. Now, a year later, my health is still not what it was. I worry that things may never the same.
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This is a message for the vaccinated. It is in acknowledgement and celebration of the great work of Dr Zelenko who was a great friend. He left his body today. One of the worst things to experience in life is betrayal. One of the hardest things in life
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