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  1. 메인 트윗
    2019년 12월 24일

    Changing Times brings you in-depth reports about issues, , and . You can support , by taking out a paid subscription, donating, or becoming a sponsor.

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  2. 42분 전

    This teenager was just four years old when her life was ruined by a swine flu vaccination. I dislike the way The Irish Times uses the word 'claimed' in this article. The judge said he had no hesitation in approving the settlement! via

  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    9시간 전

    The investigative documentary on the origin of SARS2 from featuring and me is now available with English subtitles.

  4. 20시간 전

    There's a comprehensive report about this new data in my most recent update to my tome about (in the section 'Data from the UK'):

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  5. 10월 15일

    There's a comprehensive report about this new data in my most recent update to my tome about Covid vaccination (in the section 'VAERS data'):

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  6. 10월 15일

    Onset intervals:

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  7. 10월 15일

    VAERS puts the number of reports, in all locations, of death following Covid vaccination at 16,766 as of October 8 (7,674 from US states and territories or a location reported as unknown and 9,092 from foreign locations).

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  8. 10월 15일
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  9. 10월 15일

    New data from in the US, up to October 8: 798,636 adverse event reports after . A total 3,615,244 individual-symptom events. Number of reports, in all locations, of death following Covid vaccination: 16,766. Reports of permanent disability: 24,805.

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  10. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 14일

    I reported to my severe adverse reaction way back in May:Ive had various duplicate emails. I’ve made 2 desperate ‘phone calls,pleaded for them to contact my GP with advice to treat me. GP filled form September 7th -STILL no help Month 8 now

    , 님, 님 외 7명
  11. 10월 14일

    In its latest weekly summary (data to October 6) the in the UK says it's received reports of 372,878 suspected adverse reactions after . The MHRA has received 1,719 UK reports of people dying shortly after .

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  12. 10월 14일

    There's a comprehensive report about this new data in my most recent update to my tome about Covid vaccination (in the section 'Adverse reaction reports from Australia'):

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  13. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 13일
    님, 님에게 보내는 답글

    Six holdovers from failed 2021 WHO mission (Koopmans, Fischer, Watson, Dedkov, Nguyen, Farag). One signer of 2020 Lancet letter (Drosten). One subcontractor on 2020 multi-million-dollar NIH grant to EcoHealth Alliance (Wacharapluesadee; NIH grant U01-Al151797).

  14. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 13일
    님, 님, 님에게 보내는 답글

    One wonders whether Supaporn Wacharapluesadee failed to disclose her obviously disqualifying COI. Or whether she disclosed it, but WHO chose to ignore it.

  15. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 14일
    님, 님 외 에게 보내는 답글

    should be an email to SAGO@who.int Should you wish to comment on any of the individuals, please send your comment to SAGO@who.int with subject, “Public comments on SAGO members” by 27 October 2021

  16. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 14일

    As I work on the trend chart of suspected Myocarditis and/or Pericarditis from TGA as of 10th Oct, 2021, I am going to leave ya'll with this:- "The youngest case classified as ‘likely myocarditis’ to date was 12 years." 😢

  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 14일

    TGA ( ) published weekly vaccine safety report today. As of 10th Oct, 597 have died following immunization with vaccine. An increase of 12 from last week. Why MSM doesn't report on this??!!

  18. 10월 14일

    2/2 The TGA says it considers nine of the 597 reports of people dying after Covid to be linked to AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccination (eight cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome and one case of immune thrombocytopenia).

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  19. 10월 14일

    1/2 In its weekly safety report, the TGA in says that, as of October 10, it has received 69,410 reports of adverse reactions after , including 597 reports of deaths.

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  20. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 13일

    I evaluated a COVID-recovered & immune patient who’d had an unnecessary C-19 vax, bc of an employer mandate. His spike antibody level was through the roof & he’d had a transient adverse rxn to the shot. Absolutely no need for the second shot! I wrote him an exemption letter.

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  21. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    10월 13일

    So the WHO managed to find the only biosecurity expert who considered lab origin "unrealistic", and "a classic conspiracy theory". Way to go WHO!


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