Fear_the_Beard 🧔🏻
“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech” - Benjamin Franklin
Northern IrelandJoined December 2019

Fear_the_Beard 🧔🏻’s Tweets

mandatory vaccines Vaccine passports Booster jabs every 3-6 months only if the NHS gets overwhelmed Masks are back Still think all those tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists are crazy?
Conspiracy Theory GIF
If about 6 million Britons have yet to be vaccinated then around 90% of the whole population HAS been vaccinated!… Have we seen a reduction in cases? Have we seen a return of freedoms? Have we achieved “herd immunity”? No, we’re getting a #VaccinePassport
Parks And Recreation Reaction GIF
At this point Boris is looking more and more like a busted flush… He’s overplayed his hand on covid restrictions and a Green agenda that never had voters approval and his party can see this… so the daggers are out The worry is, who will replace him?
What’s the big UK news story today? Escalating tensions in the Ukraine withe Russia? massive inflation and increasing cost of living? Ghislane Maxwell trail? A party that may have happened a year ago? Because that’s what’s important… right?
Sam Heughan Starz GIF by Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham
If you’re annoyed about no.10 having a Xmas party and lying about it… It’s probably because you’ve blindly followed every decree set down for 18+ months now, masked, vaxxed, worked from home, didn’t see your parents… The feeling you have is embarrassment
Over a week has passed now and still no evidence of hospitalisations or increased risk from Omicron…
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We are only learning about the #OmicronVariant right now but a few things seem to be emerging: It presents very mild symptoms & It doesn’t seem to pose an increased risk of hospitalisation or death So why the hysteria? A “mild” strain that’s highly transmissible is a gift!
Remember when Biden’s administration completely bungled the withdrawal from #Afghanistan leaving $billions of equipment and weapons for the Taliban and abandoned millions of Afghans… Don’t hear much about Afghanistan in the news now, do you? Funny that
Look at the absolute state of Boris these days!… I’d say criminals could hide up a flight of stairs and be pretty safe from him! Also, how is it even possible to mess up wearing a hat this badly? The man’s a shambles
Notice they are only talking “cases” not hospitalisation or deaths because mercifully so far all signs point to Omicron being mild… but that’s not scary enough
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#OmicronVariant latest information, 86 additional confirmed cases of the #Omicron variant of COVID-19 have been reported across the UK with 68 in England. The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is now 246.
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Can anyone point to a single example of a county that has introduced vaccine passports and has seen transmission rates drop?… From what I can see places like Sweden, Norway & Denmark (who have minimal restrictions) continue to out perform the rest of Europe? #vaccine
Morbidly obese people thinking they’re “healthy” because the got vaccinated and wear a mask out enjoying a meal because “covid can’t get you when you’re sitting down”…