Hasil pencarian
  1. 16 Jun

    Today, under oath, the highest paid government employee refused to answer if the bureaucrats approving grants and purchasing ever received compensation from the companies they approved and purchased from.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  2. 17 jam yang lalu

    So much in this… a governor who mocks kids for wearing masks, a state CMO that doesn’t believe science, soaring uninsured populations- all adds up to more deaths in Florida since advent of than any other state. Florida should demand more of their leaders.

  3. 29 menit yang lalu

    MolecularTherapies and face the challenges of emerging Diseases. Access the special issue:

  4. 19 Jun

    Did you know that a patient with all the standard tetanus vaccinations could still develop tetanus? Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel yet?

  5. 18 Jun

    The CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices () has voted unanimously to recommend the Pfizer & Moderna for kids age 6m+. This slide is why: kids should not die period, esp when there is a vaccine that can prevent it, & too many have died of COVID.

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  6. 23 jam yang lalu
  7. 4 jam yang lalu

    Blue Water Vaccines is researching and developing transformational to prevent infectious diseases worldwide. Watch our video to learn more about our pipeline of next generation preventive vaccines here:

  8. 20 Jun

    Has the covid caused a drop in all childhood vaccination? They're still trying the "protect themselves and others" line 😡

  9. The FDA and CDC recently authorized COVID-19 for children as young as six months. Reporter  tells us how our local health experts are preparing.

  10. 15 Jun

    Is a bad drug? Not at all. It's just that are very good at preventing hospitalization. ▪️In EPIC-HR trial, placebo high-risk unvax'ed group hospitalization incidence was 6.45%. ▪️Here in EPIC-SR in high-risk vaccinated placebo group, hospitalization was 1.9%

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  11. 18 Jun

    Back with us this Sunday, ⁦⁩ joins ⁦⁩ on ⁦⁩ to provide analysis on latest news regarding for young , for and concerns about .

  12. 24 jam yang lalu
  13. 23 jam yang lalu

    49 states met the deadline 4 ordering 4 children. announced that he has no intention of offering vaccines to in b/c “These are the people who have zero risk of getting anything.”

  14. 16 Jun

    A presentation with both anecdotal AND peer-reviewed studies. Same outcome. Now I am starting to really question things.😞

  15. 18 Jun

    We can get for babies but we can’t get fear them. Joe Biden. Voted for more than Let’s not even talk about and . This administration is a joke.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  16. 20 Jun

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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