
The Baldies - a documentary on the Minneapolis anti-racist skinhead crew

An excellent hour-long video documentary from local PBS station TPT on the 1980’s Minneapolis anti-fascist skinhead crew, the Baldies.

Anarchy In The UK - Sophie Richmond

Photo of the Sex Pistols from the magazine "Anarchy In The UK"

Sophie Richmond works with the Sex Pistols, handling the organisation, administration and finance side of things. We asked to write an article for Social Revolution about punk rock, and here it is. We'd welcome readers' views on what influence you think music, punk or otherwise, can have towards revolutionary change.

From Social Revolution #7 1977.

Social Revolution #8

Final issue of Social Revolution circa 1977.

Articles include - Stuff The Jubilee, the problem of organisation, strikes at childrens homes, reviews, On The Unions (Now & After reprint), Terror in Latin America, Ukraine, science and socialism, letters, report on joint meeting with Solidarity which eventually led to the two groups merging, vote for nobody (GLC elections leaflet).

Social Revolution #7

7th issue of Social Revolution from circa 1977.

Articles include Oxford hotel workers strike, report on claimants union day school, the Murrays, punk, women and libertarian groups, male feminists, Poland, Ireland (letters about article in previous issue), Ando Shoeki - a Japanese Winstanley, letters, Where Is SR Going?, anarchism and marxism, Counterlink - social solidarity for revolutionaries, gay theatre group shocks Aberdeen.

Social Revolution #6

6th issue of Social Revolution from circa 1976.

Articles include: Nuclear Energy, demand for free bus travel in Sheffield, education cuts, de-schooling, Whiteway commune in Gloucestershire, Hungary '56, the class war in Ireland, workers councils and the market, the politics of graffiti, report on Anarchist Workers Association day school.

Social Revolution #5

Issue 5 of Social Revolution circa 1976.

Articles on: TUC and the state, the woman question and socialism, report on schools (occupations etc), account of railway journey through Russia, letters, au pairs struggles, India, China, Conference on Direct Action and Criminal Trespass, the Murrays, reviews.

Social Revolution #4

4th issue of Social Revolution from circa 1976?

Articles on council housing cuts, health and safety at work, Spain `1936, skimmed milk imports from the Common Market, National Union of Students, Ursula La Guin fiction extracts.

NB some pages have bits cut out of them.

Social Revolution #3

3rd issue of Social Revolution from 1975/6?

Including articles on: fightback agasint unemployment, struggles in the brewery industry in Denmark, a school leaver writes on their first jobs etc, Portugal, Angola, politics of psychiatry, tenants struggles, immigrant workers, radical statistics, wages for housework?, victory for the BWNIC 14.

Workers Power for Social Revolution #2 Sept 1975

Second issue of Workers Power for Social Revolution (which then became Social Revolution).

Articles include: global crisis, Oxford University - slum landlord, radical statistics group, gay workers conference, Ryder report (car industry), struggles in the NHS, Uniprint - Denmark's first factory occupation, Vietnam war, Chile - reform to reaction, increasing militancy of NALGO members, Defend the BWNIC 14, 1911 schoolkids strike,

Workers Power for Social Revolution #1 May 1975

Debut issue of Workers Power for Social Revolution (which later became Social Revolution).

Articles include: the Labour Party in power, Imperials typewriter factory strike in Hull, Rabbis in Israel veto contraceptive pill, UN World Food conference, prescription drugs, referendum on the Common Market, conditions at Nesco Potatoes factory in Aberdeen, Portugal - whose revolution?, Soviet Union - workers fight back, North Sea Oil, sex roles.