SMH letters | The Sydney Morning Herald

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Claw back booty, at any cost

Claw back booty, at any cost

Why doesn’t the government pass legislation to liquidate all the Obeid family assets, pay the outstanding tax and keep the rest?


Refusal to deal with blind trust erodes integrity

Refusal to deal with blind trust erodes integrity

Speaker Tony Smith displays both impartiality, which the Speaker should have, and integrity, which the Coalition lacks.

Delay of bill causes more pain and needless suffering

Delay of bill causes more pain and needless suffering

It is very disappointing to see that the assisted dying bill has been delayed. It means that suffering people at the end of life will have to suffer a bit longer.

Net zero push meaningless without bolder 2030 target

Net zero push meaningless without bolder 2030 target

Scott Morrison is trying to claim that voters are not in favour of a 45 per cent cut to emissions by 2030 by saying that voters rejected Labor’s embrace of this target at the last election.

Weighing up the national interest against the Nationals’ interests

Weighing up the national interest against the Nationals’ interests

The Nationals’ recalcitrance over carbon emission targets reveals a determination to pursue their own interests over the national interest.

Koala flashpoint finally must be a line in the sand

Koala flashpoint finally must be a line in the sand

Policy and action from the state government and the local councils - in this case, Campbelltown - could bring koalas back from the brink.

Fresh thinking, a ferry good idea

Fresh thinking, a ferry good idea

Why is the state government replacing polluting diesel ferries with new polluting diesel ferries?

Church has no moral authority over assisted dying

Church has no moral authority over assisted dying

It is one thing for the Catholic Church to lobby MPs to get privileges and exemptions for itself, it is another thing for it to try to defeat the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill and deprive the 70 per cent of citizens who support it.

Shame on politicians who ignore the climate science

Shame on politicians who ignore the climate science

Our democracy is broken. A clear majority of Australians want urgent action on climate change, and it appears most of our parliamentarians also support that. Yet Parliament cannot agree on the net-zero-by-2050 target to which much of the world has committed,

Dying with dignity should be a basic human right

Dying with dignity should be a basic human right

As someone who is facing his own mortality – I have bone cancer – I do not wish to spend my last days “doped to the eyeballs” or being kept alive by a machine.

Backflips and double-speak from climate converts

Backflips and double-speak from climate converts

Never mind the underlying principle of doing the right thing, it’s clear that the latest likely converts to net-zero carbon emission targets are motivated solely by what it might mean for profits for their mega-businesses, or votes for their political parties.