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Developing on Windows, the WSL life

The Windows developer experience has evolved quite allot in the last 5-10 years. I now spend most of my development life running Windows with WSL2 and using Windows Terminal and winget. So here are a few pointers from my experiences so far.


WSL2 is what you want! The first version of WSL was a step in a great direction, but had many cons, such as IO performance. It should be fairly easy to install and will provide you a full Linux Kernel accessible from within Windows.

WSL also has access to your Windows filesystem via a mount at /mnt/c. Generally if you are using Linux tooling, you’ll want your file access to remain in the Linux file system. For example, I have almost all of my git repositories checked out in my Linux file system. For the odd repository that I use mainly Windows tooling I leave in Windows land.

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Delete all Github releases, using the Github cli

If you are like me, at some point while developing projects on Github you will have started and stopped using releases, opting to switch back to only creating tags.

Github defaults leave you in a bit of an awkward position here where the “Releases” section in the side bar will continue to show your old releases, even if you have made hundreds of tags since.

If you’re managing lots of repositories and have made lots of legacy releases, removing them can be a pain (particularly in the UI). So, once again, GitHub CLI to the rescue!

In the repository of your choice run the following, and all of your releases will be removed!

gh release list | awk '{print $1;}' | xargs -L1 gh release delete
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

If you want to see them ahead of removing them, list them first.

gh release list
Code language: PHP (php)

Enjoy your time saving, and your nice clear releases list!

Using with helmfile deployments on minikube

Recently I setup a small development environment for a platform deployed using helmfile, deployed to a GKE cluster in production that is moving towards also having a local setup using minikube.

There is an open Github issue requesting helmfile support, so my first fear was that this wouldn’t be possible. Though after a little hacking around this seemed fairly easy by using the skaffold pre deploy hooks.

Here is a quick introduction to this stack, and a solution for using skaffold with helmfile deployments on minikube before “native” support is added.

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Tech Lead Digest – August 2021

Welcome to the 4th instalment of my Wikidata & Wikibase Tech lead Digest for August 2021. For previous instalments see Q1, Q2 & July.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑Wikidata & Wikibase

The Wikidata Query Builder has been deployed. The Wikidata Query Builder provides a visual interface for building a simple Wikidata query. It is ideal for users with little or no experience in SPARQL.

The Wikibase fall release, which will be compatible with MediaWiki 1.36 will be made in the next month or so. At some point in the next 3-6 months we will likely also make a Wikibase 1.37 release. Keep an eye out on the mailing list for these.

Work is about to wrap up on the next iteration of Wikibase Federated Properties which will enable the use of properties from multiple sources at once, such as Wikidata and also the local Wikibase.

Work continues on the Wikidata Mismatch Finder. You can read more about this future tool on

The campsite worked on many other things. Most notably Ladsgroup spotted that SpamBlacklist was rendering content on Wikidata twice (phabricator). This fix resulted in a rather significant improvement in save times for Wikidata, and users of Wikibase and SpamBlacklist in combination.

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Pulling data into Google Sheets from Phabricator

Phabricator is a suite of web-based software development collaboration tools, used by Wikimedia and many other organizations. One of these tools is a fairly customizable task tracker.

In a recent post I described the current Technical Debt backlog prioritization for Wikidata and Wikibase. Part of that process currently makes use of Google Sheets for a consolidated overview of a whole collection of tasks that are tracked in Phabricator. (I’m looking forward to trying out the new Github Issues table views soon, but I won’t be able to make use of this for Phabricator tasks)

Copying data between Phabricator and Google Sheets constantly would be a complete pain, especially as new tasks get added to the sheet every day and details of tasks can also change on Phabricator itself, such as titles, and statuses.

Which is where Google Apps Script for Google Sheets and the Phabricator API come in to automate this part of the process, at least in one direction.

If you don’t want to read any more of this post, you can find the source on the addshore/phabricator-google-apps-script Github repository.

All you need to do is paste this into a script for your Google Sheet. You can find this by heading to Tools -> Script Editor.

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Tech Lead Digest – July 2021

Welcome to the third installment of my tech lead digest digest. In order to allow myself some extra space to write, and also to provide these public updates and thoughts on a more regular basis, this is now becoming a monthly digest.

I’m going to try to incorporate some of the ongoings from other Wikidata / Wikibase projects, as well as my regular digest and reading.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑Wikidata & Wikibase

Work continues on the next iteration of Wikibase Federated Properties (phabricator board). This work will allow use of properties from multiple sources at once, such as Wikidata and also the local Wikibase.

Work also continues on the Wikidata Mismatch Finder (phabricator board) which is a tool to enable finding mismatches between Wikidata’s data and data in other databases.

The Campsite continues to work on a variety of smaller tasks, in the last month including a new release of our Design System, dealing with the Query Builder security review and preparing for deployment, performing some maintenance on WBStack including preparing for 1.36 and adding Elasticsearch. We also continue to support a university team in deploying a new Property Suggester algorithm (announcement coming soon), work towards tagging all edits made from the UI (T236893), as well as many other smaller tasks.

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What happens in Wikibase when you make a new Item?

A recent Wikibase email list post on the topic of Wikibase and bulk imports caused me to write up a mostly human readable version of what happens, in what order, and when, for Wikibase action API edits, for the specific case of item creation.

There are a fair few areas that could be improved and optimized for a bulk import use case in the existing APIs and code. Some of which are actively being worked on today (T285987). Some of which are on the roadmap, such as the new REST APIs for Wikibase. And others which are out there, waiting to be considered.

This post is is written looking at Wikibase and MediaWiki 1.36 with links to Github for code references. Same areas may be glossed over or even slightly inaccurate, so take everything here with a pinch of salt.

Reach out to me on Twitter if you have questions or fancy another deep dive.

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A first look at Wikidata through Github Copilot

I was added to the Github Copilot preview in the past days, and the first thing I tested out was code suggestions around Wikidata.

Copilot allows you to start writing code, and have a model trained on public Github code suggest block of code that you might want to use.

For example, if you start defining a method called onePlusOne then it might suggest the body return 1+1;.

function onePlusOne() { return 1 + 1; }
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

More targeted toward Wikidata, if you start defining a function called whatIsWikidata then it might suggest return "Wikidata";

function whatIsWikidata(){ return "Wikidata"; }
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In some cases copilot suggests multiple code blocks. Some of these seem useful, others less so.

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Tackling Technical Debt, big and small, in Wikidata and Wikibase

If you’re working with legacy code, chances are you’ve inherited some technical debt. Infact, if you’re working with code, chances you’re already surrounded by technical debt of varying sizes, at least by some measures.

Some believe that technical debt is something to be avoided, and that technical debt that exists is a dirty secret that should be hidden. The reality is that technical debt is a fact of life when code iteratively changes to deliver product solutions.

Striving for programming perfection is great in principle, but ultimately code is meant to deliver features, and there is always a good, better and best approach, with many other variations in-between.

Over the last year at Wikimedia Deutschland we have worked on refining how we record, triage, prioritize and tackle technical debt within the Wikidata and Wikibase product family.

There are many thoughts out there about how to track, tackle, and prioritize technical debt. This post is meant to represent the current status of the Wikidata / Wikibase team. Hopefully you find this useful.

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