Philippines: An Anti-Election piece & Food Not Bombs Action


26 Dec – The mud-slinging, the ridiculous character assassinations, and cyber-bullying being done by followers of the politicians aspiring for the 2016 Philippine presidency are indicators that it is all a sham recycled from several decades ago. This is why I stand by my opinion that there are better things to do to change the country than voting. This is because, whoever wins, a large part of the country’s population will still go hungry and their lives will barely change. An empty stomach, lack of shelter, and no access to proper health care can’t wait another six years.


A local Food Not Bombs chapter can keep 20+ homeless families fed until they are strong enough to look for sources of livelihood, all with just food donations and a minuscule budget. How many government agencies with access to millions of pesos can boast of expediting the same thing? I will change my mind about voting when the machine is not broken anymore and everyone is ensured of having their voices heard. For the meantime, I’ll discuss with my wife how we can further help families in the provinces get cheap medicine and free hospitalization, like what we’ve always done before. We will continue to support local direct action efforts to better the lives of those that the government would round up and hide every time APEC is held here. That is better than being stuck in bureaucratic red tape, because the results with the former are evidently better and immediate, despite its small scale.

Dec. 21, 2015 – Cavite Leg. Food not Bombs crew and anarcho-punks in Dasmarinas, Cavite conducted food sharing activities in the said locality followed by discussion about rhetoric of election and  the evil it brings to the people and community. The Local Autonomous Network is set to conduct series of discussions re: anti-election activities in Manila, Cubao, Cavite and Bulacan.

Philipines: Anti-APEC (A)ction


22 Nov – Local Autonomous Network or LAN is a network of autonomous activists and anarchists that has multiple activities in relation to their various campaigns and initiatives. Most of the affiliated activists whether groups or collectives are active since 1990s which sustained activities such as skills and information sharing through independent publications, video and audio/music recording, workshops, forums and conferences. Urban gardening and application of solar generator system in households and art workshops are one among consistent interests of the activists that are being implemented, improved and shared to their immediate communities. LAN has hosts of network from Manila South to North and nearby provinces of Cavite and Bulacan (Sapang-Palay and Baliwag). During early processes of LANS’s formation autonomous activists from Davao and Leyte were present and actively participated the activities and discussions.

Since 2012, LAN became the venue of solidarity actions of autonomous activists and anarchists in response to social issues such as ecological destructions, hunger, poverty, war, marginalization and among others. LAN conducted actions in solidarity to Occupy movement; it also participated the anti-pork barrel campaign and anti-election protests actions through its distinct activities. It consistently conducts street actions against SONA while staging solidarity action against market institutions like G8.

Once again, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation or APEC  summit held in the Philippines last November 18 – 19, 2015 in Manila.  It is a multilateral trade agreement in Asia-Pacific region which composed of 21 member-countries including the Philippines. It’s main objective is economic cooperation to facilitate economic growth and development. As part of preparations, the government literally cleaned the area by displacing marginalized communities, homeless families and small vendors. Main roads in Manila were blocked that caused heavy traffic jam in other parts of metropolis and vicinities as far as Cavite. While APEC delegates were enjoying luxurious accommodations, people were braving the violence of congestion and stress caused by extremely heavy traffic jams.

Trade agreements like JPEPA (Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement) the WTO (World Trade Organisations), ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), ASEAN-China bilateral agreement; APEC is another instrument of neo-liberal project which the ultimate agenda is to eliminate all trade restrictions. This could mean free movements of products (agricultural and industrial), services, investments, labor which include trash, pollutants, toxic and access to natural resources.

Its adverse effects are: destruction of livelihoods of billions of small producers around the world. As we all know, livelihoods are not designed to compete in the market dominated and controlled by corporations. Privatization is one among great threats; corporations will control public facilities and services such as transportation, health and education, this would mean higher costs which will make social services less or not accessible to millions of people. More productive lands and mining sites will be opened-up and operated by private and foreign investors while fisheries resources will be subjected to more pressure and exploitation. In summary, these trade agreements will results to more massive ecological destruction, more poverty and hunger. Liberalization projects are mainly carried out by corporations backed by financial institutions like International Monetary Fund and World Bank reinforced by state institutions through elitist processes of democracy in Senate and Congress to be implemented by the executive branch armed with Arm forces and police.

On the 18th of November 2015, LAN once again carried-out series of activities which the objective is to send solidarity to all the oppressed and marginalized communities and families. The group peacefully gathered and set-up in Baclaran Church opposite of the “Manilabayan” camp –- a protest of Lumad community (indigenous community); they traveled from Mindanao to Manila to seek justice for killings, abuses and exploitation of their people. There were numbers of lumad have been killed due to multitude of issues of mining and insurgency.

Tarps and propaganda materials were installed while others prepared the area for “Really, Really Free Market” and some were busy preparing things for Food Not Bombs. Some activists initiated public discussions which the main topic is APEC. Nearby, an activist offered hair-cutting service patronize by lumads and city dwellers. One of the tarpaulins which were the biggest one is for the group’s solidarity to struggle of lumad and it calls for the ouster of all armed elements and mining corporations in the lumad territory. The whole process was full of fun and informative the public in general was responsive they participated free market and tasted congee and noodles served by the group. Many lumads came out of the camp and participated and witnessed the event.

Continue reading “Philipines: Anti-APEC (A)ction”

Philippines: more on anarchist solidarity with victims of Typhoon Haiyan

The Solar Guerilla Autonomous Response Team of the Mobile Anarchist School is launching a third mission to the typhoon hit region of Leyte in the  Philippines and is calling for any donations to help them out in this task. They have been distributing food, providing health care wherever they can, childcare and have set up solar powered generators to help people recharge mobile phones and torches, all completely free of charge. The Brisbane Solidarity Network have produced a pamphlet covering the first two missions with details on how to support this campaign.It can be downloaded here.

See also Leyte Mission One and Leyte Mission Two.

Donations can be sent to
Account Number: 2719 0543 77
Account holder: Jocelyn R. Zalueta / Crisanto D. De Vera
Account holder address: 157 Ilaya E. Mendoza St. Buting, Pasig City Philippines
Bank address: 99 A. Sn.guillermo Ave. Buting, Pasig City, Philippines
Zip Code: 1600
Swift Code: BOPIPHMM
Any queries or donation related to this initiative please OR the Etniko Bandido Infoshop at Continue reading “Philippines: more on anarchist solidarity with victims of Typhoon Haiyan”

Philippines: continuing autonomous disaster relief


Onsite Infoshop: Mobile Anarchist School volunteers and its immediate network have no time to rest; right after our first mission, we came back to Manila just to complete the requirements for “Climate Crises and Direct Action Forum” where we shared the details of our initiative in Leyte.

We able to gather resources enough to support six volunteers for 15 days action. We discussed the details of our second mission and carefully outlined our plan based on our experience. Continue reading “Philippines: continuing autonomous disaster relief”

Philippines: Yolanda’s aftermath and Autonomous Initiative

Anarchist News, 4 December: Yolanda is one of the most destructive typhoons to have visited the Philippine archipelago. It pummeled the Visayas region, particularly Leyte and some parts of Cebu and Panay areas. Super typhoon Yolanda left the archipelago with thousands of dead people, commercial and residential structures destroyed, power knocked-out; agriculture and livelihoods are washed-out that caused billions of losses. Destruction is so extensive that it caused unimaginable effect to the survivors.

Government’s Response caused more devastation to the people

The Philippine archipelago is in the frontline of calamity brought by storms. It is a common knowledge impossible to miss especially by the government which is supposed to be the authority in terms of preparation and rehabilitation. The huge number of dead people scattered in Leyte is attributable to the incapacity of the government to install preparatory mechanism to lessen casualties, the Philippine government did not learn from our past experience of havoc due to storm surges.

Reports in relation to looting and violence in Tacloban city and other municipalities are effects of dirty politics, neglect and corruption. The inability of the government to provide systematic and effective respones made people behave violently; shortage of food is not an issue. The global attention is on the Philippines for the past few weeks; donations and support in terms of cash, in kinds and in services are overwhelming. Continue reading “Philippines: Yolanda’s aftermath and Autonomous Initiative”

Manila, Philippines: squatters battle riot police

2 July: Philippine slum dwellers hurling rocks, improvised explosives and human excrement fought running battles with riot police Monday around a sprawling Manila shanty town that is set for redevelopment, an AFP photographer saw.

Police said an officer was hospitalized with a head injury while several residents of the North Triangle slum were briefly detained, though none were charged and were later released.

Police moved in as traffic backed up after squatters erected barricades across a street, said the district’s police chief, Senior Superintendent Richard Albano. “We arrested some people, but later decided to release them,” Albano told ABS-CBN television in an interview.

Residents hurled projectiles at officers who baton-charged them from behind shields. An AFP photographer said rocks, spikes and nails packed in small containers, as well as faeces, were hurled at the police. Continue reading “Manila, Philippines: squatters battle riot police”

Philippines: anarchist anti-election activities


direktang tulong

poster fnb

As the campaign period for the May 13 polls heated up on its last day on Saturday, cab driver told that, “I am not excited to vote. Every three years, I keep hearing the same promises from the same people, who keep breaking their promises every two years. Old and new politicians are alike. They want to remain in power forever. They don’t serve the people.”

He referred to the ruling elite, whose members have been well entrenched in politics. Although dynasty and traditional politicians have become dirty words in this year’s polls, critics were not strong and proactive to allow change of candidates. In a depressed area near a river in suburban Quezon City, unemployed voters and poor residents have formed groups, like herds, to receive gifts — consisting of money and grocery items — from handlers of candidates. “Vote-buying is both a blessing and a headache for all…

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Workers’ struggles in East Asia (April 2013)

From Spartacus’s blog on Libcom: Summary and links to news stories of workers’ struggles around East Asia during April 2013 and related resources. The most important stories appear on my Twitter feed as soon as I find them:

This month there has been news from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

Perhaps the most significant event from the last month has been the ongoing strike by dock workers at Asia’s third biggest port in Hong Kong – it has certainly received the most English language media coverage as you’ll see below. I decided not to post my usual list of most important stories as there were so many for that strike. They are still marked in bold for each country. For reports of workers struggles in Mandarin, as usual I urge you to check Jasmine Revolution and with the help of a translator website if you need it.

All reports ordered by country and date: Continue reading “Workers’ struggles in East Asia (April 2013)”

Manila, Philippines: “Win or lose, we go shopping after the election” – Imelda Marcos

From Onsite Infoshop in Muntinlupa City (Manila south), Philippines.


Last April 27 2013, a group of politicians with their aids and supporters stormed Onsite community in Muntinlupa City; they were armed with colorful propaganda materials, loud sound system combined with sweet talks and fake smiles.



They shook hands with people who are characterized by “culture of silence”; they tend to keep issues within themselves and generally avoid confrontation with the politicians.

the power of bulletin board

The beauty of spontaneity lies in its unpredictability. The politicians encountered unexpected things which exposed their ignorance. First, they unable to react to bulletin board set-up by Onsite Infoshop volunteers; it deals about the inability of the politicians and local officials to respond to flood that regularly occurs in the community.

Then, they met a well articulate and tenacious volunteer who discussed flood problem and its relationship to the changing pattern of the climate. He told politicians to pay attention to more serious issues such as heavy…

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Philippines: Soldarity statement from the Black and Green Forum and Solidarity Eco-Camp


Eco-Camp is an activity organized by Mobile Anarchist School with the help by Local Autonomous Network (LAN) both active in the Philippines. Last April 2012 was the first camping held in Tanay Rizal, Philippines. It was attended by various collectives and individuals totaling around 40 people who participated the various activities and discussions in the camp. The objective of the eco-camp was to discuss the different issues confronting our current society and to find solidarity actions that can help expose and popularize our issues.

After series of activities in 2012, the LAN decided to expand its activities on ecological issues due to concrete manifestation of the crisis impacting the archipelago.

The second eco-camp gathering was organized by LAN and the Mobile Anarchist School in March 2013 to heighten our education campaign and to strengthen the relationship with other affinity groups and build an international network better able to work towards intensifying our impact by making solidarity actions globally. Continue reading “Philippines: Soldarity statement from the Black and Green Forum and Solidarity Eco-Camp”