Monday 11th October saw a general strike called by several base unions in Italy, which was marked by a mass blockade against an Amazon warehouse and a violent attack against picketers. Content...

A new biography of Left-Communist Gavril Miasnikov and the Workers Group of the Russian Communist Party.

Abahlali baseMjondolo outside the Durban City Hall - 24 February 2019

Today, Abahlali baseMjondolo, from a base on more than seventy ongoing land occupations, and with a membership in good standing approaching 80 000, organised a major march in Durban against...

Duterte isn't incompetent, he knows exactly what he is doing and that makes it worse.

Written by Simoun Magsalin. First published by...


credit: natykosart

Marianne Garneau criticises the leftist idea of a separation between workplace struggles and politics. ...


Libcom's organising toolkit - guides to organising at work, in your local area and more.