TOTW: Spooky Scary Anarchists!

Awww, look at these cuties! You get all the candy you want! <3

Trick or treat?

While some people roam the streets, going door-to-door merrily busking for candy, anarchists take to the streets to do direct action. For some, direct action means patching potholes, for others, it means littering. Is being an anarchist about being the house that gives the best candy? Or is it about who TPs the house that gives the best candy or who makes the best prank? Would you rather be feared or be loved? To be remembered fondly, or to live in infamy? Why not both?

2 articles about Laurance Labadie

Laurence Labadie and Oriole Tucker

from Center for a Stateless Society by Eric Fleischmann

Laurance Labadie’s “Anarchism Applied to Economics”
Announcing: The Laurance Labadie Archival Project

While Anarchism is, in one sense, not a constructed philosophy, that is, not a “system,” anarchists stand firm “constructively” in the position above stated. What form voluntary associations which anarchists contemplate will take, remains for the future to evince. Anarchism primarily, is not an economic arrangement but a social philosophy based upon the conclusion that man is happy and independent in proportion to the freedom he experiences and can maintain.

An Anarchist Illustrator Looks to Radical Histories to Fight Fascism

An Anarchist Illustrator Looks to Radical Histories to Fight Fascism

From hyperallergic

Anarchist illustrator N.O. Bonzo produces decentralized media in a highly bureaucratic cultural landscape. Their illustrations, murals, and literature emerge in unexpected places, from the streets of Portland, Oregon, to the far ends of Reddit and Twitter, addressing relations of labor and identity in the workplace and on the streets.


We Have the Matches

via It's Going Down

On the resurgence of housing struggle in the Netherlands

Our latest contribution comes from an anarchist in the Netherlands, and details the positions and possibilities of an exciting resurgence of housing struggle there after a decade of relative quiet. For those interested in the history of squatting in the Netherlands, we recommend this brief section (starting page 111) from The Subversion of Politics: European Autonomous Social Movements and the Decolonization of Everyday Life by Georgy Katsiaficas, published by AK Press.

3 arson attacks on aristocratic cars

via Act for freedom now!

Original Title: Athens, Greece: 3 arson attacks on aristocratic cars in Pefki area for the dead by cops in Perama

The answer to every state assassination and state repression should be fire. As an initial reaction we chose to reflexively attack the peaceful aristocrats of the northern suburbs because the repression is class and so are state assassinations.

Anarchists march after cops killed an 18yo

via Act for freedom now!

Original title: Athens, Greece: Anarchists march in Perama Piraeus area in Athens after the execution of an 18-year-old by 7 cops

Perama: Microphone, gathering and a march took place after a call by the Anarchist Group of Perama on the afternoon of Sunday, October 24, 2021, starting from Heroes Square, two blocks away from the police station and the local offices of New Democracy, which were “tabooed” behind three MAT [riot cops] cages and an Aura (Water cannon )

Shut up about 'dual power', tool

Anarcho-Lenin's Dual Power


Dual power was coined by Lenin to describe two powers (the Soviets and the existing government) temporarily coexisting with each other and competing for legitimacy with the ultimate goal of the Soviets expelling the other power and seizing control of the state (to install state capitalism / one party dictatorship).

Support Ryan Roberts and #KillTheBill Bristol defendants!

Support Ryan Roberts and #KillTheBill Bristol defendants!

From The Final Straw

On March 21st, 2021, thousands entered the streets of Bristol in the UK to vent their anger at deaths in police custody, police violence on the streets, as well as a slate of repressive laws including the SpyCops Bill, increasing impunity for government officials breaking their own laws, as well as the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, or simply The Bill, targeting Roma people, Travelers, lengthens youth prison sentences and criminalizing dissent and protest amidst some of the harshest Covid-19 lockdowns the UK had seen. What became known as the Kill The Bill riot led to running fights with police, burnt cop cars, a dizzying disinformation campaign by police centering themselves as victims, and over 80 people arrested to date, with more being detained and some facing years in prison. From Monday the 25th & Wednesday the 27th of October 2021, defendant Ryan Roberts will be facing trial and is calling for international solidarity.


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