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(en) Mapuche Public statement before the declaration of a "state of emergency" in Wallmapu (Mapuche region) [machine translation]

Date Thu, 21 Oct 2021 09:17:43 +0300

The Mapuche Autonomous Community of Temucuicui declares the following to mapuche communities and organizations and to national and international public opinion; ---- 1.- Today will be a historic day for the racist and terrorist activities of the Chilean state and the government of the criminal Sebastián Piñera, it is precisely the day on which the genocide and destruction of the environment, which racist culture has called, continues and renews "Discovering America". The Mapuche people are being attacked through the declaration of a "state of emergency" that seeks for a period of 15 days to use the armed forces to increase and strengthen the militarization, repression and restriction of the Mapuche resistance movement.

2.- This fact demonstrates the resounding failure of the state, the lack of political will and the violation of human rights guaranteed by the rules of international law. It is also the objective proof of the failure of the Constituent Assembly and the reserved seats, where the historical struggle of the Mapuche people has been relativized and limited to an abstract notion of "peoples". Now, in a debate and declaration of the multinational state, the militarization and continuation of the genocide, of which the Mapuche people have historically been a victim, has been officially declared.

3.- We are in the presence of a colonial state, with all its racist structure succumbing to the pressures of landowners and businessmen who maintain their economic power in our old territory, who destroyed the wallmapu and succeeded in the intervention of the armed forces. Today all the procedural and constitutional guarantees are made available to the police criminals, those who invented the elements in Operation Hurricane and the institutions that together with their generals have stolen public funds, and who enjoy all freedoms. On the other hand, we Mapuche are subject to the criminal law of the legislator, that is, we are guilty of the fact that we are only Mapuche.

4.- In view of this scenario, it is necessary to remember that our territory was also the object of terrorist acts carried out by the Chilean army during 1986, during the civil-military dictatorship, when a large operation was carried out by the secret services of the dictatorship. with the support of a large detachment of soldiers, who invaded violently, searching for alleged weapons and territory leaders of Temucuicui, Trikauko, ancapi ñancucheo and Chacaico. It was a difficult time, with house destruction, torture and terror lingering in the memory of the Temucuicui guerrillas. So if the Chilean armed forces did not intimidate us that time, much less will they be able to do so now.

5.- Finally we point out that we will continue to denounce and resist to bring life back to the wallmapu, we will protect Itxofi Mogen as our ancestors entrusted to us and we call on all lands to fight and resist, so that we remain standing and never knees. Our people have fought since the arrival of the Spanish thieves and now will not be the exception, everything that may result from it, and the victims that may occur will be the sole responsibility of the Chilean state. For this reason, we will maintain our territorial control and continue with the reclaiming of our lands, even if it costs our lives.

We are all the Mapuche people

To denounce militarization

The army is outside the Mapuche territories

Mapuche Autonomous Community - TERRITORIO TEMUCUICUI

Source: temucuicui community

https://land andf reedom.gr/el/diethni/556-mapuche-dimosia-dilosi-prin-tin-kiryksi-katastasis-ektaktis-anagkis-sto-wallmapu
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