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Tax & Super

This Month

Three economists defend JobKeeper

Academics on the make now cultivate their relevance by fitting political arguments to economic issues.

  • Joe Aston

Tax shortcut for work-from-home claims extended

Rules allowing taxpayers to speed up their annual tax return have been extended to June 2022.

  • Tom McIlroy

Cbus under fire over proposal to cut wages to pay for super

The industry super sector has consistently argued that increases in the superannuation guarantee do not lower wages growth.

  • Michael Read

TWU Super ditches merger with scandal-plagued EISS Super

TWUSuper has abandoned its planned merger with EISS Super, just days after the fund was hauled before Parliament to account for alleged inappropriate spending. 

  • Michael Read and Michael Roddan

Call to strip employers of ability to choose workers’ super funds

A review of the super system should consider letting the Future Fund manage workers’ money and making consumers select their default fund, says Super Consumers Australia.

  • Michael Read

Global corporate-tax overhaul advances

The deal, supported by 136 countries, includes a 15 per cent minimum rate for corporations, which could bolster governments’ incomes by $205 billion a year.

  • William Horobin and Isabel Gottlieb

US response to Pandora Papers leaves Australia exposed

US reform will leave Australia as one of the last holdouts against international moves to curb money laundering.

  • Updated
  • Neil Chenoweth and Liam Walsh

Glencore fallout likely to provoke more tax battles

The ATO does not accept that transfer pricing rules have been narrowed as a result of its legal stoush with Glencore.

  • Tom McIlroy


Back film and TV tax changes, industry tells MPs

Film and television companies want changes to government funding locked in, despite concerns about a tax offset for visual effects.

  • Tom McIlroy

APRA ‘tightens screws’ on super fund investments

The prudential regulator will beef up investment governance rules for superannuation funds in a move expected to create headaches for small funds.

  • Aleks Vickovich

Rich lister SMSFs exempted from retirement rules

The Morrison government has quietly exempted self-managed funds from the new obligations designed in response to a growing body of evidence showing retirees are dying with most of their wealth intact.

  • Aleks Vickovich and Michael Read

Super funds push back against accusations of collusion

Liberal MP Tim Wilson used a house economics hearing into capital concentration to examine whether super funds were colluding to wield influence over listed companies.

  • Michael Read

Handing super system to Future Fund makes workers poorer, warns FSC

The Financial Services Council said there would be political risks for the Future Fund if it generated poor or negative returns.

  • Michael Read

Film and TV industry oppose tax change

Changes to a tax offset for post-production and visual effects will hurt local productions, the industry says.

  • Tom McIlroy

The nation’s largest super fund is still a small player: Silk

Liberal MP Tim Wilson says consolidation in the super sector is ‘worrying’ but concedes it is a direct consequence of the government’s own reforms.

  • Michael Read

EISS Super paid rent for charity linked to CEO’s daughter

Two more directors stepped down from the embattled fund on Friday as it deals with allegations of corruption and wasteful spending.

  • Michael Read and Michael Roddan

ASIC examining whether Maritime Super chairman breached advice laws

In the three-page letter, Maritime Super chairman Paddy Crumlin defended the fund’s performance and hit back at ‘extremely negative reporting’ about the fund.

  • Michael Read

Super funds resubmitted data 60,000 times before performance test

Funds that were more likely to fail the inaugural performance test submitted the most revisions, according a Financial Review analysis.

  • Michael Read

ATO fails ‘fair and reasonable’ JobKeeper test: watchdog

A report by the ombudsman found the Tax Office limited late enrolments to cases involving natural disasters, death or serious illness.

  • Tom McIlroy

Corrupt GST bargain boosts Western Australia’s embarrassing budget

It is outrageous that the federal government is adding billions to its budget deficit to enable the only government in Australia with a surplus to run an even bigger one.

  • Saul Eslake