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Opinion & Perspectives

Eroding privacy: The murder of an MP could happen in Australia too

The murder of a British MP during a routine meeting with voters could happen in Australia, where MPs are increasingly worried about attacks.

Rob Harris
Rob Harris

National Affairs Editor

Stacked to the rafters

Branch stacking rewards unethical behaviour and breeds cynicism towards all parties. It needs to be stamped out.

Jon Faine
Jon Faine


Morrison the pragmatist leads from the back on net zero

A net zero pledge from Scott Morrison is now all but certain as the political winds have shifted. But whether voters will reward the PM is an open question.

James Massola
James Massola

Sunday political correspondent



Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce

PM assures net zero an economic positive as Nats debate coal price

Scott Morrison is trying to end a damaging policy split that could last into next week as key Nationals insist on more time to put forward their demands for regional jobs.

  • by David Crowe
Advocates say illicit drug users have been left behind in the pandemic.

‘QR codes for drug dealers’: Calls to improve COVID-19 response

Drug and alcohol experts are calling for a harm minimisation approach to users at risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19.

  • by Dana Daniel

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