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Richard Holden


Richard Holden

Richard Holden is professor of economics at UNSW Business School and President-elect of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. Connect with Richard on Twitter.

This Month

The Reserve Bank should act like policymakers, not forecasters

What new information will lead the central bank to increase the cash rate? Today’s decision provides zero additional clarity on this.


The great interest rate debate takes another turn

Stephen Grenville’s claim that he wants interest rates to actively be pushed up because it is “inevitable”, is like saying we’re all going to die some day, so let’s stop taking care of ourselves.

Nobel Prize for economics goes for understanding when correlation is causation

David Card, Joshua Angrist, and Guido Imbens made pioneering contributions to what is now a core part of modern social sciences, not just economics.

Sucking it up and raising interest rates would be economic carnage

Those calling for normalising monetary policy need to understand that we don’t live in our parents global economy but in an age of secular stagnation.


We score an F for COVID-19 testing

The medical bureaucracy’s failure to expedite vaccine supply is matched by the lack of action on faster testing kits.



The end of lockdowns is near but it’s not here yet

There’s no living with a strain three times more infectious than flu and 20 times as fatal. So we can’t go wobbly on the strategy that’s prevented the deaths and economic carnage that premature reopening would entail. 

  • Updated


Next election is Labor’s 1983 moment all over again

Rather than fighting battles already won over the minimum wage, the ALP must focus on how capital and labour can work together to improve productivity and lift living standards.


Where does the budget leave Labor?

The Coalition’s great flip on deficits and spending has also opened the way for Labor to return to its own reforming tradition.

Biden is making a mistake on vaccine patents

An act of apparent generosity could damage the IP system that created these miracle drugs in the first place.


Paying for lack of vaccine insurance

The government may have found another 20 million Pfizer shots as it limits use of AstraZeneca. But there have been too many unforced errors as well.


To win the vaccine rollout race we must start sprinting

Australia started later and is running slower than other countries. To speed up supply and demand, delivery of the jabs should be industrialised and eligibility dramatically increased.


The perverse logic of the push for higher interest rates

Tech-driven secular stagnation, not central bank policy, is the reason money is cheap, monetary policy is less effective, and why more aggressive fiscal policy is needed.


Media code is a Stalinist show trial

The Morrison government needs to come to its senses and recognise that its proposed media bargaining code is absurdly slanted in favour of media companies.

Is the virus the meteor that finally wipes out the dinosaur of cash?

Businesses that have shunned cash in the pandemic may be finally nudging the public away from clunky notes and coins.

November 2020

Did the RBA just do the right thing? It's very hard to tell

Imagining that central bankers have magical powers obscures a lot of other important policy conversations.


October 2020

How two economists applied game theory to improve auctions

The Nobel committee has shown impeccable taste in awarding this year's economic science prize to Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson for profoundly important contributions to our understanding of auctions.

September 2020

Why the party of thrift shouldn't be timid about cutting taxes

The Liberal Party's ditched the obsession with debt and deficit to pay for pandemic supports. But that should not deter them from their old focus on inefficient taxes.

The key to living with the virus? Less accurate tests

Forget the gold standard, it's about volume. Test strips could be deployed to schools and workplaces and even to shopping centres, airports, and large cultural events.

Rudd and Keating's rant won't fix the super system's flaws

The former prime ministers' defence of higher contributions misses the point. Reforms are needed to increase the returns on the super we have – not just pour more money in.

August 2020

Biden will back the trans-Pacific trade partnership

Joe Biden has empathy for the losers from globalisation. But he will still be a stronger advocate for free trade than Donald Trump.