burning dumpster

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

jeff bezos is perfect. I’m so glad that he exists. he’s just as evil and scummy as every other billionaire, but unlike a bill gates or a steve jobs or, yes, even an elon musk, he spends absolutely no time cultivating his public image. no one believes that he’s a genius inventor or that he’s a benevolent philanthropist or he’s going to save the world. they just see their asshole boss or shitty landlord that they hate in him. and no one can say that he’s insignificant or marginal; he’s the richest man on the planet, now set to become the world’s first trillionaire during the covid pandemic. this man is a cartoon caricature of a billionaire. he’s the monopoly man brought to life. a man with no redeeming qualities who openly profits from suffering and misery. he is so useful as a tool to radicalize people because he distills the contradictions and inequities of capitalism perfectly. he’s the marie antionette of the 21st century.

Source: pyomorphic