
rain/ 21 / they / nonbinary lesbian / black

dni if terf/truscum/anti-anti/cishet

Peaceful Sleep

I’m Rain/Ripley!


-black nb lesbian



-pls don’t follow if under 18!

-usual dni (terfs/truscum/map/anti-anti)

thanks 💫 take care of yrself



i saw a version of this meme today that felt very mean so i made my own version :]


heyyyy lol soooooo uh. so my dad died yesterday which means i am now an orphan with adult responsibilities, which isn’t sick and is, in fact, extremely cringe. so. i made a paypal, i haven’t had it for long i just figured it’d be important somewhere down the line. all the big kids have one


please slide me some money so that i can. survive.



Why We Don’t Equate “Narcissistic” With “Abusive”

Our blog does not support using stigmatizing language like “narcissistic” because we want to maintain a safe environment for all survivors, including those with personality disorders. 

We do understand that a lot of people are not aware of the harmfulness of using  “narcissistic” to describe abuse and that is why we are writing this post. We believe that offering insight into the matter is important. 

“Narcissistic” is an example of a term that people use to be synonymous with “abusive”. It is important to refrain from armchair diagnosing people. 

It’s important to note that personality disorders, (including narcissistic personality disorder) do not make someone inherently abusive. Using terms like narcissistic to describe abuse is ableist. 

Narcissism as a concept existed before the diagnosis of NPD existed, however, it’s become hard to separate. When someone uses the term “narcissist” to equate it to being a “bad person” this will lump in everyone who has NPD. 

In a lot of cases, those with personality disorders have been abused themselves and are in need of support and feel they cannot get it in a lot of places due to the stigma surrounding their personality disorder. 

It’s important to be clear that the abuse you went through is valid! However, instead of saying “narcissistic,” try to use other negative terms in place that will reduce stigma and harm. Some terms may include: manipulative, selfish, or conceited. 

Please only use “narcissist” to refer to someone with NPD and when doing that, don’t use it as an insulting term. 

“Deni Ponty - Lovers on a Sofa, 1992. An illustration for The New Joy of Gay Sex by Dr. Charles Silverstein and Felice Picano.
Swann Auction Galleries


Deni Ponty - Lovers on a Sofa, 1992. An illustration for The New Joy of Gay Sex by Dr. Charles Silverstein and Felice Picano.

Swann Auction Galleries




Every once and a while, I read a reference to some new and cartoonishly evil thing some Republican legislature is trying to do somewhere, and go, “okay, this one really has got to be hyperbole.”

Pretty much every time, I’m wrong.

News article

The bill



genuinely think all my problems would be solved if I was just a trophy husband. where is my breadwinning wife, I want legos


me and who

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