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Market movers

Andrew Forrest - a green campaigner

The green wars: Nickel stoush between BHP and Andrew Forrest heats up

Copper and nickel are the new black of environmentally sought after commodities. BHP and Andrew Forrest are chasing one small Canadian company sitting on both.

  • by Elizabeth Knight



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Sales of house and land lots and strong leasing in its logistics and workplace portfolio are underpinning Stockland’s momentum.

Stockland town centres cop hefty COVID hit

A quarter of retail tenants in the $11 billion property developer’s town centres are struggling to pay their rent as state lockdowns extract a heavy toll.

  • by Simon Johanson
Andrew Forrest - a green campaigner

The green wars: Nickel stoush between BHP and Andrew Forrest heats up

Copper and nickel are the new black of environmentally sought after commodities. BHP and Andrew Forrest are chasing one small Canadian company sitting on both.

  • by Elizabeth Knight

Opinion & Perspectives

The green wars: Nickel stoush between BHP and Andrew Forrest heats up

Copper and nickel are the new black of environmentally sought after commodities. BHP and Andrew Forrest are chasing one small Canadian company sitting on both.

Elizabeth Knight
Elizabeth Knight

Business columnist

China’s economy is cooling rapidly and Australia could feel the chill

China’s economy is confronting many challenges, some of its own making. How it deals with them will have flow-on effects to the rest of the world and, most particularly, Australia.

Stephen Bartholomeusz
Stephen Bartholomeusz

Senior business columnist

Pandemic boom: Wall Street’s biggest dealmakers have never been busier

The world is experiencing economic upheaval caused by the pandemic, trade disputes and geopolitical tension. And dealmakers at America’s biggest banks are the busiest they have ever been.

Lananh Nguyen

Banking & finance



Immediation founder Laura Keily.

Aussie legal tech start-up takes digital courtroom to the US

Disputes mediation platform Immediation is ready to make waves in the US, with Afterpay’s Elana Rubin, business leader, Christine Christian, and former AWS head, Rachael Neumann, to guide the expansion.

  • by Tim Biggs
The ambitious goal is to welcome residents by 2030, with a goal of eventually having a population of 5 million people.

The billionaire who wants to build a $540b utopian city in the US desert

Marc Lore, the former president of Walmart e-commerce, is spearheading Telosa, a utopian city in the middle of the desert.

  • by Scott Gleeson

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