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Oct 11, 2021 • 16m30s

‘I'll be on the frontline and I might die’

Eighteen months into the pandemic, Australia has more case numbers than ever, and our doctors, nurses and other health professionals are reporting alarmingly high rates of exhaustion, burnout and mental health issues. Today, Dr Natasha Smallwood on the stress that healthcare workers are facing and what that means for the health system after the pandemic.


Oct 8, 2021 • 18m26s

The real 'Succession': Who will replace Rupert Murdoch?

Rupert Murdoch’s 90th birthday has focused discussion on who will take over the world’s largest media empire. Murdoch’s son Lachlan is making major strategic moves in his role as News Corp’s co-chair. Today, Paddy Manning on Rupert Murdoch’s succession plan, and what the media empire will look like under Lachlan’s control.


Oct 7, 2021 • 16m 50s

Inside the Coalition’s climate war

The Prime Minister Scott Morrison has so far refused growing international pressure to commit to net zero emissions by 2050. Now he’s facing a concerted push from MPs in his own party to embrace the policy. But on the other side of the Coalition, right-wing Nationals are refusing to budge. Today, Mike Seccombe on how climate politics has wedged Scott Morrison.


Oct 6, 2021 • 15m 07s

Everything you need to know about NSW's new Premier

On Tuesday, Dominic Perrottet won the support of his Liberal Party colleagues to become the 46th Premier of NSW. But he’s already facing criticism for his socially conservative views on issues ranging from abortion to voluntary euthanasia. Today, Hannah Ryan on Dominic Perrottet’s life and career so far and what kind of leader he will be.


Oct 5, 2021 • 17m 30s

The people most at risk when lockdown ends

Australia’s two largest states are getting ready to end their long lockdowns and reopen when 80 percent of eligible residents are fully vaccinated. But what does reopening with that target mean for the 20 percent who are yet to receive their vaccines? Today, Rick Morton on how some of our most at risk communities fell through the cracks.


Oct 4, 2021 • 16m 56s

Why Gladys Berejiklian resigned

On Friday the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian suddenly resigned. Her shocking departure from the top job has left the state in political turmoil in the midst of a pandemic. It's also raised important questions about political accountability and transparency. Today, Mike Seccombe on why Gladys Berejiklian resigned and what happens next in New South Wales.


Oct 1, 2021 • 15m 25s

How Scott Morrison turned Australia into a climate pariah

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is facing pressure over his reluctance to attend this November’s climate change conference in Glasgow. But what’s really driving the PM’s unwillingness to participate in the most important international climate event in years? Today, Paul Bongiorno on the climate policy paralysis plaguing the Morrison government and what it means for Australia’s international reputation.


Sep 30, 2021 • 16m 55s

The battle inside the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church has historically been one of the most powerful institutions in Australia, but in response to its current crisis, a once-in-a-century meeting is being organised to discuss its future. This plenary is pitting church reformists against conservatives, with Cardinal George Pell making a surprise return to the country to try and influence the debate. Today, Mike Seccombe on the influence the Catholic Church has on Australia and the battle for its future.


564: ‘I'll be on the frontline and I might die’