Capital BikeshareOvjeren akaunt


Your public bike system in Metro DC! 400+ stations in DC, Arlington, Alexandria, Montgomery Co, coming soon to Fairfax Co. Account not monitored 24/7.

(877) 430-BIKE
Pridružio/la se srpanj 2010.

@bikeshare je blokiran/a

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  1. When the weekend passes too fast and you just wanna go back...

  2. For up-to-the-minute station and bike details, be sure to use the app.

  3. Corrals are open for the ceremonies today. Visit 10th & Constitution Ave station for unlimited docks!

  4. See an issue with a Capital Bikeshare dock or station? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or by emailing!

  5. Friendly reminder: Green means go, green means stowed! Be sure you dock propertly - here's how:

  6. Are you riding with us today? Be sure to take the pledge and maybe catch that you've been looking for!

  7. We're on Team Bike for tomorrow's Car-Free Day! Take the pledge:

  8. New to Capital Bikeshare? Take our CaBi 101 online course and become a pro in minutes!

  9. Two wheels, two burritos? Our BOGO offer w/ is in effect again today. Visit one near you w/your key!

  10. When you walk out of work and find a full-on b-day party going down

  11. Had to do a little Birthday party! Hanging out with at 1st & M NE

  12. The FY16 report has been released:

  13. Another present for us (for you, really): A 25 dock station at Wisconsin Ave & Brandywine St NW in Tenleytown, next to Wilson HS & Ft. Reno

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