Rick MortonVerifizierter Account


Senior Reporter: The Saturday Paper. Author: One Hundred Years of Dirt & On Money (Hachette) out now. Country kid from QLD. rickjamesmorton@gmail.com

Sydney, New South Wales
Beigetreten April 2010


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    14. Jan.

    !!! The cover of my next book My Year of Living Vulnerably. I have never worked as hard on anything, or as long! Out in March. Would mean the world if you pre-ordered. Print: Ebook: Audio:

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  2. 20. Okt.

    i don't care what the lists say, for Gold Walkley

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  3. 19. Okt.

    Anyway, don't read the Fin Review piece. Read this essay on leisure and idleness by Bertrand Russell instead. Far more illuminating. America has been added to the list, obviously.

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  4. 19. Okt.

    got one of the bad myGov “you have one new message in your inbox” alerts yesterday lol

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  5. 19. Okt.

    never trust anyone who doesn’t know how to laugh

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  6. 19. Okt.

    I remember interviewing Pru in her ministerial office in like 2013 and being terrified the whole time. Some people just got that vibe you know. Anyhow, time to have a quick read

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  7. 18. Okt.

    Bertha is the friendliest chook, and adores mum. But when mum came home in a full raincoat the poor thing bolted and hid. Honestly looking forward to coming home for the holidays and sitting on the yard with the chickens and writing for pleasure.

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  8. 18. Okt.

    Mum has returned home after torrential rainfall in storm to find her largest chicken, Bertha (right, in grey) about half the volume she normally is

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  9. 18. Okt.
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  10. hat retweetet
    17. Okt.

    this is a great piece about how to vaccinate the most vulenerable in our communities! Pioneered in Aus by a hospital in Melbourne, we should be doing it everywhere

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  11. 15. Okt.

    The thing I have missed most during lockdown is overhearing random conversations out in the world. Last night: “For real, that was his nickname in high school. Extreme John.”

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  12. 15. Okt.

    Leaked government documents reveal Indigenous Covid-19 infection rates almost twice as high as non-Indigenous people nationally and deaths up to three times as high among some age groups.

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  13. hat retweetet
    14. Okt.

    Over the past few months I have been working with and , and am now excited to share with you: a program that allows you to buy books to donate directly to women currently incarcerated in NSW.

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  14. 14. Okt.
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  15. 14. Okt.

    anyhow one day I will write an essay about growing up without any fucken food knowledge and how the only thing that really fixed it was having time, financial security and good mental health lol

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  16. 14. Okt.

    surprisingly, my instagram cooking videos do not document all the frantic googling

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  17. 14. Okt.
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  18. 14. Okt.

    this was a journey

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  19. 14. Okt.

    "and do the migrating Arctic terns worry about the Earth falling off its axis, do you think?" "come now, they aren't worried about that they are just worried about survival."

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  20. 14. Okt.

    thankfully the, ah, [checks notes] climate has, ah, [double checking] nothing to do with farming

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  21. 14. Okt.

    There is also $7000 in a super account from many, many years ago which I have been unable to consolidate for similar reasons (extreme silly past Rick areas + ongoing severe case of form fatigue)

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