Two Videos to Support Sundiata Acoli's Parole Hearing

Below are two videos about former Black Panther political prisoner Sundiata Acoli's upcoming parole hearing Feb. 2010. Please check them out, leave comments/ratings, spread them far and wide, and sign the online petition for Sundiata and/or write a letter of support - 36 years is enough!

Sundiata Acoli Parole Video

Sundiata Acoli Statement Video

Black Panther Event at PSU this Wed

Come on down to the event I'm organizing this Wed. through PSU's Black Studies Dept about the Black Panther Party.

Black Panther Black Bag: A Discussion about the Party

with Portland Panther founder Kent Ford

and Texas Panther founder Dr. Leroy Haynes

FREE (and free lunch provided!)

Wed., Dec. 2 12- 1:30 pm

Smith Memorial Union

1825 SW Broadway

2nd floor, Multicultural Center

Portland State University

Sponsored by PSU's Black Studies Department and the Multicultural Center

Walidah's Winter Classes

I'll be teaching two classes in winter at Portland State University. If you know anyone taking classes, please spread the word!


African American Writers: Hip Hop
BST 421 CRN 44039
Mon/Wed 4:40-6:30 pm
We will be focusing on African American Hip Hop Literature, reading Sister Souljah's The Coldest Winter Ever and Paul Beatty's work, putting the writing and hip hop in a historical, social, political and literary context.

Introduction to Contemporary Race/Ethnic Relations
BST 214 CRN 44038
Tues/Thurs 12-1:50 pm
We will be looking at current issues and topics that affect race and ethnic relations, such as gentrification, prisons, immigration and more.

Take Back the Land NW Tour

So I'm booking (through my nascent booking co Bad Sista Booking!) Max Rameau of Take Back the Land for a Northwest Tour. If you're out in the NW, hope to see you. And if you are or not, help spread the word!

Max Rameau
Takes Back the Land! Tour
Miami housing takeovers and defenses
Presentation and book signing

Portland State University
Friday, Nov. 13, 2009

With performances by
Mic Crenshaw
Walidah Imarisha of Good Sista/Bad Sista

All ages
Wheelchair accessible

Portland State University
Smith Memorial Union
1825 SW Broad way
Rm. 296 (second floor)
Portland, OR

Because housing is a right not a privilege!

Sponsored by PSU’s Black Studies, PSU’s Sociology Department, KBOO Radio, Th ePortland Housing Center

Max Rameau is the founder of the Miami-based organization Take Back the Land. In 2006, the organization seized control of a vacant and built a shantytown called Umoja Village. In 2007, when Miami had (and still has) the second highest foreclosure rate in the country, Max and Take Back the Land began a campaign of taking over bank-owned foreclosed homes and moving homeless families into them. Take Back the Land and Max Rameau have been featured in countless stories including the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Mother Jones Magazine, CNN, Good Morning America, ABC World News Tonight, NBC Nightly News, Fox News and PBS' NOW program. And in Michael Moore’s newest film Capitalism: A Love Story. Take Back the Land specifically addresses issues of housing, race, land and self-determination

Other Presentations:

Portland Community College- Cascade
Thursday, Nov. 12
12 -1:30 pm
Moriarty Arts/Humanities Bldg, Rm. 104
705 N Killingsworth St.
Portland, OR

Oregon State University
Thursday, Nov. 12
7 pm
Location TBA
Corvallis, OR

Clark College
Friday, Nov. 13
11am to 1pm
Gaiser Student Center
1933 Fort Vancouver Way
Vancouver, WA

Portland State University
Friday, Nov. 13

Portland Community College – Sylvania
Monday, Nov 16
1-3 pm
College Center, Cedar Room
12000 SW 49th Ave.
Portland, OR

University of Washington
Monday, Nov. 16
Location and Time TBA
Seattle, WA

Portland Community College – Rock Creek
Tuesday, Nov. 17
12-1-30 pm
Building 3, Rm 114
17705 NW Springville Rd.
Portland, OR

University of Oregon
Tuesday, Nov. 17
Time and Location TBA
Eugene, OR

Will you write a letter of support for Sundiata Acoli this weekend?

Subject: Will you write a letter of support for Sundiata Acoli this weekend?

Greetings All:

Got a little time this weekend? Why not show your support for the release of Sundiata Acoli by sending a letter to the NJ Parole Board. We've made it easy providing a sample letter below. All you have to do is take a moment and send it in.

Link it on your facebook

Don't underestimate how important your letters are. NJ police agencies are already on their job and we can't let this opportunity to support Sundiata slip by us. Here's a few talking points to get you started:

Letters that are especially useful are
1) Letters from New Jersey (but letters from EVERYWHERE are great)
2) Letters offering housing or work to Sundiata (he has both taken care of, but it will be impressive to the parole board to know the offers are being made)
3) Letters offering housing or work for Sundiata IN NEW YORK CITY

Atty. Florence Morgan
120-46 Queens Blvd., Kew Gardens, NY 11415.

It is important we keep a record of the number of letters that are sent and the diversity among supporters of his release. SAFC will make a copy and forward letters to the board.

Feel free to personalize your letters with a brief introduction about who you are/what you do.

Please note also police agencies consistently refer to Sundiata as a domestic terrorist. Letters should also refute this claim by stating he is no threat to public safety but rather a beloved member of the community who is sorely missed. Letters to the parole board MUST refrain from describing Sundiata as a political prisoner.

Sundiata appreciates you! We do too!
If you have any questions, email us at
Asante Sana! (Many Thanks)

___ Sample letter _________
Oct. 10, 2009
Chairwoman Volette C. Ross
New Jersey State Parole Board
P.O. Box 862
Trenton NJ 08625

Chairwoman Ross:
I am writing this letter concerning Sundiata Acoli, NJ#54859/Fed#39794-066, who is eligible for parole February of 2010. I strongly encourage you to grant his parole request.
Sundiata’s age is a strong reason to grant parole. In January 2010, Sundiata will be 73 years old. He has been incarcerated for 36 years and has served his sentence. Elderly prisoners’ recidivism rates are extremely low and they are highly unlike to commit a crime once released. In addition, elderly prisoners require more intensive medical care to remain healthy, which is an added cost to the prison system.

Sundiata’s prison record has been impeccable. Not only has he not had any violations or write-ups in decades, he is a talented painter, writer and educator. He has worked with high school and college classes across the country, providing information and insight, as well as providing support to other prisoners who want to further their education.
Sundiata himself has a very impressive educational and work background, having worked at NASA in the 1960s as a computer program. He left that job to travel to the South to register Blacks to vote during the Civil Rights movement.

Sundiata has expressed remorse for his involvement in the circumstance that has led to his incarceration. I believe with all of my heart that if he is released, he will be an asset to the community, one that is sorely needed.

Sundiata is a father and a grandfather, and his greatest desire is to get to watch his grandchildren grow up. Please help fulfill that desire.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.


Good Sista/Bad Sista on the Radio!

Turiya and my radio show Good Sista/Bad Sista: Talking Mess is on a roll! We just had our third show this morning, which you'll be able to listen to online at our website under the "radio" link by next Monday, Oct. 12.

Up there now are our first two episodes, talking the idea of being post-racial, and the issues of housing, homelessness and race.

Our next show will air Oct. 23rd at 8 am at 90.7 FM KBOO radio, and we'll be speaking with award winning director Vagabond about his film Machetero and the ideas of terrorism, liberation, and art.

Good Sista/Bad Sista: Talking Mess airs the second and fourth Friday of every month 8-9 am on KBOO 90.7 FM or

Good Sista/Bad Sista Pilot KBOO Radio Show

Good Sista/ Bad Sista Radio pilot show on KBOO
Fri. 8/14: 8am-9am

Have you ever wondered what it might be like if Good Sista/ Bad Sista had their own talk radio show?!

Well the two of us have wondered too! And this week will be our pilot hour for what we are considering as a twice a month endeavor. Show your love and support by tuning in!
We will even be taking phone calls.

Good Sist a/ Bad Sista: Talking Mess
Pilot Episode- Friday August 14th: 8am-9am
KBOO FM 90.7 Portland, OR

For our first installment we will be talking about our so-called "Post-Race America."
With recent events like Henry Louis Gates being arrested at his own home and hip-hop's Lil' Wayne recording a song called "Whip it like a Slave," are we really post race?"

Walidah's Fall PSU Classes

I will be teaching two classes in the fall at Portland State University. Spread the word!

History of the Black Panther Party
BST 411/511 CRN 14123/14124
Tuesdays 5:30 – 9:10 pm

Introduction to Race, Class and Gender
BST 207 001/CRN 14122
Tuesdays/Thursdays 12 – 1:50 pm

Good Sista/Bad Sista at Eugene Peace Conference

Good Sista/Bad Sista as part of the
Lane Community College Peace Conference

Saturday May 30th, 2009
at the Cosmic Pizza
199 W 8th Ave; Eugene, OR

1:45-3:15 PM Walidah Imarisha & Turiya Autrya of Good Sista, Bad Sista – Arts and Activism workshop

5:00 - 6:00 PM Walidah Imarisha & Turiya Autrya of Good Sista, Bad Sista – “Performance Poetry for Social Change”

Conference general admission
Saturday General Admission $20.00
Saturday Student Admission $10.00




Walidah Imarisha

Walidah Teaches Two Summer Classes at PSU

I will be teaching two summer classes at PSU this summer, Race and the History of Incarceration, and Hip Hop Literature.

Race and the History of Incarceration
Summer Term/ 8 weeks
CRN 82989 BST 410 005
Wednesdays 5:30 - 9:10 pm
We will look at the history of incarceration in this country, through the lens of race and racism, starting with the beginnings of the prison system and police force and the connections between slavery and the Reconstruction period. We will come up through the years, focusing on prison as a means of social control for people of color and poor people, from Civil Rights to Black Power to the Reagan era. We will end by exploring grassroots responses and alternatives to the prison industrial complex, locally and globally.

Hip Hop Literature
Summer Term/ 8 weeks
CRN 82192 BST 410 004
Tues/Thurs 2:15 - 4:30 pm
This class will explore several novels and short stories of hip hop literature, including Paul Beatty’s White Boy Shuffle and Adam Mansbach’s Angry Black White Boy . We will analyze and examine the work through the lens of hip hop aesthetics, as well as through the lens of the history of hip hop, gender relations and the history of racial realities in the United States.