Donate to help support re-entry

3 06 2013

Hi friends,

Below is a link to an online fundraising campaign we are doing to help gather some support for Patreese’s re-entry. She will have spent many years in prison and will need all our support with transitioning to life outside. Donate if you can and please help spread the word far and wide.



5 responses

10 05 2014
Fai Coffin

Hi, Treese
Hi, Treese – I’m so glad you are out and recovering. I still have the last letter and would like to stay in touch with you, even if it is very occasional – could I get your street address – would like to send a check – and hear a bit about how you are doing. Blessings, dear woman. Fai

28 04 2014

Hi Fai yes i came home Aug 13 2013 . I would like to thank you for your support and letters. Thank you !!!

18 03 2014
Fai Coffin

Hi, Ashley – and thanks for this note, but I am confused – when I scrolled through – it looked like Patreese was released last year. Is that true – and I am just now getting the news? The last letter I sent her – I think it was last year, was returned to me and I tried to find out what had happened but never saw a response. I would really appreciate an update – and, if possible, some way to contact Patreese to find out how she is doing, where she is – and what kind of support, including financial, is needed.

17 03 2014

Thanks for all the work you guys do!

7 08 2013
Fai Coffin

I’ve been writing to Patreese while in prison for several years but my last letter came back. I wonder if you have her current address. I’d like to write again. Thanks, Fai Coffin

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