
Showing posts from October, 2008

A Hopeless Case.

This is probably the most "politically incorrect" post ever...I care not. I have stopped caring ages ago -- about your sensitivities. I have become a callous bitch insofar as you are concerned. I have very limited access to the net and this is not my computer either. For those who want to bear with me, please do so...As for others, fuck you and fuck off. Geez that sounds so simple right? Yes right. I am in some neighboring "Arab" country. We were gathered in some "happening" place. The atmosphere looked cordial. Here comes the blue eyed thing. He is from Israel. He introduced himself and kissed my hand. What the fuck for? I don't need anyone from there kissing my hand. I let him do it, let him savor even for a few moments -- a true Semite. He is from the West, originally. I say originally because most of these people have invented their origins... He lives in Israel -- horror of horrors. He went into that familiar litany of peace and tolerance.

Keep Roaring...

I am taking a break from blogging, comments, messages and e.mails...I am taking a break from my computer, from the web, the internet, the virtual... See you later, some day... Be well.

The Roar of the Lambs...

If you think that Lambs can't roar, think again...

Insane Limits...

Limits ? What limits... I know no limits. I stretch my left arm and I touch Ishtar, I stretch my right arm and Hammurabi welcomes me. What limits are you talking about ? I draw breath and strength from my roots... Every time the world shrinks around me, I look back...And my arm longs back 7'000 years...back, ago... Every time life becomes too tight, I look back and I have Abundance before me. I have gold, rubies and diamonds... Every time I feel dry like a barren land, I draw back and Genius springs before me. I stick my head in the Land and I draw Oxygen...I draw Force and I draw Power...I draw Energy. So what limits are you talking about ? An old Willow that will not bend ? Welcome the weeping Willow. I welcome the weeping Willow, the black Widow, that lays in me...I embrace her and kiss her. I touch her and hold her up with pride. Others have done the same... Our stories are so similar. Our predator is also the same -- no cause for surprise. You have set no limits

How Sensitive...

I am very touched...truly touched. I have goose bumps all over, am so touched... Finally, the puppy "Rachet", was saved from the flames of burning Baghdad by one of your brave boys - Sergeant Gwen Beberg. Gwen is a hero. He saved puppy dog "Rachet" in extremis , from a dump of a garbage that was set on fire...Saved him from the bubonic plague and the cholera , from the imposed junk of our lives... On Sunday, brave Gwen took his last flight out, to Minnesota and thanks to over 10'000 signatures, through an online petition, brave Gwen was able to adopt "Rachet" and give him the American green card. "Rachet" will now become a "civilized" American citizen. And needless to say, the mounting pressure on the American Department of Defense, thanks to your generous hearts, signatures and petition, was not able to refuse "Rachet" as a new fellow citizen of the United States of America. This has been a great learning experience

To "K"

Under a vast Sky - for you "K".

A long American-Iranian Film.

It is about time that our Shiites "brothers and sisters" start joining the cast of a Horror movie, show... Having been faithful followers and disciples of their criminal, racist Iranian leaders and black turbaned gigolos, I am sure they would make an excellent cast. An American/Iranian production. Insert a few Zionists for the screen play and the plot, a few "patriotic" shiites from Ze Lebanon, for light and sound, and you might be up for the next Cannes film festival award. Best horror film in decades. You might even get some of the "supporters" to roll the Red carpet for you, all too eager to please. For how long can anyone believe in their own lies ? Putting mythomania aside, a mental illness, how can anyone survive on lies alone ? Surely there comes a point where Reality has to seep in, breakthrough, no ? Seems not for the foreseeable future. Not insofar as Iraq is concerned. Iraq ? Sorry that was a slip of the tongue. I meant Iran. Oops, sorry no,

On Sweetness...

Possibly the most apolitical post ... Well, I am not so sure, myself. In any event, enjoy the sound of Sweetness and let it polish, refine, smooth out your senses... And, only if you wish.


Christ is crucified daily in Iraq, daily. Nails and thorns from all sides, in the Iraqi Body, the Innocent Iraqi Body. Hammered deeply into every part...Romans and Pharisees...Judas, and the like... They are called sectarian Shiites(and most of them have proved to be hypocrites) Kurds, Americans and Brits, Iranians and Zionist Jews. Every day they claim more victims, more crucifixions... No Iraqi has been spared. Sunnis, Yezidis, Turkmen, Sabeans, Shabak, and Christians... The Christians of Iraq are one of the oldest, most ancient Christian communities in the whole of the Middle East. And go and tell your Shiites, that Nejaf used to be the oldest Church in the world and that the 12 Imams are none but the 12 Apostles. And if a Mahdi is to return, it is none other but the Messiah. Bunch of ignorant fools. Chaldeans and Assyrians constitute the bulk of the Christians of Iraq. They are Iraqis through and through, from time immemorial...They are one of the main arteries, veins, of t

All about Her...

The title of this post caused me some ambivalence at first. The mere mention of Iraqi women in my mind brings out such contradictory feelings and paradoxical images, leading me into a momentarily confusion. Again this is where the personal, subjective and the political, objective experiences overlap. Had I written a similar post with the same title, let's say 20 years, or 10 years ago, I am certain that the images associated, would not have been a combination of such opposites as they are today, in my mind and in my reality as an Iraqi woman. I will try to clarify myself to the reader... When I think of Iraqi women, just as when I think of Iraq as a whole...I always have the images that pop up in my mind - The Before and the After. Before 2003 and after 2003. It is really as simple as that. Before 2003. No it was not perfect. But it was getting there... Putting aside, the Iran-Iraq war and its widows. Putting aside the 1st Gulf war and its share of more widows and D.U defo

Hello Dear...

If you are as excited as I am

An Air of Freedom...

Something very strange happened last night, late into the night... I am an owl, I can't sleep before 3-4 am. And as I was preparing myself to go to bed, I drew the shutters down, as a final goodbye...It was cold last night, and as I was about to shut the window as well, I heard a familiar air... Some neighbor, and he did pique my curiosity, was playing Vivaldi's Four Seasons, in the loudest possible manner at 3.30 am. I, who has very sensitive ears to noise, found myself surprisingly pleased. Despite the cold breeze, I kept the window open, open enough to hear Vivaldi's Summer movement, followed by Fall. I feared that I might not hear it well whilst I was lying in my bed, so I pulled the shutters up, just a little, enough to let the violins penetrate the darkness of my bedroom... Before doing all of the above, curiosity took the best of me, and I stood by the window trying to catch where the sound was coming from... I spotted a small room in not such a far distance,


So the Dow Jones is tumbling are crashing, investors are panicking, losses everywhere...It does not look good at all. The snowball effect. The bloody avalanche of greed, a lust for money and power. Nothing is enough, nothing is ever enough. How much more ? they thought to themselves. Bring in more, get more, have more, produce more, buy more, consume more, fuck more, eat more, drink more, more and more and more...And voilà, now you have it. More. Same thing in Iraq, the parallels are glaring, staring you in the face. Have it all, take it all. Kill more, torture more, rape more, bomb more, imprison more, steal more, plunder more, evict more, exile more, destroy more...more, more and more... Inflict more pain, inflict more grief, inflict more death, inflict more... Do it more often and more... An so you did. You did more and you got more and now you will get even more. Hell, after all you did invent it. The more concept. More, more and more. Painting: Iraqi female art

On Dignity...

Are you aware that not many people use the above word these days ? Dignity. How many people do you come across that would mention "dignity" in your face ? My bet is not too many. Most people I come across use the following words too frequently -- Fun, pleasure, sex, money, self, (as in myself, me and I- the boring ego), and they may go even further and use the words - justice, equality, love, peace... But how many did you come across in the last years, months, weeks and days that have used the word "dignity "? My bet is that the last time you heard the word was probably eons ago. I want to bring back dignity into fashion. I realize that the word is not so cool and fashionable these days. But I insist on bringing it back to the forefront and make it an explicit, imperative, crucial word in your day to day vocabulary. Dignity is not to be confused with self importance, nor with ego. Dignity is above these two. If you search and look for your own dignity as a

A Pizza...

nothing grand...but just in case you fancy one .

A Sinking Prayer...

Wallahee, am in a perky kind of mood... Fist M.A is so good to me. Second it's the Eid. Third, you are sinking... In one of my uncensored anger manifestos, can't remember which one exactly, I prayed that your 3 trillion dollars for the "war effort" bring you down. I also said the following and I remember it so clearly - I said "God will hit you in your weakest point." And your weakest point is $$$$$$$$. Yanee, truly, the news from Wall Street are like ice water, poured over my heart. Down Jones up, Dow Jones down, who gives a fuck ? Am rejoicing. Mortgage rates, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, going down the drains - My happiness. I pray to see all of you destitute, living off hand outs. I pray that this is nothing but the beginning for you. Because trust me, more will come your way... Yalla, am looking forward when you will become bag ladies, skid row bums, scratching the lice out of your heads... May the greatest of depressions befall you. May you

To a tiny thing...

I, the Iraqi, Arab woman, I offer you this. Not because I particularly care about you, but because I want it to be recorded... I want it to be jotted down for all to see. I want it to be heard, read, and passed on... This is a mail I received from P.A. I am decent enough to withhold his name, when I could have published it all over the Internet. This is what he had to say. "I was sitting in my home here in America trolling the Internet when I came across your blog on how much you hate america and americans. I found it mildly amusing to read while I look around my neighborhood and watch the children play with no fear of suicide bombers, the sounds of birds and laughter filling the air. No soldiers running the streets, no Jihadis opressing my daughter. Free to move or go anywhere I wish with no fear of being killed by my neighbor or religious fanatic. It made me think of the great life America affords me and the life most in the middle east will never have. The hatred you show i