Sadako Tchaikovskaya


Chickens like to draw but a cock’ll doodle too

Vancouver, British Columbia
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ มีนาคม 2555


คุณได้บล็อค @godislikeme

คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการดูทวีตเหล่านี้ การดูทวีตเหล่านี้ไม่ถือเป็นการยกเลิกการบล็อค @godislikeme

  1. 2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Brother-in-law, mother-in-law, husband. My chosen family. Think I made a great choice. Grateful to the universe for making it happen.

  2. 7 ก.พ.

    Ashes favourite things right now are scootin’, swimmin’ and xylophonin’

  3. 5 ก.พ.

    I used to think getting married and having kids was lame, but now I know that nothing matters more than family, and there’s nothing more beautiful than love. Without love, life would be pointless, and if you don’t have family, what have you got.

  4. 30 ม.ค.

    Hired a landscape gardener but it didn’t work out because our garden is portrait

  5. 28 ม.ค.

    The unbearable lightness of being Asha: Part 2

  6. 27 ม.ค.

    These days Feather is all daddy’s girl but Daisy still throws paws for mom

  7. 26 ม.ค.

    “Fairytales don’t start or end in the dark forest, that shows up in the middle of a story, but it will all work out not how you think it will or how you hope, but it will all work out exactly as it’s supposed to. Our job is to have zero expectations and to just let go.” TED LASSO

  8. 25 ม.ค.
  9. 21 ม.ค.

    Asha's been saying “ass fire” a lot and I couldn’t for the life of me get what she meant. Turns out she meant “pacifier” and it was such euphoria to solve this. Amusing, intriguing too, since I didn’t know she even knew that word, I don’t really use it, I call pacifiers soothers.

  10. 19 ม.ค.

    Asha brings this geisha doll with her everywhere she thinks it’s me she calls it mommy. Asha thinks all posters, pictures and dolls of Asian ladies are mommy Asha’s confident they are all me. Guess I’m raising a little racist. All look same to her.

  11. 18 ม.ค.

    The human body is a profound and sacred work of art. Physically flesh and bones but metaphysically it is constructed of love and light. Our bodies should hold no shame or stigma. We are all beautiful when we regard each other with compassion, and see each other with eyes of love.

  12. 14 ม.ค.

    Baby girl loves herself some snow. She loves swimming too, like oh my god, I’ll post some beautiful pictures and video of all that tomorrow.

  13. 7 ม.ค.

    LiL.gates b2b ill.GATES afterschool DJ jam with

  14. 5 ม.ค.

    Today was Asha’s 1st day of preschool! We’ll always remember the look on her face when we dropped her off, excited but wondering where her parents were going and why we weren’t going to come in too. They say it all goes by so fast. They’re right. These are the moments to cherish.

  15. 2 ม.ค.

    Everyone’s always asking how old I am and they’re very shocked when I say 46. To stay fresh and looking young as you get older, keep learning and keep having fun. Don’t let bitterness overtake your heart. Love a lot, laugh a lot, and tell anyone that doesn’t like you to fuck off.

  16. 2 ม.ค.

    Bitches love beards am I right

  17. 1 ม.ค.

    Asha at 6 months old. Sweetie pie you make me cry you’re the apple of my eye. Ain’t nothing better sweeter nicer more meaningful or more important than having you in my life. It’s my honour to care for you make you smile protect you play with you watch you grow. I love you angel.

  18. 31 ธ.ค. 2564

    Things will always be better if you expect the worst. Adversity builds character, strength comes from pain, you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain. Fear is powerful but love is stronger than fear. Sending love to each one of you. Happy new year.

  19. 30 ธ.ค. 2564
  20. 30 ธ.ค. 2564


ทวิตเตอร์อาจรองรับปริมาณผู้เข้าใช้ไม่ไหวหรืออาจมีอาการสะดุดนิดหน่อย ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง หรือลองดูที่ สถานะของทวิตเตอร์ สําหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม

