The People’s Health Movement will be sending a four-person delegation to the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from 30 November … Read more

Call for watchers to participate to the Special Session of World Health Assembly on Pandemic Treaty (November 2021 (Virtual)) PHM is preparing to watch the special session of World Health … Read more

The 10th issue of Peoples Health Dispatch brings news and analysis from across the planet. It covers nurses’ protest in Croatia; health workers’ strike in Guinea Bissau; issues migrants face … Read more

Call for watchers to participate to the Special Session of World Health Assembly on Pandemic Treaty (November 2021 (Virtual)) PHM is preparing to watch the special session of World Health … Read more

The 10th issue of Peoples Health Dispatch brings news and analysis from across the planet. It covers nurses’ protest in Croatia; health workers’ strike in Guinea Bissau; issues migrants face … Read more

International People’s Health University Online Short Course  on Gender, Justice & Health 29 October– 20 November 2021  (29 & 30 October | 6 November | 12 & 13 November | … Read more

Shatha Odeh, Palestinian health and human rights activist, was illegally arrested on 7th July by Israeli Occupying Forces. She is a dedicated health worker and Director of Health Work Committees, … Read more

Access to health services is a key determinant of health and necessary to realize the right to health for all. However, across Europe governments increasingly fail to ensure that everyone … Read more

Detalles en español aquí. Détails en français ici. PHM Environment and Health circle is the co-organiser of an upcoming event, the People’s Health Hearing, due to take place during COP26 … Read more


PHM Sri Lanka Newsletter

A snapshot of some of the happenings in the area of health in Sri Lanka during Covid-19 pandemic PHM Sri Lanka Newsletter July 2020 (both in English and Sinhala) PHM … Read more

Statement of Solidarity with People of Palestine

PHM strongly condemns the attacks against Palestinian people by Israeli occupying forces and expresses full and unequivocal solidarity with the Palestinian people. The recent attempts of Israeli occupying forces to … Read more

PHM South Africa Webinar Report on Equity and Justice: Access to Health Technologies for COVID-19

On 26th June, 2020, PHM-South Africa held a webinar to explore the challenges facing Civil Society in ensuring equity and justice in Access to new Health Technologies for COVID-19. From … Read more


PHM Sri Lanka Newsletter

A snapshot of some of the happenings in the area of health in Sri Lanka during Covid-19 pandemic PHM Sri Lanka Newsletter July 2020 (both in English and Sinhala) PHM … Read more

Statement of Solidarity with People of Palestine

PHM strongly condemns the attacks against Palestinian people by Israeli occupying forces and expresses full and unequivocal solidarity with the Palestinian people. The recent attempts of Israeli occupying forces to … Read more

PHM South Africa Webinar Report on Equity and Justice: Access to Health Technologies for COVID-19

On 26th June, 2020, PHM-South Africa held a webinar to explore the challenges facing Civil Society in ensuring equity and justice in Access to new Health Technologies for COVID-19. From … Read more


The 9th issue of Peoples Health Dispatch brings a variety of news and analysis from across the globe. It covers Covid-19 vaccination in poor countries; Nonviolent Medicaid Army actions in the United … Read more

Access to health services is a key determinant of health and necessary to realize the right to health for all. However, across Europe governments increasingly fail to ensure that everyone … Read more

Pandemics and Access to Healthcare Technologies: From an Intersectional, Gender and Equity Lens A Call for Action Initiative by Gender, Justice  and Health Thematic Group of PHM & Sama Resource … Read more

Detalles en español aquí. Détails en français ici. PHM Environment and Health circle is the co-organiser of an upcoming event, the People’s Health Hearing, due to take place during COP26 … Read more

IPHU A2M refresher/add on course on COVID-19 (2)Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Personal InformationFirst Name *Last Name *Gender *MaleFemaleOtherDate of Birth *MM123456789101112/DD12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031/YYYY202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Country *Contact InformationEmail *Alternate EmailPhoneWhy ... Read more

El Movimiento para la Salud de los Pueblos (MSP) busca a una persona para coordinadora internacional a tiempo completo, con sede en Latinoamérica. Las solicitudes deben enviarse por email a … Read more

People’s Health Movement (PHM) is seeking a full-time Global Coordinator to be based at our global office in Latin America. Send your applications by email to [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] not … Read more

Shatha Odeh, Palestinian health and human rights activist, was illegally arrested two months ago by Israeli Occupying Forces. She is a dedicated health worker and Director of Health Work Committees, … Read more

Israeli Occupying Forces illegally arrested health and human rights activist Shatha Odeh on 7 July 2021. She is a member of the Global Steering Council of the PHM and director … Read more

Frontline Defenders have a dedicated page for Ms. Shatha Odeh, Director of Health Work Committees in Palestine. One can send a message of solidarity through this page.

PHM, along with hundreds of Civil Society organisations, is opposing the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) 2021. In this video, PHM activists and friends from different regions explain why … Read more

Letter sent to Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health by PHM South Africa International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) demands end of Ms. Odeh’s arbitrary detention, … Read more

Statement by Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders and supported by 10 UN Special Rapporteurs, demanding release of Palestinian health & human rights defenders by Israeli … Read more

1/7 The State of Palestine condemns Israel’s systematic and widespread attacks on the Palestinian health and agriculture sectors, including the continued and deliberate targeting Health Worker Committees and Union of … Read more

You can add your name to this petition urging the World Health Organization to intervene: — The Left in the European Parliament (@Left_EU) July 16, 2021

29 July Week 1 Introduction and overview EQUINET brief* 2. PHM Charter for Health* 3. EQUINET website 4. PHM website 5. RPHU programme* 6. Research … Read more

The East and Southern Africa Regional People’s Health University (ESA-RPHU), jointly convened by Regional Network for Equity in Health in East and  Southern Africa (EQUINET) and People’s Health Movement-East and … Read more

In early June, the leaders of the world’s seven richest countries met in the UK to discuss global health, climate, and tax issues. Although the world is still in the … Read more

During the 74th session of World Health Assembly, several countries emphasized the need to end unilateral coercive measures which end up serving as a collective punishment by restricting access to … Read more

One year into the pandemic, the World Health Assembly is holding its annual meeting. The continued financial challenges loomed over delegates as they discussed the possibility of a Pandemic Treaty, … Read more

PHM Health Systems Thematic Circle collaborated with Yale Global Health Justice Partnership to develop a commentary on the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on health workers. The commentary is titled “A Political … Read more

Shatha Odeh was illegally detained by the Isreali Occupying Forces for standing up for health and human rights. Ms Odeh is Director of Health Work Committees, a leading Palestinian health … Read more

Unpacking the COVAX Black Box, June 2021: PHM’s Policy Brief arguing that COVAX was designed to fail because it chose the market solution rather than a global solidarity and human … Read more

The “COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access Facility”, abbreviated to ‘COVAX’, the vaccine pillar of Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A). It was created in April 2020 as a global facility for equitable … Read more

The Israeli Occupying Forces arrested health and human rights activist Shatha Odeh on 7 July 2021. She is a member of the Global Steering Council of the PHM and we … Read more

PHM, with others, is co-organising the roundtable titled “The Private Sector’s Great Takeover: How multistakeholderism threatens food systems, people & states“.  The roundtable is being organised in the backdrop of … Read more

A snapshot of some of the happenings in the area of health in Sri Lanka during Covid-19 pandemic PHM Sri Lanka Newsletter July 2020 (both in English and Sinhala) PHM … Read more

For those who may have missed the webinar, the recording of the webinar has been uploaded on PHM Youtube  channel here. ____________________ Dear all PHM Health Systems Thematic … Read more

For the following letter to WHO D-G, we request endorsements from civil society organizations, health practitioners, academics, women’s rights organizations, and other concerned individuals Click here for Arabic (عربى) French (français) Spanish (español) To, Dr. … Read more

Shatha Odeh is a member of the Global Steering Council of the PHM and we condemn her arrest in strongest terms. She is also the director of the Health Work Committees … Read more

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the foremost causes of death and disability in developing countries. It is a curable disease, and yet it claims about 1.5 million lives each year. Developing … Read more

Conspiracy theories aside, there is something fishy about the Great Reset, Open Democracy, August 2021 The callous position of the EU in the access to vaccines negotiations, by Ana Vracar, … Read more

Third Quarter Report, May 2021 Second Quarter Report, January 2021 First Quarter Report, September 2020 Legge & Kim (4 Oct 2020) Equitable access to Covid vaccines: cooperation around research and … Read more

PHM co-chairs published an open letter (10 Feb 2021) to the Gavi CSO constituency in response to the GAVI CSO Call to Action for an equitable rollout of Covid-19 vaccine, … Read more

PHM Annual Report 2020 is a glimpse of work carried out by the People’s Health Movement at the global level in the year 2020. The year marked 20 years of … Read more

Civil Society Organizations’ concerns around UN Food Systems Summit 2021 and call for PHM countries/regions to engage in the boycotting of the official “pre-summit” in July Date: 22 June ‘2021 … Read more

TRIPS Council of the World Trade Organization is discussing TRIPS Waiver. We are at a historical juncture where finally text-based negotiations are happening. PHM and Third World Network had organised … Read more

In September 2020, the Health Systems Thematic Circle has put out a call (link) to develop case studies on health systems in the context of Covid-19, under the different sub-themes and guidelines. We received very rich contribution … Read more

    In an unfortunate development, headquarters of the Palestinian Health Work Committees (HWC) has been raided by the Israeli Occupying Forces. The IOF broke down the door and confiscated … Read more

We request endorsements from health workers in the United States  Stand in Solidarity with the People of Palestine During the last 4 weeks of the holy month of Ramadan, Palestinians … Read more

Regional People’s Health University (East and Southern Africa) invites you to apply for online course on  ‘Past, Present and Future Struggles for Health Equity’ 29 July to 12 November 2021  … Read more

Eight organisations, including PHM, sent an open letter to Ms Zsuzsanna Jakab, Deputy Director-General of the World Health Organisation raising concerns about a recent WHO report that could encourage privatisation … Read more

The summary of key activities undertaken by the PHM Gender Justice and Health Thematic activity report for February ’20- February ’21 can be read here.  

The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team closely followed the 74th World Health Assembly of the World Health Organisation held from 24 May to 1 June, 2021. The Watching team … Read more

PHM strongly condemns the attacks against Palestinian people by Israeli occupying forces and expresses full and unequivocal solidarity with the Palestinian people. The recent attempts of Israeli occupying forces to … Read more

The United States government recently declared that it will support TRIPS Waiver for vaccines at the World Trade Organisation. In October 2020, India and South Africa made a proposal before … Read more

With Covid-19, data and digitalization have become important in national and international public health discussions. Unfortunately, the discourse has been taken over by a corporate interests and approach. It is … Read more

The recording of the webinar has been updated here- ___________ Sama Resource Group for Women & Health with Gender, Justice & Health Thematic Group of People’s Health Movement (PHM) … Read more

The Health Work Committees Office (HWC) in Palestine was attacked by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on 8th March 2021. HWC serves as the regional coordinating organization of the PHM … Read more

A statement was released by the Health Work Committees (HWC) in Palestine, following the raids in their offices by the Israeli Occupation Forces on early morning of March 8th, 2021.  … Read more

In run up to the World Heath Day 2021, People’s Health Movement—Europe and European Network Against Commercialisation of Health write to High Representative of European Union, European Commissioner for Trade … Read more

PHM West and Central Africa came out with a position paper on the situation in DR Congo with regards to the Ebola epidemic and a critique of international community’s projection … Read more

The recording of the webinar has been updated here- _____ Please join Sama Resource Group for Women & Health along with the Gender, Justice & Health Thematic Group of … Read more

PHM East and Southern Africa call to action on the war against the People of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia It is now almost four months since the fighting between Tigray regional … Read more

PHM Europe and European Network Against Commercialisation of Health and Social Protection are preparing actions for 7 April, when we mark the international day of action against the privatisation of … Read more

8 March-International Women’s Day 2021 Reimagining an Healthy, Equitable and Gender Just World A call from Gender Justice Health Circle of the People’s Health Movement (PHM) and Sama Resource Group … Read more

IPHU Barcelona: How to Transform our Healthcare Systems (May to June 2021) Last date to apply: 24th March Click Here to Apply The International People’s Health University (IPHU) aims to … Read more

In a letter initiated by People’s Health Movement country circles in Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the PHM-Europe region; health activists, academics, and … Read more

The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team will followed the executive Board meeting of World health Organisation held from 18-26 January, 2021. The Watching team consisted of Aletha Wallace (Belgium), … Read more

Around 200 civil society organisations and trade unions from the Global South are calling on leaders of high-income countries not to block adoption of the proposal to the WTO to … Read more

Pour lire cet appel en français, cliquez ici. To read the Call in French click here.  In the Fourth People’s Health Assembly held in Dhaka (2018), PHM set out its … Read more

The Latin American region is celebrating 20 years of People’s Health Movement in its own unique way. Do you want to learn about what the PHM is doing in the … Read more

PHM Extractive Industries/Ecosystem and Health thematic circle and Hesperian Health Guides are organising a discussion about the connections between Fracking and Plastic Production and Disposal, and how raising awareness about … Read more

‘Covid19 Vaccine Governance: Sidelining Multilateralism’ highlights the shortcomings of the multi-stakeholder approach to global governance of covid19 medical products, and vaccines in particular, in ensuring equitable access across countries. Written … Read more

Our members from the Environment and Ecosystem Health wrote an article connecting the anti extractivist movement to Right to Health and talk through examples of extractivism acitvities and resistance movements … Read more

PHM-Kenya with support from Open Society Initiative East Africa (OSIEA) conducted a perception study that was conducted by Info track, to do a survey in the four pilot counties focusing … Read more

PHM has been an active participant of the Antibiotic Resistance Coalition (ARC) in Anti Microbial Resistance (AMR) Watch. We have compiled a series of the most important interventions that PHM … Read more

PHM Thematic group on “War, Conflict, Occupation and Forced Migration” roganised a webinar on “Resisting Militarisation of Covid Response”.  The recording of the webinar can be viewed here below. The … Read more

PHM Gender Justice and Health thematic group and Sama are undertaking a one-day campaign on 10th December, the last day of the ’16 days campaign on Gender Based Violence’. Please send your … Read more

People’s Health Movement (PHM) is seeking applicants for the post of Public Health Communications Officer. This post is open to only applicants working from/in India. Those interested may apply by … Read more

Our comrades from PHM thematic group on Environment and Ecosystem Health explain the vision and philosophy of the group and send us their message on #PHM20years    

Our EACT team at PHM has prepared this policy brief on the importance of waiver of TRIPS privision (proposed by India, South Africa and other countries) in ensuring access to … Read more

Peoples Health movement is happy to share and invite you to PHM 20 years celebrations, this 4th December 2020. This year marks 20 years since activists and comrades across the … Read more

The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team will follow the World Health Assembly 73 (resumed session) held from 9-14 November.  The Watching team consisted of  Alane Ribeiro (Brazil), Aletha Wallace … Read more

On the 19th anniversary of Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health, PHM is releasing a statement to reiterate its importance in ensuring availability and accessibility of medical products (including … Read more

From examples around the world, PHM-North America has been learning how to build successful campaigns against the privatization of health services and infrastructure. We invite you to a virtual learning … Read more

PHM’s strategic plan 2020-2025  lays out PHM’s goals and strategies for the next five years (2020 2025).With the People’s Charter for Health as the guiding vision for health in an … Read more

The People’s Health Movement supports the call by the Governments of India and South Africa 1 for the World Trade Organization to waive certain provisions of the WTO’s TRIPS Agreement … Read more

Online Course Announcement: The Struggle for Health and Access to Affordable Medicines (with a focus on Middle East and North Africa) Six week course starting from November 10, 2020 The … Read more

(مع التركيز على الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا)  دورة تدريبية مدتها ستة أسابيع تبدأ من 30 أكتوبر 2020  تعلن الجامعة الدولية لصحة الشعوب  The International People’s Health University (IPHU) التابعة لحركة … Read more

(Statement in French, Hindi and Spanish is linked below) On the occasion of International Safe Abortion Day on 28th September around the corner, we think that it is an important opportunity and space for … Read more

This is a photo-essay by Sarojini N, Advisory Council member of PHM on the unplanned lockdowns in response to Covid19 pandemic in India and the effect it has had on … Read more

The Hum agar uthhe nahin toh / If We Do Not Rise campaign on 5 September 2020 is a nation-wide campaign having representation from 26 States and more than 400 … Read more

Margarita Posada Salvadorean militant and comrade in the struggle 1962 – 2020 Central America, Latin America, and the entire world has lost one of our strongest, most militant women working … Read more

PHM Global Secretariat is seeking applicants for the post of Research Associate –Right to Health/. Those interested may apply by sending a email with their CV, with three references and … Read more

EACT India project implementation committee of People’s Health Movement (PHM) is seeking applicants for the post of Research Associate – Equitable Access to COVID 19 Technologies (EACT) project. Those interested … Read more

PHM Global Secretariat is seeking applicants for the post of Project Coordinator (Global) – Equitable Access to COVID 19 Technologies (EACT) project. Those interested may apply by sending a email … Read more

Even after six months of struggle against Covid19 pandemic, many countries are facing difficulties in accessing medical products such as personal protective equipment for healthcare workers, diagnostics and therapeutics. As … Read more

On 26th June, 2020, PHM-South Africa held a webinar to explore the challenges facing Civil Society in ensuring equity and justice in Access to new Health Technologies for COVID-19. From … Read more

A Brief Summary on the Activities of Gender, Justice and Health Thematic Circle (Feb 2019-Jan 2020) Full Report

As we continue to face challenges under the Covid-19 pandemic, there is an urgent need for policies that will effectively encourage and regulate research, production and access to diagnostics, therapeutics … Read more

Sama Resource Group for Women and Health and People’s Health Movement (PHM) invite you for a Webinar    ‘NOT IN LOCKDOWN: VOICES AND STRUGGLES AGAINST GENDER, RACIAL AND SOCIAL INJUSTICES’ … Read more

PHM Gender Justice & Health Thematic condemns the sytemic racism in US which led to the brutal murder of George Floyd. Gender and other intersectional inequalities have intensified, necessitating equal … Read more

This PHM Annual Report 2019 is a glimpse of work done by the PHM at the global level over the past one year. This annual report is dedicated to the … Read more

The pandemic of COVID-19 continues to take numerous lives of people across the globe and paralyse economies of many nations. Among the issues that will specifically impact on poor people … Read more

As the 73rd Word Health Assembly begins on May 18, amidst the global pandemic Covid-19, People’s Health Movement continues its critical WHO Watch with a team of watchers. Watch this … Read more

On April 23rd 2020, Chiara Bodini (CB) interviewed Alexis Benos (AB) and Elias Kondilis (EK). They are both public health physicians and professors at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where … Read more

In the light of the Covid-19 pandemic, we felt the need to rethink the timeline for the development of GHW6, so that our analysis and the content of the book … Read more

Planning the health system response to Covid-19 in South Africa requires a transparent, just and pro-equity public-private integration plan. In principle, this collaboration should be based on the public stewardship … Read more

Matheus Falcão and Maíra Mathias of the People’s Health Movement-Brazil analyze the government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis and examine the challenges faced by the public health system in dealing … Read more

“Globalisation in its current form cannot deliver the benefits expected of it. Civil society, particularly in developing countries, must ensure that it does.” wrote Martin Khor, and he remained steadfastly … Read more

The People’s Health Movement unequivocally denounces this move by the US Trump Administration to defund World Health Organisation (WHO) and calls for building global solidarity to address the COVID-19 pandemic … Read more

  The Coordination of the Latin American Association of Social Medicine – ALAMES, calls on all its activists and defenders of human rights, academic Associations, and especially our thematic networks … Read more

While acknowledging the great efforts of our nations and states to mobilize resources to contain and halt the spread of the COVID-19, the PHM West and Central Africa calls for … Read more

PHM joins the Brazilian people and their movements and social organizations, in the defense and strengthening of the Unified Health System (SUS), the universal access public system established in 1988 … Read more

For A More Equitable Society, A Just Response To Coronavirus Every day in the United States, the coronavirus continues to spread.  In the US, where healthcare is primarily delivered by … Read more

In these unprecedented times, members of People’s Health Movement Canada from across Turtle Island came  together to reflect on what health justice looks like during the COVID-19 pandemic. While mourning … Read more

Over 392,287 cases of COVID-19 have been reported worldwide as of March 23 2020 including in 43 African countries. Patients in countries with limited preparedness and response resources are particularly … Read more

The following as statements, letters and articles by JSA (PHM India) on various issues around COVID19. To deal with the matter, JSA has organised itself into 4 working groups to … Read more

We, the signatories of the letter would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation on the ongoing efforts by the Ministry of Health (MOH) personnel to combat the … Read more

While the government assures the public affected by the lockdown with assistance and support, it presents no concrete plans to allay their fears.  The private sector and well-meaning Filipinos have … Read more

In East and Southern Africa, cases of corona virus have been identified in a growing number of countries in the globe including cases in African countries such as South Africa, … Read more

See: South Korea (hereafter Korea)’s COVID-19 outbreak and response are still ongoing, and assessment of it is rather hasty. But we share this conditional statement because we think it … Read more

Public Meeting at Observatory, Cape Town.  Saturday, 14 March 202 The People’s Health Movement, South Africa (PHM) sensed that it was urgent for members of the broader community to share … Read more

PHM South-East Asia and Pacific papers on Covid-19 epidemic PHM country circles in the PHM SEAP region published a number of papers on the Covid-19 epidemic, tackling measures taken or … Read more

Coronavirus in West and Central Africa: A full-scale test for the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response 2020-2030? Lisez la version en Français ici. When you train yourself to kill lions … Read more

Statement and Background Paper on COVID19 (Corona Virus) by JSA (PHM India) and All India People’s Science Network (AIPSN) From 30 January 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 was … Read more

16 March 2020: Invest in health for all: spread solidarity, not the virus Versions in French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian here: Today, more than ever, it is urgent to … Read more

This page is a collection of statements and articles that have been prepared by PHM, its regional and country circles and also like minded civil society organisations on the issues … Read more

Wim De Ceukelaire and Chiara Bodini (PHM) write …strong public health systems have the resilience to address massive health threats with the collective responses they require. Privatization of health services … Read more

A small token of tribute to David Sanders – An introductory book giving a peek into David’s enormous body of work and legacy. Amandla Ngawethu! To read the book CLICK … Read more

For the fifth year in a row, People’s Health Movement Europe and European Network Against Commercialization of Health and Social Protection are calling for a day of action on April … Read more

Téléchargez l’appel en FRANÇAIS Descarga el texto en ESPAÑOL Download the call in ENGLISH About Global Health Watch (GHW) GHW is a collaboration of multiple activist academics and NGOs, defining … Read more

PHM calls upon progressive civil society groups and social movement to practice solidarity with Palestinian people against the racist crime of the century of the US administration and Israelis. PHM … Read more

The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team will be watching the EB 146 meeting that is taking place from 3-8 February, 2020.  Watch this space for daily reports, MMI/PHM statements … Read more

Before we close 2019, we have been engaged in a couple of events from August through December 2019 which we have documented through our Newsletter: UHC Day 2019,“Keep The Promise”How … Read more

The People’s Health Movement, Cameroon organised a mini-IPHU from 11-12 December in Bamenda, a short course for young public health professionals and advocates on ‘’Right to health’’. For more Click … Read more

As the 16 days of activism campaign comes to a close, GBV is still on the rise within our regions. We urge the country circles to continue with this campaign … Read more

International People’s Health University (IPHU) on Struggle towards Equity in Health in memory of Dr Amit Sengupta[i] Organised by PHM Global [ii] and Sama Resource Group for Women and Health[iii] … Read more

More than 90 civil society organisations (CSOs) call on Ministers participating in the African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO) Ministerial Meeting next week in Liberia to establish a transparent Member … Read more

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) global supports PHM Philippines Statement, and strongly condemns the worsening the repression and attacks on human right defenders, health workers and other activists in the … Read more

PHM Global Secretariat moves to India: Dr. T. Sundararaman appointed Global Coordinator From November 2019 the PHM Global Secretariat is being hosted in India.  Dr. T. Sundararaman (known to many … Read more

Announcement and call for expressions of interest for – Civil society workshop on “How to advance cooperation and solidarity within and beyond aid?” 15-16 NOVEMBER 2019 in Kampala, Uganda   … Read more

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) is pleased to hear the good news of Dr Peter Magombeyi’s safe return and urges Zimbabwean government to channelise its efforts towards fixing the ailing … Read more

UHC dominates the discourse on global health policy today. It can be interpreted in multiple ways, but its dominant discourse seems to be favouring market based neoliberal reforms. We are … Read more

Today, when private actors see the health care system more and more as a market, we deem it important to defend and promote public health care. Why ? In this … Read more

From primary health care to universal health coverage—one step forward and two steps back Primary health care (PHC), codified at the historic 1978 Alma Ata Conference, was advocated as the … Read more

Decisions that influence health and access to health care are necessarily a matter of ethics. This paper attempts to examine current budgetary allocations and policy shifts in India from the … Read more

Insurance-based systems only cover the entitled people as defined by the law, and among them, those who have paid their contributions. This principle has a fundamental limitation towards UHC, as … Read more

Ana Vracar from PHM Europe writes that “It is crucial for Croatia to recognize that the chosen approach to ensuring health care is incompatible with actually providing healthcare for everyone. … Read more

It is with extreme sadness that we announce the passing away of our comrade Prof. David Sanders, a beloved colleague, friend, mentor and activist. David passed away on 30th August ... Read more

It is with extreme sadness that we announce the passing away of our dear comrade Prof. David Sanders , a beloved colleague, friend, mentor and activist. David passed away on … Read more

On 3rd September PHM’s 2018 Global Health Watch 5 (GHW5) was launched in Colombo, Sri Lanka.  Many prominent figures and Members of the Peoples’ Health Movement of Sri Lanka were … Read more

Sexual and reproductive rights have suffered an onslaught of attacks and are threatened around the world, including in the United States. In the U.S., we see access to sexual and … Read more

An article by PHM-Uganda  on UHC, titled “Achieving Improved Primary Health Care and Universal Health Coverage through community led responses and Community Empowerment: A Proposition for East Africa, Uganda” This … Read more

How much do you know about our work at national, regional and global in the recent past and beyond? PHM-Uganda, brings you the latest and past work that we have … Read more

How much do you know about our work at national, regional and global in the recent past and beyond? PHM-Uganda, brings you the latest and past work that we have … Read more

In the current climate of widespread political, environmental, and economic turmoil, the People’s Health Movement-USA (PHM-USA) and Health Alliance International (HAI) stands in solidarity with the thousands of migrants escaping … Read more

As health activists and practitioners, we are particularly concerned by several reports from the state that indicate the impact of the clampdown on people’s health. Access to health care facilities … Read more

The year 2018 was a year full of activity for PHM in the different regions as well through the PHM global programmes. For details, please read the PHM’s Annual Report … Read more

People’s Health Movement (PHM) is seeking a fulltime Global Coordinator to be based at our global office in India. People’s Health Movement (PHM) is a global network which brings together … Read more

PHM West and Central Africa denounces the inaction by sub-regional, regional and continental bodies against the Ebola Crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which has been declared by … Read more

The Struggle for Health and Access to Affordable Medicines – Cape Town November 2019 The International People’s Health University (IPHU) of the People’s Health Movement (PHM), jointly with PHM-South Africa … Read more

Building Health through Community Health Workers and Communities: Challenges and Solutions (May 2019)   As part of our efforts to achieve Health for All through promoting health care accessibility in … Read more

Promoting Health for All and Social Justice in the Era of Global Capitalism A call to action by the People’s Health Movement at the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion Helsinki, … Read more

Protecting the Right to Health through action on the Social Determinants of Health A Declaration by Public Interest Civil Society Organisations and Social Movements was made at the World Conference … Read more

FRANCAIS – ESPANOL – ITALIANO People’s Health Movement Europe and European Network Against Commercialisation of Health and Social Protection strongly condemn the ongoing erosion of refugees’ and migrants’ rights in … Read more

Statement on Deaths of Children in Muzaffarpur, Bihar 20 June, 2019 Statement on Deaths of Children in Muzaffarpur, Bihar 20 June, 2019 Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (JSA) is deeply saddened at … Read more

PHM’s WHO Watch at the World Health Assembly 72 The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team attended the World Health Assembly 72 in Geneva in the month of May. The … Read more

People’s Health Movement holds the Moroccan authorities responsible for the crisis situation in the health sector and call them to respond to the demands of peacefully protesting students at medical … Read more

We denounce terrorist activities on the Easter Sunday and turmoil caused by extremist elements twenty two days later with equal detest.  As well these should not be outcomes within a … Read more

Health networks demand justice for Dr Payal Tadvi, condemn the caste based discrimination in medical education institutions We, members of Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (JSA) and Medico Friend Circle (MFC) – national … Read more

People’s Health Movement Global: Solidarity with health rights activists and organisations in the Philippines (16 May 2019) The People’s Health Movement (PHM) denounces the on-going smear and vilification campaign against … Read more

Israeli Occupation Forces continue to target civilians and health workers in the occupied Palestinian territory   Introduction: The occupation’s structuring and segregation is the most destructive tool used against the health of the … Read more

Advancing Support for Women to Combine their Productive and Reproductive Roles Including Breastfeeding in the Informal Economy   The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) and People’s Health Movement (PHM) call for the safety … Read more

Dear friends We, as People’s Health Movement, stand in complete solidarity with Sri Lanka in its time of grief and extend our deepest sympathy to the victims, to their family, … Read more

On 08 April 2019, in commemoration of the 7th of April, PHM DRC in partnership with the NGO Etoile du Sud and the collective NGO of integrated development in Congo … Read more

On the 7th of April, PHM West and Central Africa issued out a declaration denouncing the rise of fundamentalism and violence in several West and Central African countries and calls … Read more

On April 2nd, a PHM Europe group participated in the demonstration and conference “Our Health is Not for Sale!” that took place in Brussels, organized by European Network Against the … Read more

On the 6th of April, PHM Argentina is part of a meeting of the health movement LACRIMPO (it is part of PHM Latin America) of the Province of Misiones (North … Read more

PRESS RELEASE | April 5, 2019 Reference: Edelina dela Paz, MD 09178113298 Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere – At What Cost to the People? The World Health Organization chose Universal … Read more

We are pleased to release the final Declaration of the Fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA4). The Declaration, which is dedicated to our dear friend and comrade Amit Sengupta, is based … Read more

People’s Health Movement Kenya World Health Day 7th April 2019 Report: Since 1950, World Health Day has been celebrated on the 7th of April of each year with a goal … Read more

In a historic victory for people’s movement towards reproductive rights of Korean women, South Korean Constitutional Court has overturned the current law which criminalised abortion. The court has asked the … Read more

OUR HEALTH IS NOT FOR SALE! People’s Health Movement is mobilising towards reclaiming the World Health Day as People’s Health Day on April 07. See the map* of all the actions … Read more

Click Here to download the PHM Uganda Newsletter

PHM, along with around 45 other organisations, has issued an open letter against weaponisation of food aid in Venezuela and strongly condemns the undermining of food sovereignty in Venezuela. For … Read more

The whole family of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society is in shock and mourning following the killing of our first aid volunteer Sajed Mizher, from Dheisheh refugee camp south of … Read more

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) supports the Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) statement[1] highlighting the need for an urgent political intervention to resolve the crippled health situation in Zimbabwe, which … Read more


The People’s Health Assembly (PHA), is organised approximately every 5 to 7 years by the People’s Health Movement (PHM), a global network of grassroots health activists, civil society organisations and … Read more

PHM India (Jan Swasthya Abhiyan) and Right to Food Campaign express solidarity with tribal communities and other forest dwellers in their fight under the Forest Rights Act. As health and … Read more

As the General Elections-2019 in India are fast approaching, PHM India (Jan Swasthya Abhiyan) activists are pushing the political structures to address the issues plaguing people’s health by releasing a … Read more

WHO watchers read out statement at EB144 – see video links below. For more information and all PHM statements and positions developed during WHO watch over the past years organised … Read more

Job Title: Public Health Communications Officer Job Location: New Delhi, India Description of Position Fixed-term 12 month contract, renewable dependent on performance and availability of funds. Initially for 1 year, … Read more

The People’s Health Movement of South Africa ( notes with deep concern the reports of denial of access to emergency health care for people injured following protests against the Zimbabwe … Read more

Modicare: High on rhetoric, low on evidence We are surprised at the Comment by Richard Horton on Modi Government’s Ayushman Bharat (AB) (1) in The Lancet. The component emphasized as … Read more

Thank you to all those who have contributed so far to the unforeseen PHA4 expenses due to the political climate in which PHA4 was organised. These expenses added up to … Read more

Statement on access to safe, quality and legal abortion Peoples Health Movement (PHM) Following on the fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA) of the global People’s Health Movement (PHM) concluded in … Read more

PHM’s analysis and commentary on the issues coming before the Board is now published on PHM’s WHO Tracker site (here). It is also available as a downloadable PDF file (here). … Read more

The summary of the Global Health Watch 5 is available in Spanish. CLICK HERE

Our appeal goes to the people of the free world to ask them to join the voice of the BDS movement to support boycotting the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis … Read more

Thanks to all who generously donated towards the PHA4 related debt (see more information below). We need to continue and increase our efforts So far a total of EUR 12 … Read more

We, the People’s Health Movement (PHM), are deeply distressed and concerned about the complaints of sexual harassment from a few women colleagues attending the fourth People’s Health Assembly in Savar, … Read more

We, members of independent Civil Society in Africa including members of the People’s Health Movement (PHM)[i], are committed to Comprehensive Primary Health Care and addressing the Social, Environmental and Economic Determinants … Read more

We have just completed a very successful 4th People’s Health Assembly (PHA4), the largest to date in PHM’s history. 1400 registered participants (approximately 700 from Bangladesh and the remainder from … Read more

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) condemns the actions of the Nicaraguan Government in deregistering the Centre for Information and Health Advisory Services (CISAS) and deporting its director Ana Quirós Víquez, … Read more

The 4th People’s Health Assembly (PHA4), with 1400 registered participants from 73 countries, was the largest to date in the history of the People’s Health Movement. Watch the following videos … Read more

[Spanish version – version en Espanol] The People’s Health Movement in Latin America hereby expresses to the international community its profound concern over the events that have been occurring in … Read more

“One of the strongest pillars”: Dr Amit Sengupta, a leader of the public health movement, dies at 60 In Amit Sengupta’s passing, public health loses a key voice Delhi-based public … Read more

"There was magic in the air for the last 4 days, the magic of people's strength." Amit Sengupta, closing the 4th People's Health Assembly in Dhaka, Bangladesh It is with ... Read more

It is with extreme sadness that we announce the passing away of our dear comrade Dr. Amit Sengupta, a beloved colleague, friend, mentor and activist. Amit passed away on 28 … Read more

Check here for more information about the Fourth People’s Health Assembly at Dhaka, 15-19 November. See here for program of the Assembly. See here for details on workshops. See the … Read more

Call for Watchers to participate to the Executive Board in May 2019 PHM is preparing for watching the 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA-72) of W.H.O taking place from 14th May … Read more

Alternative Civil Society Astana Statement on Primary Health Care We, members of public interest civil society organisations and social movements, some of whom are participants at the Global Conference on … Read more

The struggle for health and social justice has a long and proud history that has been driven by diverse social movements involving many individuals and organisations in different contexts. Today, … Read more

PHM Kenya held a press conference on 5 October at Silver Springs Hotel, Nairobi, to highlight the gaps in information about the crisis at Pumwani Maternity Hospital. We emphasized that … Read more

PHM attended the World Association of Breastfeeding Action (WABA) Partners meeting in Penang September 25-27. The main theme was to coordinate renewed efforts to get more states ratifying the ILO … Read more

The PHM-OZ workshop was planned in collaboration with the Public Health Association of Australia Political Economy of Health Special Interest Group. We called the workshop Health for All or Health … Read more

People’s Health Movement Nepal in association with Resource Center for Primary Health Care (RECPHEC) organized launching of “Global Health Watch: An Alternative World Health Report”, Volume 5 and National Assembly … Read more

By invitation, PHM Kenya was represented at the workshop on Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in Kenya, to take part in review of fulfillment of economic social and cultural rights in … Read more

On 3rd September PHM’s 2018 Global Health Watch 5 (GHW5) was launched in Colombo, Sri Lanka.  Many prominent figures and Members of the Peoples’ Health Movement of Sri Lanka were … Read more

On Friday, August 3, 2018, the 5th edition of the GHW was launched at the School of Public Health of the State Health Secretariat of Rio Grande do Sul (ESP … Read more

Every year, governments are diverting $1 trillion dollars away from people and public services into the hands of big companies, whilst across the world, hundreds of millions of people are … Read more

“Now in its 5th edition, the Global Health Watch 5 (GHW5) is widely perceived as the definitive voice for an alternative discourse on health” Since the beginning of the year, … Read more

In November this year, the PHM is organising the fourth Peoples Health Assembly (PHA4) As you may know, in November this year Peoples Health Movement (PHM) will be hosting the Fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA 4) in Bangladesh. … Read more

The Health Work Committees denounces the international human rights and humanitarian silence towards the continuation of the Israeli occupation in targeting health and humanitarian staff in occupied Palestine, the last … Read more

Argentina’s current abortion law puts women’s health and lives in danger and denies us our essential reproductive rights, allowing legal abortion only in cases of rape or risk to a … Read more

PHM Nepal having its secretariat at RECPHEC (Resource Center for Primary Health Care), a National NGO in Kathmandu which is mobilizing for 4PHA through students’ circle and country circle. Public … Read more

PHM Australia is pleased to announce an important workshop designed to examine the impacts of neoliberal globalisation on health and health care in Australia, in the region and globally. The … Read more

The People’s Health Movement Benin launched on Saturday, July 28, 2018 in Cotonou a mini-IPHU on adapting the human rights-based approach to the reproductive health of young people and women … Read more

The International People’s Health University of the People’s Health Movement jointly with Gonoshasthaya Kendra, PHM Bangladesh, Third World Network  and SAMA Resource Group for Women and Health with Naripokkho announce “THE … Read more

The International People’s Health University of the People’s Health Movement jointly with Gonoshasthaya Kendra, PHM Bangladesh, Third World Network  and SAMA Resource Group for Women and Health with Naripokkho announce “THE … Read more

Region: South East Asia Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Fran Baum Summary: PHM OZ was established after the first People’s Health Assembly (PHA1), where some participated … Read more

Region: South Est Asia Language: English Year: 2011 Source: Discussion paper Author(s): David Legge Summary: Overview of three Indigenous health services in Australia, where community-led services have had success in … Read more

Region: South Asia Language: English Source: material collected as part of the PHM global action-research project “The contribution of civil society organisations in achieving health for all” Author(s): JSA (PHM … Read more

Region: Middle East Language: Arabic (French translation) Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Firas Jaber, Iyad Riyahi, Eileen Kuttab Summary: The story of the youth movement in Palestine from … Read more

Region: Africa Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Denis Bukenya, Danny Grotto (PHM Uganda) Summary: The People’s Health Movement Uganda Chapter, founded in 2009 by a group … Read more

Region: Africa Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): PHM Tanzania Summary: PHM Tanzania is a registered national NGO and was established shortly after the third People’s Health Assembly (July … Read more

Region: Africa Year: 2016 Source: material collected as part of the PHM global action-research project “The contribution of civil society organisations in achieving health for all” Author(s): PHM South Africa … Read more

Region: Africa Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): A sub-group of PHM Kenya drafted this contribution (Ravi Ram, Erick Otieno, Dan Owalla, Bernadette Muyomi, Kamlas Oodhus). The … Read more

Region: Africa Language: French Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Serge Djacpou Djomo (PHM Cameroun) Summary: PHM Cameroun started in 2011 (before there were only individuals involved); in 2012 … Read more

Region: Europe Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Anuj Kapilashrami and Sara Marsden, with contributions from Tony Robertson, Sue Laughlin and Eva Gallova; all PHM Scotland steering … Read more

Region: Europe Language: English Year: 2016 Source: material collected as part of the PHM global action-research project “The contribution of civil society organisations in achieving health for all” Author(s): Grup-pa … Read more

Region: Europe Language: French Source: web interview ( Author(s): PASS (Belgian Platform for action on Heatlh and Solidarity) Summary: History of the originis of this Belgian network created in 2008 … Read more

Region: Europe Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Egmont Ruelens Summary: Participatory action research by doctors of a MPLP (Doctors for the people) clinic in Belgium on … Read more

Region: Europe Language: French Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Alexia Fouarge (Médecine pour le tiers monde, M3M) Summary: A joint campaign by M3M and the international solidarity movement … Read more

Region: North America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Ben Palmquist, Campaign Manager, National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI) Summary: The “Healthcare Is a Human Right” … Read more

Region: North America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: story for the PHM website Author(s): Lori Hanson; Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay (PHM Canada) Summary: Members of PHM Canada had been discussing the idea … Read more

Region: North America Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): OCAP Summary: As the crisis of food poverty and hunger intensified, in 2004, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) came … Read more

Region: Central America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author: Lori Hanson (PHM Canada) for the Guardians of Yaoska, with assistance from the Humboldt Centre in Managua Summary: … Read more

Region: Central America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Draft chapter for Global Health Watch 5 Author(s): Susana Barria Summary: Between 1999 and 2003, trade unions in the Salvadoran Institute of … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: English Year: 2011 Source: Background paper commissioned for the WHO conference on the Social Determinants of Health ( Author(s): Camila Giugliani, Denise Antunes do Nascimento, David … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: Spanish Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author: Oscar Lanza (PHM Bolivia) Summary: Association created in La Paz in 1985, with the aim to impact on … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: Spanish Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Marcela Bobatto (PHM Argentina) Summary: Movement initiated in 1990 by a group of sisters, active in health care … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: Spanish Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Sandra Marin (PHM Argentina) Summary: Classes on “plants for health” and community health in a public school for … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: Spanish Year: 2016 Source: contribution for the manual Author(s): Sandra Marin (PHM Argentina) Summary: Red Jarrilla is a network created in 2003 after a series of … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: PHM Latin America (PHM-LA) report to PHM Global Author(s): Coordination of PHM-LA Summary: Overview of PHM-LA activities in different subregions: South (Argentina, … Read more

Our consultation on the 2nddraft of the Astana Declaration with our global network of PHC practitioners and activists has been limited, due to the short time frames set by WHO … Read more

Ready to mobilise for PHA4? Check out and use below PHA4 mobilisation material! PHA4 flyer:  English version and Spanish Version and French version PHA4 facebook banner: English version and Spanish version and French … Read more

Assistive technology (AT), a subset of health technology, embodies scientific and technological innovations. It refers to application of organised knowledge and skills related to assistive products, including systems and services. … Read more

If you didn’t know, the World Health Organisation (WHO) gets its funding in two ways: Its member states (MS) are committed to pay WHO assessed contributions(ACs), the amount being determined by … Read more

The debate around access to medicines within the WHO comes with a long and complicated history, and it is usually one of the most hotly debated topics during the organisation’s … Read more

The General Programme of Work 13 (GPW) provides a framework for the WHO’s work in the coming five years. The new GPW, it is claimed, will strengthen the role of … Read more

The 71st World Health Assembly (WHA), held in Geneva from 21-26 May, had a discussion on the Director General’s report on health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory and the occupied Syrian Golan, and … Read more

The World Health Assembly (WHA) is the decision-making body of World Health Organisation. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared … Read more

The Third National Health Assembly in India will be organised on 22-23 September at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, in Central India. Around 1,000 activists from across the country are expected to join the … Read more

Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) volunteer paramedic Razan Al Najjar, 21 years old, was shot and killed by an Israeli sniper as she was trying to provide first aid assistance … Read more

The Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978 emerged as a major milestone in the field of global public health. Referring to the social, political and structural determinants of health, emphasizing the importance of accountability … Read more

20 countries abstained and 6 countries opposed a  ‘draft decision’ on 23 May, proposing support to Palestine in its endeavour to provide health services in the current conflict ridden situation. … Read more

The People’s Health Movement was at the 71st World Health Assembly in Geneva between May 21-26 as part of PHM’s WHO Watch programme. An detailed commentary on the agenda of … Read more

The People’s Health Movement condemns in the strongest terms recent Israeli violent actions against Palestinian people in the Gaza strip and in the West Bank, in particular the unrestrained use … Read more

CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR SELF ORGANISED ACTIVITIES – CLOSING DATE: 15 JULY 2018 The structure of the PHA4 program will provide a space for self-organized activities. In the afternoons of the … Read more

We, representatives of civil society activists, academics and advocates for health, have met in Nairobi, Kenya, on the 9th of April 2018 for commemoration of World Health Day and the … Read more

This booklet has its origins in a meeting in autumn 2016, attended by over thirty activists, researchers and health professionals from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe and North America. After … Read more

Date: 14 Mar 2018 PHM Monthly Meeting 06.03.2018 This meeting was held at the usual venue of Nagarodaya Centre on Danister de Silva Mawatha, Borella, Colombo 8. The meeting was … Read more

Excerpts from review of GHW5 in the British Medical Journal: Since 2005 a transnational network of researchers and campaigners broadly sharing this second view, operating on a shoestring budget, has … Read more

Between now and November 2018 we will be sharing PHA4 Newsletters with news about global mobilisation activities, updates on the program, general information on logistics and much more! Follow this … Read more

Date: 19 Feb 2018 The leadership of PHM/Ghana – represented by Kingsley Pereko, Selorme Azumah, Kennedy Antwi, John Eliasu Mahama and Sidua Hor – met with Prof. David Sanders on … Read more

On January 30, 2018 eleven members of the Central Council of the Turkish Medical Association (TMA) were arrested after realeasing a brief public statement affirming that war in Syria is … Read more

It seems that the Global Fund believes that it can address the challenges of AIDS, TB, and malaria while accepting funds from corporate investors and the alcohol and food industries. … Read more

PHM Global steering council meeting taking place in Bangkok from the 28th to the 31st of January 2018. Identifying current and emerging threats to people’s health, mobilizing towards People’s Health … Read more

Date: 28 Jan 2018 COMMUNITY WORKING GROUP ON HEALTH Press Statement 24 January 2018 Government must show political will to address Cholera and Typhoid in Zimbabwe THE Community Working Group … Read more

This 3 Day International Conference will take place in New Delhi 28-30 March, 2018. Specific objectives of the conference: To  harness  evidence regarding the prevalence of  both  under  nutrition and  … Read more

PHA4 is taking place 15-19 November 2018 – hosted by PHM Bangladesh in Savar, Bangladesh. The objectives of the Assembly and associated activities include: To evaluate and critically analyze current … Read more

WHO Watch is a civil society project directed to the democratisation of global health governance and coordinated through PHM and Medicus Mundi International (more here).   As part of WHO Watch, PHM … Read more

Now in its fifth edition, the GHW is widely perceived as the definitive voice for an alternative discourse on health. This new edition addresses the key challenges facing governments and … Read more

Date: 21 Nov 2017 A PHM meeting for the Middle East and North Africa region happened in Tunis this weekend. Delegates from Egypt, Palestine, Morocco, Lebanon and Jordan were hosted … Read more

The International Association of Health Policy in Europe (IAHPE) held its 18th conference on 21-24 September in Thessaloniki (Greece). Researchers, academics and activists – many of them linked to the People’s … Read more

Date: 31 Aug 2017   Mother Earth: One Health  A learning scenario of unity, utopias, realities and dreams. Moments of The Global Encounter in Rosario Argentina, june 2017 ReAct Latin … Read more


The 9th issue of Peoples Health Dispatch brings a variety of news and analysis from across the globe. It covers Covid-19 vaccination in poor countries; Nonviolent Medicaid Army actions in the United … Read more

Access to health services is a key determinant of health and necessary to realize the right to health for all. However, across Europe governments increasingly fail to ensure that everyone … Read more

Pandemics and Access to Healthcare Technologies: From an Intersectional, Gender and Equity Lens A Call for Action Initiative by Gender, Justice  and Health Thematic Group of PHM & Sama Resource … Read more

Detalles en español aquí. Détails en français ici. PHM Environment and Health circle is the co-organiser of an upcoming event, the People’s Health Hearing, due to take place during COP26 … Read more

IPHU A2M refresher/add on course on COVID-19 (2)Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Personal InformationFirst Name *Last Name *Gender *MaleFemaleOtherDate of Birth *MM123456789101112/DD12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031/YYYY202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Country *Contact InformationEmail *Alternate EmailPhoneWhy ... Read more

El Movimiento para la Salud de los Pueblos (MSP) busca a una persona para coordinadora internacional a tiempo completo, con sede en Latinoamérica. Las solicitudes deben enviarse por email a … Read more

People’s Health Movement (PHM) is seeking a full-time Global Coordinator to be based at our global office in Latin America. Send your applications by email to [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] not … Read more

Shatha Odeh, Palestinian health and human rights activist, was illegally arrested two months ago by Israeli Occupying Forces. She is a dedicated health worker and Director of Health Work Committees, … Read more

Israeli Occupying Forces illegally arrested health and human rights activist Shatha Odeh on 7 July 2021. She is a member of the Global Steering Council of the PHM and director … Read more

Frontline Defenders have a dedicated page for Ms. Shatha Odeh, Director of Health Work Committees in Palestine. One can send a message of solidarity through this page.

PHM, along with hundreds of Civil Society organisations, is opposing the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) 2021. In this video, PHM activists and friends from different regions explain why … Read more

Letter sent to Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health by PHM South Africa International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) demands end of Ms. Odeh’s arbitrary detention, … Read more

Statement by Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders and supported by 10 UN Special Rapporteurs, demanding release of Palestinian health & human rights defenders by Israeli … Read more

1/7 The State of Palestine condemns Israel’s systematic and widespread attacks on the Palestinian health and agriculture sectors, including the continued and deliberate targeting Health Worker Committees and Union of … Read more

You can add your name to this petition urging the World Health Organization to intervene: — The Left in the European Parliament (@Left_EU) July 16, 2021

29 July Week 1 Introduction and overview EQUINET brief* 2. PHM Charter for Health* 3. EQUINET website 4. PHM website 5. RPHU programme* 6. Research … Read more

The East and Southern Africa Regional People’s Health University (ESA-RPHU), jointly convened by Regional Network for Equity in Health in East and  Southern Africa (EQUINET) and People’s Health Movement-East and … Read more

In early June, the leaders of the world’s seven richest countries met in the UK to discuss global health, climate, and tax issues. Although the world is still in the … Read more

During the 74th session of World Health Assembly, several countries emphasized the need to end unilateral coercive measures which end up serving as a collective punishment by restricting access to … Read more

One year into the pandemic, the World Health Assembly is holding its annual meeting. The continued financial challenges loomed over delegates as they discussed the possibility of a Pandemic Treaty, … Read more

PHM Health Systems Thematic Circle collaborated with Yale Global Health Justice Partnership to develop a commentary on the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on health workers. The commentary is titled “A Political … Read more

Shatha Odeh was illegally detained by the Isreali Occupying Forces for standing up for health and human rights. Ms Odeh is Director of Health Work Committees, a leading Palestinian health … Read more

Unpacking the COVAX Black Box, June 2021: PHM’s Policy Brief arguing that COVAX was designed to fail because it chose the market solution rather than a global solidarity and human … Read more

The “COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access Facility”, abbreviated to ‘COVAX’, the vaccine pillar of Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A). It was created in April 2020 as a global facility for equitable … Read more

The Israeli Occupying Forces arrested health and human rights activist Shatha Odeh on 7 July 2021. She is a member of the Global Steering Council of the PHM and we … Read more

PHM, with others, is co-organising the roundtable titled “The Private Sector’s Great Takeover: How multistakeholderism threatens food systems, people & states“.  The roundtable is being organised in the backdrop of … Read more

A snapshot of some of the happenings in the area of health in Sri Lanka during Covid-19 pandemic PHM Sri Lanka Newsletter July 2020 (both in English and Sinhala) PHM … Read more

For those who may have missed the webinar, the recording of the webinar has been uploaded on PHM Youtube  channel here. ____________________ Dear all PHM Health Systems Thematic … Read more

For the following letter to WHO D-G, we request endorsements from civil society organizations, health practitioners, academics, women’s rights organizations, and other concerned individuals Click here for Arabic (عربى) French (français) Spanish (español) To, Dr. … Read more

Shatha Odeh is a member of the Global Steering Council of the PHM and we condemn her arrest in strongest terms. She is also the director of the Health Work Committees … Read more

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the foremost causes of death and disability in developing countries. It is a curable disease, and yet it claims about 1.5 million lives each year. Developing … Read more

Conspiracy theories aside, there is something fishy about the Great Reset, Open Democracy, August 2021 The callous position of the EU in the access to vaccines negotiations, by Ana Vracar, … Read more

Third Quarter Report, May 2021 Second Quarter Report, January 2021 First Quarter Report, September 2020 Legge & Kim (4 Oct 2020) Equitable access to Covid vaccines: cooperation around research and … Read more

PHM co-chairs published an open letter (10 Feb 2021) to the Gavi CSO constituency in response to the GAVI CSO Call to Action for an equitable rollout of Covid-19 vaccine, … Read more

PHM Annual Report 2020 is a glimpse of work carried out by the People’s Health Movement at the global level in the year 2020. The year marked 20 years of … Read more

Civil Society Organizations’ concerns around UN Food Systems Summit 2021 and call for PHM countries/regions to engage in the boycotting of the official “pre-summit” in July Date: 22 June ‘2021 … Read more

TRIPS Council of the World Trade Organization is discussing TRIPS Waiver. We are at a historical juncture where finally text-based negotiations are happening. PHM and Third World Network had organised … Read more

In September 2020, the Health Systems Thematic Circle has put out a call (link) to develop case studies on health systems in the context of Covid-19, under the different sub-themes and guidelines. We received very rich contribution … Read more

    In an unfortunate development, headquarters of the Palestinian Health Work Committees (HWC) has been raided by the Israeli Occupying Forces. The IOF broke down the door and confiscated … Read more

We request endorsements from health workers in the United States  Stand in Solidarity with the People of Palestine During the last 4 weeks of the holy month of Ramadan, Palestinians … Read more

Regional People’s Health University (East and Southern Africa) invites you to apply for online course on  ‘Past, Present and Future Struggles for Health Equity’ 29 July to 12 November 2021  … Read more

Eight organisations, including PHM, sent an open letter to Ms Zsuzsanna Jakab, Deputy Director-General of the World Health Organisation raising concerns about a recent WHO report that could encourage privatisation … Read more

The summary of key activities undertaken by the PHM Gender Justice and Health Thematic activity report for February ’20- February ’21 can be read here.  

The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team closely followed the 74th World Health Assembly of the World Health Organisation held from 24 May to 1 June, 2021. The Watching team … Read more

PHM strongly condemns the attacks against Palestinian people by Israeli occupying forces and expresses full and unequivocal solidarity with the Palestinian people. The recent attempts of Israeli occupying forces to … Read more

The United States government recently declared that it will support TRIPS Waiver for vaccines at the World Trade Organisation. In October 2020, India and South Africa made a proposal before … Read more

With Covid-19, data and digitalization have become important in national and international public health discussions. Unfortunately, the discourse has been taken over by a corporate interests and approach. It is … Read more

The recording of the webinar has been updated here- ___________ Sama Resource Group for Women & Health with Gender, Justice & Health Thematic Group of People’s Health Movement (PHM) … Read more

The Health Work Committees Office (HWC) in Palestine was attacked by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on 8th March 2021. HWC serves as the regional coordinating organization of the PHM … Read more

A statement was released by the Health Work Committees (HWC) in Palestine, following the raids in their offices by the Israeli Occupation Forces on early morning of March 8th, 2021.  … Read more

In run up to the World Heath Day 2021, People’s Health Movement—Europe and European Network Against Commercialisation of Health write to High Representative of European Union, European Commissioner for Trade … Read more

PHM West and Central Africa came out with a position paper on the situation in DR Congo with regards to the Ebola epidemic and a critique of international community’s projection … Read more

The recording of the webinar has been updated here- _____ Please join Sama Resource Group for Women & Health along with the Gender, Justice & Health Thematic Group of … Read more

PHM East and Southern Africa call to action on the war against the People of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia It is now almost four months since the fighting between Tigray regional … Read more

PHM Europe and European Network Against Commercialisation of Health and Social Protection are preparing actions for 7 April, when we mark the international day of action against the privatisation of … Read more

8 March-International Women’s Day 2021 Reimagining an Healthy, Equitable and Gender Just World A call from Gender Justice Health Circle of the People’s Health Movement (PHM) and Sama Resource Group … Read more

IPHU Barcelona: How to Transform our Healthcare Systems (May to June 2021) Last date to apply: 24th March Click Here to Apply The International People’s Health University (IPHU) aims to … Read more

In a letter initiated by People’s Health Movement country circles in Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the PHM-Europe region; health activists, academics, and … Read more

The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team will followed the executive Board meeting of World health Organisation held from 18-26 January, 2021. The Watching team consisted of Aletha Wallace (Belgium), … Read more

Around 200 civil society organisations and trade unions from the Global South are calling on leaders of high-income countries not to block adoption of the proposal to the WTO to … Read more

Pour lire cet appel en français, cliquez ici. To read the Call in French click here.  In the Fourth People’s Health Assembly held in Dhaka (2018), PHM set out its … Read more

The Latin American region is celebrating 20 years of People’s Health Movement in its own unique way. Do you want to learn about what the PHM is doing in the … Read more

PHM Extractive Industries/Ecosystem and Health thematic circle and Hesperian Health Guides are organising a discussion about the connections between Fracking and Plastic Production and Disposal, and how raising awareness about … Read more

‘Covid19 Vaccine Governance: Sidelining Multilateralism’ highlights the shortcomings of the multi-stakeholder approach to global governance of covid19 medical products, and vaccines in particular, in ensuring equitable access across countries. Written … Read more

Our members from the Environment and Ecosystem Health wrote an article connecting the anti extractivist movement to Right to Health and talk through examples of extractivism acitvities and resistance movements … Read more

PHM-Kenya with support from Open Society Initiative East Africa (OSIEA) conducted a perception study that was conducted by Info track, to do a survey in the four pilot counties focusing … Read more

PHM has been an active participant of the Antibiotic Resistance Coalition (ARC) in Anti Microbial Resistance (AMR) Watch. We have compiled a series of the most important interventions that PHM … Read more

PHM Thematic group on “War, Conflict, Occupation and Forced Migration” roganised a webinar on “Resisting Militarisation of Covid Response”.  The recording of the webinar can be viewed here below. The … Read more

PHM Gender Justice and Health thematic group and Sama are undertaking a one-day campaign on 10th December, the last day of the ’16 days campaign on Gender Based Violence’. Please send your … Read more

People’s Health Movement (PHM) is seeking applicants for the post of Public Health Communications Officer. This post is open to only applicants working from/in India. Those interested may apply by … Read more

Our comrades from PHM thematic group on Environment and Ecosystem Health explain the vision and philosophy of the group and send us their message on #PHM20years    

Our EACT team at PHM has prepared this policy brief on the importance of waiver of TRIPS privision (proposed by India, South Africa and other countries) in ensuring access to … Read more

Peoples Health movement is happy to share and invite you to PHM 20 years celebrations, this 4th December 2020. This year marks 20 years since activists and comrades across the … Read more

The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team will follow the World Health Assembly 73 (resumed session) held from 9-14 November.  The Watching team consisted of  Alane Ribeiro (Brazil), Aletha Wallace … Read more

On the 19th anniversary of Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health, PHM is releasing a statement to reiterate its importance in ensuring availability and accessibility of medical products (including … Read more

From examples around the world, PHM-North America has been learning how to build successful campaigns against the privatization of health services and infrastructure. We invite you to a virtual learning … Read more

PHM’s strategic plan 2020-2025  lays out PHM’s goals and strategies for the next five years (2020 2025).With the People’s Charter for Health as the guiding vision for health in an … Read more

The People’s Health Movement supports the call by the Governments of India and South Africa 1 for the World Trade Organization to waive certain provisions of the WTO’s TRIPS Agreement … Read more

Online Course Announcement: The Struggle for Health and Access to Affordable Medicines (with a focus on Middle East and North Africa) Six week course starting from November 10, 2020 The … Read more

(مع التركيز على الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا)  دورة تدريبية مدتها ستة أسابيع تبدأ من 30 أكتوبر 2020  تعلن الجامعة الدولية لصحة الشعوب  The International People’s Health University (IPHU) التابعة لحركة … Read more

(Statement in French, Hindi and Spanish is linked below) On the occasion of International Safe Abortion Day on 28th September around the corner, we think that it is an important opportunity and space for … Read more

This is a photo-essay by Sarojini N, Advisory Council member of PHM on the unplanned lockdowns in response to Covid19 pandemic in India and the effect it has had on … Read more

The Hum agar uthhe nahin toh / If We Do Not Rise campaign on 5 September 2020 is a nation-wide campaign having representation from 26 States and more than 400 … Read more

Margarita Posada Salvadorean militant and comrade in the struggle 1962 – 2020 Central America, Latin America, and the entire world has lost one of our strongest, most militant women working … Read more

PHM Global Secretariat is seeking applicants for the post of Research Associate –Right to Health/. Those interested may apply by sending a email with their CV, with three references and … Read more

EACT India project implementation committee of People’s Health Movement (PHM) is seeking applicants for the post of Research Associate – Equitable Access to COVID 19 Technologies (EACT) project. Those interested … Read more

PHM Global Secretariat is seeking applicants for the post of Project Coordinator (Global) – Equitable Access to COVID 19 Technologies (EACT) project. Those interested may apply by sending a email … Read more

Even after six months of struggle against Covid19 pandemic, many countries are facing difficulties in accessing medical products such as personal protective equipment for healthcare workers, diagnostics and therapeutics. As … Read more

On 26th June, 2020, PHM-South Africa held a webinar to explore the challenges facing Civil Society in ensuring equity and justice in Access to new Health Technologies for COVID-19. From … Read more

A Brief Summary on the Activities of Gender, Justice and Health Thematic Circle (Feb 2019-Jan 2020) Full Report

As we continue to face challenges under the Covid-19 pandemic, there is an urgent need for policies that will effectively encourage and regulate research, production and access to diagnostics, therapeutics … Read more

Sama Resource Group for Women and Health and People’s Health Movement (PHM) invite you for a Webinar    ‘NOT IN LOCKDOWN: VOICES AND STRUGGLES AGAINST GENDER, RACIAL AND SOCIAL INJUSTICES’ … Read more

PHM Gender Justice & Health Thematic condemns the sytemic racism in US which led to the brutal murder of George Floyd. Gender and other intersectional inequalities have intensified, necessitating equal … Read more

This PHM Annual Report 2019 is a glimpse of work done by the PHM at the global level over the past one year. This annual report is dedicated to the … Read more

The pandemic of COVID-19 continues to take numerous lives of people across the globe and paralyse economies of many nations. Among the issues that will specifically impact on poor people … Read more

As the 73rd Word Health Assembly begins on May 18, amidst the global pandemic Covid-19, People’s Health Movement continues its critical WHO Watch with a team of watchers. Watch this … Read more

On April 23rd 2020, Chiara Bodini (CB) interviewed Alexis Benos (AB) and Elias Kondilis (EK). They are both public health physicians and professors at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where … Read more

In the light of the Covid-19 pandemic, we felt the need to rethink the timeline for the development of GHW6, so that our analysis and the content of the book … Read more

Planning the health system response to Covid-19 in South Africa requires a transparent, just and pro-equity public-private integration plan. In principle, this collaboration should be based on the public stewardship … Read more

Matheus Falcão and Maíra Mathias of the People’s Health Movement-Brazil analyze the government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis and examine the challenges faced by the public health system in dealing … Read more

“Globalisation in its current form cannot deliver the benefits expected of it. Civil society, particularly in developing countries, must ensure that it does.” wrote Martin Khor, and he remained steadfastly … Read more

The People’s Health Movement unequivocally denounces this move by the US Trump Administration to defund World Health Organisation (WHO) and calls for building global solidarity to address the COVID-19 pandemic … Read more

  The Coordination of the Latin American Association of Social Medicine – ALAMES, calls on all its activists and defenders of human rights, academic Associations, and especially our thematic networks … Read more

While acknowledging the great efforts of our nations and states to mobilize resources to contain and halt the spread of the COVID-19, the PHM West and Central Africa calls for … Read more

PHM joins the Brazilian people and their movements and social organizations, in the defense and strengthening of the Unified Health System (SUS), the universal access public system established in 1988 … Read more

For A More Equitable Society, A Just Response To Coronavirus Every day in the United States, the coronavirus continues to spread.  In the US, where healthcare is primarily delivered by … Read more

In these unprecedented times, members of People’s Health Movement Canada from across Turtle Island came  together to reflect on what health justice looks like during the COVID-19 pandemic. While mourning … Read more

Over 392,287 cases of COVID-19 have been reported worldwide as of March 23 2020 including in 43 African countries. Patients in countries with limited preparedness and response resources are particularly … Read more

The following as statements, letters and articles by JSA (PHM India) on various issues around COVID19. To deal with the matter, JSA has organised itself into 4 working groups to … Read more

We, the signatories of the letter would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation on the ongoing efforts by the Ministry of Health (MOH) personnel to combat the … Read more

While the government assures the public affected by the lockdown with assistance and support, it presents no concrete plans to allay their fears.  The private sector and well-meaning Filipinos have … Read more

In East and Southern Africa, cases of corona virus have been identified in a growing number of countries in the globe including cases in African countries such as South Africa, … Read more

See: South Korea (hereafter Korea)’s COVID-19 outbreak and response are still ongoing, and assessment of it is rather hasty. But we share this conditional statement because we think it … Read more

Public Meeting at Observatory, Cape Town.  Saturday, 14 March 202 The People’s Health Movement, South Africa (PHM) sensed that it was urgent for members of the broader community to share … Read more

PHM South-East Asia and Pacific papers on Covid-19 epidemic PHM country circles in the PHM SEAP region published a number of papers on the Covid-19 epidemic, tackling measures taken or … Read more

Coronavirus in West and Central Africa: A full-scale test for the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response 2020-2030? Lisez la version en Français ici. When you train yourself to kill lions … Read more

Statement and Background Paper on COVID19 (Corona Virus) by JSA (PHM India) and All India People’s Science Network (AIPSN) From 30 January 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 was … Read more

16 March 2020: Invest in health for all: spread solidarity, not the virus Versions in French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian here: Today, more than ever, it is urgent to … Read more

This page is a collection of statements and articles that have been prepared by PHM, its regional and country circles and also like minded civil society organisations on the issues … Read more

Wim De Ceukelaire and Chiara Bodini (PHM) write …strong public health systems have the resilience to address massive health threats with the collective responses they require. Privatization of health services … Read more

A small token of tribute to David Sanders – An introductory book giving a peek into David’s enormous body of work and legacy. Amandla Ngawethu! To read the book CLICK … Read more

For the fifth year in a row, People’s Health Movement Europe and European Network Against Commercialization of Health and Social Protection are calling for a day of action on April … Read more

Téléchargez l’appel en FRANÇAIS Descarga el texto en ESPAÑOL Download the call in ENGLISH About Global Health Watch (GHW) GHW is a collaboration of multiple activist academics and NGOs, defining … Read more

PHM calls upon progressive civil society groups and social movement to practice solidarity with Palestinian people against the racist crime of the century of the US administration and Israelis. PHM … Read more

The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team will be watching the EB 146 meeting that is taking place from 3-8 February, 2020.  Watch this space for daily reports, MMI/PHM statements … Read more

Before we close 2019, we have been engaged in a couple of events from August through December 2019 which we have documented through our Newsletter: UHC Day 2019,“Keep The Promise”How … Read more

The People’s Health Movement, Cameroon organised a mini-IPHU from 11-12 December in Bamenda, a short course for young public health professionals and advocates on ‘’Right to health’’. For more Click … Read more

As the 16 days of activism campaign comes to a close, GBV is still on the rise within our regions. We urge the country circles to continue with this campaign … Read more

International People’s Health University (IPHU) on Struggle towards Equity in Health in memory of Dr Amit Sengupta[i] Organised by PHM Global [ii] and Sama Resource Group for Women and Health[iii] … Read more

More than 90 civil society organisations (CSOs) call on Ministers participating in the African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO) Ministerial Meeting next week in Liberia to establish a transparent Member … Read more

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) global supports PHM Philippines Statement, and strongly condemns the worsening the repression and attacks on human right defenders, health workers and other activists in the … Read more

PHM Global Secretariat moves to India: Dr. T. Sundararaman appointed Global Coordinator From November 2019 the PHM Global Secretariat is being hosted in India.  Dr. T. Sundararaman (known to many … Read more

Announcement and call for expressions of interest for – Civil society workshop on “How to advance cooperation and solidarity within and beyond aid?” 15-16 NOVEMBER 2019 in Kampala, Uganda   … Read more

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) is pleased to hear the good news of Dr Peter Magombeyi’s safe return and urges Zimbabwean government to channelise its efforts towards fixing the ailing … Read more

UHC dominates the discourse on global health policy today. It can be interpreted in multiple ways, but its dominant discourse seems to be favouring market based neoliberal reforms. We are … Read more

Today, when private actors see the health care system more and more as a market, we deem it important to defend and promote public health care. Why ? In this … Read more

From primary health care to universal health coverage—one step forward and two steps back Primary health care (PHC), codified at the historic 1978 Alma Ata Conference, was advocated as the … Read more

Decisions that influence health and access to health care are necessarily a matter of ethics. This paper attempts to examine current budgetary allocations and policy shifts in India from the … Read more

Insurance-based systems only cover the entitled people as defined by the law, and among them, those who have paid their contributions. This principle has a fundamental limitation towards UHC, as … Read more

Ana Vracar from PHM Europe writes that “It is crucial for Croatia to recognize that the chosen approach to ensuring health care is incompatible with actually providing healthcare for everyone. … Read more

It is with extreme sadness that we announce the passing away of our comrade Prof. David Sanders, a beloved colleague, friend, mentor and activist. David passed away on 30th August ... Read more

It is with extreme sadness that we announce the passing away of our dear comrade Prof. David Sanders , a beloved colleague, friend, mentor and activist. David passed away on … Read more

On 3rd September PHM’s 2018 Global Health Watch 5 (GHW5) was launched in Colombo, Sri Lanka.  Many prominent figures and Members of the Peoples’ Health Movement of Sri Lanka were … Read more

Sexual and reproductive rights have suffered an onslaught of attacks and are threatened around the world, including in the United States. In the U.S., we see access to sexual and … Read more

An article by PHM-Uganda  on UHC, titled “Achieving Improved Primary Health Care and Universal Health Coverage through community led responses and Community Empowerment: A Proposition for East Africa, Uganda” This … Read more

How much do you know about our work at national, regional and global in the recent past and beyond? PHM-Uganda, brings you the latest and past work that we have … Read more

How much do you know about our work at national, regional and global in the recent past and beyond? PHM-Uganda, brings you the latest and past work that we have … Read more

In the current climate of widespread political, environmental, and economic turmoil, the People’s Health Movement-USA (PHM-USA) and Health Alliance International (HAI) stands in solidarity with the thousands of migrants escaping … Read more

As health activists and practitioners, we are particularly concerned by several reports from the state that indicate the impact of the clampdown on people’s health. Access to health care facilities … Read more

The year 2018 was a year full of activity for PHM in the different regions as well through the PHM global programmes. For details, please read the PHM’s Annual Report … Read more

People’s Health Movement (PHM) is seeking a fulltime Global Coordinator to be based at our global office in India. People’s Health Movement (PHM) is a global network which brings together … Read more

PHM West and Central Africa denounces the inaction by sub-regional, regional and continental bodies against the Ebola Crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which has been declared by … Read more

The Struggle for Health and Access to Affordable Medicines – Cape Town November 2019 The International People’s Health University (IPHU) of the People’s Health Movement (PHM), jointly with PHM-South Africa … Read more

Building Health through Community Health Workers and Communities: Challenges and Solutions (May 2019)   As part of our efforts to achieve Health for All through promoting health care accessibility in … Read more

Promoting Health for All and Social Justice in the Era of Global Capitalism A call to action by the People’s Health Movement at the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion Helsinki, … Read more

Protecting the Right to Health through action on the Social Determinants of Health A Declaration by Public Interest Civil Society Organisations and Social Movements was made at the World Conference … Read more

FRANCAIS – ESPANOL – ITALIANO People’s Health Movement Europe and European Network Against Commercialisation of Health and Social Protection strongly condemn the ongoing erosion of refugees’ and migrants’ rights in … Read more

Statement on Deaths of Children in Muzaffarpur, Bihar 20 June, 2019 Statement on Deaths of Children in Muzaffarpur, Bihar 20 June, 2019 Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (JSA) is deeply saddened at … Read more

PHM’s WHO Watch at the World Health Assembly 72 The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team attended the World Health Assembly 72 in Geneva in the month of May. The … Read more

People’s Health Movement holds the Moroccan authorities responsible for the crisis situation in the health sector and call them to respond to the demands of peacefully protesting students at medical … Read more

We denounce terrorist activities on the Easter Sunday and turmoil caused by extremist elements twenty two days later with equal detest.  As well these should not be outcomes within a … Read more

Health networks demand justice for Dr Payal Tadvi, condemn the caste based discrimination in medical education institutions We, members of Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (JSA) and Medico Friend Circle (MFC) – national … Read more

People’s Health Movement Global: Solidarity with health rights activists and organisations in the Philippines (16 May 2019) The People’s Health Movement (PHM) denounces the on-going smear and vilification campaign against … Read more

Israeli Occupation Forces continue to target civilians and health workers in the occupied Palestinian territory   Introduction: The occupation’s structuring and segregation is the most destructive tool used against the health of the … Read more

Advancing Support for Women to Combine their Productive and Reproductive Roles Including Breastfeeding in the Informal Economy   The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) and People’s Health Movement (PHM) call for the safety … Read more

Dear friends We, as People’s Health Movement, stand in complete solidarity with Sri Lanka in its time of grief and extend our deepest sympathy to the victims, to their family, … Read more

On 08 April 2019, in commemoration of the 7th of April, PHM DRC in partnership with the NGO Etoile du Sud and the collective NGO of integrated development in Congo … Read more

On the 7th of April, PHM West and Central Africa issued out a declaration denouncing the rise of fundamentalism and violence in several West and Central African countries and calls … Read more

On April 2nd, a PHM Europe group participated in the demonstration and conference “Our Health is Not for Sale!” that took place in Brussels, organized by European Network Against the … Read more

On the 6th of April, PHM Argentina is part of a meeting of the health movement LACRIMPO (it is part of PHM Latin America) of the Province of Misiones (North … Read more

PRESS RELEASE | April 5, 2019 Reference: Edelina dela Paz, MD 09178113298 Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere – At What Cost to the People? The World Health Organization chose Universal … Read more

We are pleased to release the final Declaration of the Fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA4). The Declaration, which is dedicated to our dear friend and comrade Amit Sengupta, is based … Read more

People’s Health Movement Kenya World Health Day 7th April 2019 Report: Since 1950, World Health Day has been celebrated on the 7th of April of each year with a goal … Read more

In a historic victory for people’s movement towards reproductive rights of Korean women, South Korean Constitutional Court has overturned the current law which criminalised abortion. The court has asked the … Read more

OUR HEALTH IS NOT FOR SALE! People’s Health Movement is mobilising towards reclaiming the World Health Day as People’s Health Day on April 07. See the map* of all the actions … Read more

Click Here to download the PHM Uganda Newsletter

PHM, along with around 45 other organisations, has issued an open letter against weaponisation of food aid in Venezuela and strongly condemns the undermining of food sovereignty in Venezuela. For … Read more

The whole family of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society is in shock and mourning following the killing of our first aid volunteer Sajed Mizher, from Dheisheh refugee camp south of … Read more

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) supports the Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) statement[1] highlighting the need for an urgent political intervention to resolve the crippled health situation in Zimbabwe, which … Read more


The People’s Health Assembly (PHA), is organised approximately every 5 to 7 years by the People’s Health Movement (PHM), a global network of grassroots health activists, civil society organisations and … Read more

PHM India (Jan Swasthya Abhiyan) and Right to Food Campaign express solidarity with tribal communities and other forest dwellers in their fight under the Forest Rights Act. As health and … Read more

As the General Elections-2019 in India are fast approaching, PHM India (Jan Swasthya Abhiyan) activists are pushing the political structures to address the issues plaguing people’s health by releasing a … Read more

WHO watchers read out statement at EB144 – see video links below. For more information and all PHM statements and positions developed during WHO watch over the past years organised … Read more

Job Title: Public Health Communications Officer Job Location: New Delhi, India Description of Position Fixed-term 12 month contract, renewable dependent on performance and availability of funds. Initially for 1 year, … Read more

The People’s Health Movement of South Africa ( notes with deep concern the reports of denial of access to emergency health care for people injured following protests against the Zimbabwe … Read more

Modicare: High on rhetoric, low on evidence We are surprised at the Comment by Richard Horton on Modi Government’s Ayushman Bharat (AB) (1) in The Lancet. The component emphasized as … Read more

Thank you to all those who have contributed so far to the unforeseen PHA4 expenses due to the political climate in which PHA4 was organised. These expenses added up to … Read more

Statement on access to safe, quality and legal abortion Peoples Health Movement (PHM) Following on the fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA) of the global People’s Health Movement (PHM) concluded in … Read more

PHM’s analysis and commentary on the issues coming before the Board is now published on PHM’s WHO Tracker site (here). It is also available as a downloadable PDF file (here). … Read more

The summary of the Global Health Watch 5 is available in Spanish. CLICK HERE

Our appeal goes to the people of the free world to ask them to join the voice of the BDS movement to support boycotting the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis … Read more

Thanks to all who generously donated towards the PHA4 related debt (see more information below). We need to continue and increase our efforts So far a total of EUR 12 … Read more

We, the People’s Health Movement (PHM), are deeply distressed and concerned about the complaints of sexual harassment from a few women colleagues attending the fourth People’s Health Assembly in Savar, … Read more

We, members of independent Civil Society in Africa including members of the People’s Health Movement (PHM)[i], are committed to Comprehensive Primary Health Care and addressing the Social, Environmental and Economic Determinants … Read more

We have just completed a very successful 4th People’s Health Assembly (PHA4), the largest to date in PHM’s history. 1400 registered participants (approximately 700 from Bangladesh and the remainder from … Read more

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) condemns the actions of the Nicaraguan Government in deregistering the Centre for Information and Health Advisory Services (CISAS) and deporting its director Ana Quirós Víquez, … Read more

The 4th People’s Health Assembly (PHA4), with 1400 registered participants from 73 countries, was the largest to date in the history of the People’s Health Movement. Watch the following videos … Read more

[Spanish version – version en Espanol] The People’s Health Movement in Latin America hereby expresses to the international community its profound concern over the events that have been occurring in … Read more

“One of the strongest pillars”: Dr Amit Sengupta, a leader of the public health movement, dies at 60 In Amit Sengupta’s passing, public health loses a key voice Delhi-based public … Read more

"There was magic in the air for the last 4 days, the magic of people's strength." Amit Sengupta, closing the 4th People's Health Assembly in Dhaka, Bangladesh It is with ... Read more

It is with extreme sadness that we announce the passing away of our dear comrade Dr. Amit Sengupta, a beloved colleague, friend, mentor and activist. Amit passed away on 28 … Read more

Check here for more information about the Fourth People’s Health Assembly at Dhaka, 15-19 November. See here for program of the Assembly. See here for details on workshops. See the … Read more

Call for Watchers to participate to the Executive Board in May 2019 PHM is preparing for watching the 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA-72) of W.H.O taking place from 14th May … Read more

Alternative Civil Society Astana Statement on Primary Health Care We, members of public interest civil society organisations and social movements, some of whom are participants at the Global Conference on … Read more

The struggle for health and social justice has a long and proud history that has been driven by diverse social movements involving many individuals and organisations in different contexts. Today, … Read more

PHM Kenya held a press conference on 5 October at Silver Springs Hotel, Nairobi, to highlight the gaps in information about the crisis at Pumwani Maternity Hospital. We emphasized that … Read more

PHM attended the World Association of Breastfeeding Action (WABA) Partners meeting in Penang September 25-27. The main theme was to coordinate renewed efforts to get more states ratifying the ILO … Read more

The PHM-OZ workshop was planned in collaboration with the Public Health Association of Australia Political Economy of Health Special Interest Group. We called the workshop Health for All or Health … Read more

People’s Health Movement Nepal in association with Resource Center for Primary Health Care (RECPHEC) organized launching of “Global Health Watch: An Alternative World Health Report”, Volume 5 and National Assembly … Read more

By invitation, PHM Kenya was represented at the workshop on Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in Kenya, to take part in review of fulfillment of economic social and cultural rights in … Read more

On 3rd September PHM’s 2018 Global Health Watch 5 (GHW5) was launched in Colombo, Sri Lanka.  Many prominent figures and Members of the Peoples’ Health Movement of Sri Lanka were … Read more

On Friday, August 3, 2018, the 5th edition of the GHW was launched at the School of Public Health of the State Health Secretariat of Rio Grande do Sul (ESP … Read more

Every year, governments are diverting $1 trillion dollars away from people and public services into the hands of big companies, whilst across the world, hundreds of millions of people are … Read more

“Now in its 5th edition, the Global Health Watch 5 (GHW5) is widely perceived as the definitive voice for an alternative discourse on health” Since the beginning of the year, … Read more

In November this year, the PHM is organising the fourth Peoples Health Assembly (PHA4) As you may know, in November this year Peoples Health Movement (PHM) will be hosting the Fourth People’s Health Assembly (PHA 4) in Bangladesh. … Read more

The Health Work Committees denounces the international human rights and humanitarian silence towards the continuation of the Israeli occupation in targeting health and humanitarian staff in occupied Palestine, the last … Read more

Argentina’s current abortion law puts women’s health and lives in danger and denies us our essential reproductive rights, allowing legal abortion only in cases of rape or risk to a … Read more

PHM Nepal having its secretariat at RECPHEC (Resource Center for Primary Health Care), a National NGO in Kathmandu which is mobilizing for 4PHA through students’ circle and country circle. Public … Read more

PHM Australia is pleased to announce an important workshop designed to examine the impacts of neoliberal globalisation on health and health care in Australia, in the region and globally. The … Read more

The People’s Health Movement Benin launched on Saturday, July 28, 2018 in Cotonou a mini-IPHU on adapting the human rights-based approach to the reproductive health of young people and women … Read more

The International People’s Health University of the People’s Health Movement jointly with Gonoshasthaya Kendra, PHM Bangladesh, Third World Network  and SAMA Resource Group for Women and Health with Naripokkho announce “THE … Read more

The International People’s Health University of the People’s Health Movement jointly with Gonoshasthaya Kendra, PHM Bangladesh, Third World Network  and SAMA Resource Group for Women and Health with Naripokkho announce “THE … Read more

Region: South East Asia Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Fran Baum Summary: PHM OZ was established after the first People’s Health Assembly (PHA1), where some participated … Read more

Region: South Est Asia Language: English Year: 2011 Source: Discussion paper Author(s): David Legge Summary: Overview of three Indigenous health services in Australia, where community-led services have had success in … Read more

Region: South Asia Language: English Source: material collected as part of the PHM global action-research project “The contribution of civil society organisations in achieving health for all” Author(s): JSA (PHM … Read more

Region: Middle East Language: Arabic (French translation) Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Firas Jaber, Iyad Riyahi, Eileen Kuttab Summary: The story of the youth movement in Palestine from … Read more

Region: Africa Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Denis Bukenya, Danny Grotto (PHM Uganda) Summary: The People’s Health Movement Uganda Chapter, founded in 2009 by a group … Read more

Region: Africa Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): PHM Tanzania Summary: PHM Tanzania is a registered national NGO and was established shortly after the third People’s Health Assembly (July … Read more

Region: Africa Year: 2016 Source: material collected as part of the PHM global action-research project “The contribution of civil society organisations in achieving health for all” Author(s): PHM South Africa … Read more

Region: Africa Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): A sub-group of PHM Kenya drafted this contribution (Ravi Ram, Erick Otieno, Dan Owalla, Bernadette Muyomi, Kamlas Oodhus). The … Read more

Region: Africa Language: French Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Serge Djacpou Djomo (PHM Cameroun) Summary: PHM Cameroun started in 2011 (before there were only individuals involved); in 2012 … Read more

Region: Europe Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Anuj Kapilashrami and Sara Marsden, with contributions from Tony Robertson, Sue Laughlin and Eva Gallova; all PHM Scotland steering … Read more

Region: Europe Language: English Year: 2016 Source: material collected as part of the PHM global action-research project “The contribution of civil society organisations in achieving health for all” Author(s): Grup-pa … Read more

Region: Europe Language: French Source: web interview ( Author(s): PASS (Belgian Platform for action on Heatlh and Solidarity) Summary: History of the originis of this Belgian network created in 2008 … Read more

Region: Europe Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Egmont Ruelens Summary: Participatory action research by doctors of a MPLP (Doctors for the people) clinic in Belgium on … Read more

Region: Europe Language: French Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Alexia Fouarge (Médecine pour le tiers monde, M3M) Summary: A joint campaign by M3M and the international solidarity movement … Read more

Region: North America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Ben Palmquist, Campaign Manager, National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI) Summary: The “Healthcare Is a Human Right” … Read more

Region: North America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: story for the PHM website Author(s): Lori Hanson; Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay (PHM Canada) Summary: Members of PHM Canada had been discussing the idea … Read more

Region: North America Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): OCAP Summary: As the crisis of food poverty and hunger intensified, in 2004, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) came … Read more

Region: Central America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author: Lori Hanson (PHM Canada) for the Guardians of Yaoska, with assistance from the Humboldt Centre in Managua Summary: … Read more

Region: Central America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: Draft chapter for Global Health Watch 5 Author(s): Susana Barria Summary: Between 1999 and 2003, trade unions in the Salvadoran Institute of … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: English Year: 2011 Source: Background paper commissioned for the WHO conference on the Social Determinants of Health ( Author(s): Camila Giugliani, Denise Antunes do Nascimento, David … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: Spanish Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author: Oscar Lanza (PHM Bolivia) Summary: Association created in La Paz in 1985, with the aim to impact on … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: Spanish Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Marcela Bobatto (PHM Argentina) Summary: Movement initiated in 1990 by a group of sisters, active in health care … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: Spanish Year: 2016 Source: Contribution for manual Author(s): Sandra Marin (PHM Argentina) Summary: Classes on “plants for health” and community health in a public school for … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: Spanish Year: 2016 Source: contribution for the manual Author(s): Sandra Marin (PHM Argentina) Summary: Red Jarrilla is a network created in 2003 after a series of … Read more

Region: Latin America Language: English Year: 2016 Source: PHM Latin America (PHM-LA) report to PHM Global Author(s): Coordination of PHM-LA Summary: Overview of PHM-LA activities in different subregions: South (Argentina, … Read more

Our consultation on the 2nddraft of the Astana Declaration with our global network of PHC practitioners and activists has been limited, due to the short time frames set by WHO … Read more

Ready to mobilise for PHA4? Check out and use below PHA4 mobilisation material! PHA4 flyer:  English version and Spanish Version and French version PHA4 facebook banner: English version and Spanish version and French … Read more

Assistive technology (AT), a subset of health technology, embodies scientific and technological innovations. It refers to application of organised knowledge and skills related to assistive products, including systems and services. … Read more

If you didn’t know, the World Health Organisation (WHO) gets its funding in two ways: Its member states (MS) are committed to pay WHO assessed contributions(ACs), the amount being determined by … Read more

The debate around access to medicines within the WHO comes with a long and complicated history, and it is usually one of the most hotly debated topics during the organisation’s … Read more

The General Programme of Work 13 (GPW) provides a framework for the WHO’s work in the coming five years. The new GPW, it is claimed, will strengthen the role of … Read more

The 71st World Health Assembly (WHA), held in Geneva from 21-26 May, had a discussion on the Director General’s report on health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory and the occupied Syrian Golan, and … Read more

The World Health Assembly (WHA) is the decision-making body of World Health Organisation. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared … Read more

The Third National Health Assembly in India will be organised on 22-23 September at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, in Central India. Around 1,000 activists from across the country are expected to join the … Read more

Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) volunteer paramedic Razan Al Najjar, 21 years old, was shot and killed by an Israeli sniper as she was trying to provide first aid assistance … Read more

The Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978 emerged as a major milestone in the field of global public health. Referring to the social, political and structural determinants of health, emphasizing the importance of accountability … Read more

20 countries abstained and 6 countries opposed a  ‘draft decision’ on 23 May, proposing support to Palestine in its endeavour to provide health services in the current conflict ridden situation. … Read more

The People’s Health Movement was at the 71st World Health Assembly in Geneva between May 21-26 as part of PHM’s WHO Watch programme. An detailed commentary on the agenda of … Read more

The People’s Health Movement condemns in the strongest terms recent Israeli violent actions against Palestinian people in the Gaza strip and in the West Bank, in particular the unrestrained use … Read more

CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR SELF ORGANISED ACTIVITIES – CLOSING DATE: 15 JULY 2018 The structure of the PHA4 program will provide a space for self-organized activities. In the afternoons of the … Read more

We, representatives of civil society activists, academics and advocates for health, have met in Nairobi, Kenya, on the 9th of April 2018 for commemoration of World Health Day and the … Read more

This booklet has its origins in a meeting in autumn 2016, attended by over thirty activists, researchers and health professionals from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe and North America. After … Read more

Date: 14 Mar 2018 PHM Monthly Meeting 06.03.2018 This meeting was held at the usual venue of Nagarodaya Centre on Danister de Silva Mawatha, Borella, Colombo 8. The meeting was … Read more

Excerpts from review of GHW5 in the British Medical Journal: Since 2005 a transnational network of researchers and campaigners broadly sharing this second view, operating on a shoestring budget, has … Read more

Between now and November 2018 we will be sharing PHA4 Newsletters with news about global mobilisation activities, updates on the program, general information on logistics and much more! Follow this … Read more

Date: 19 Feb 2018 The leadership of PHM/Ghana – represented by Kingsley Pereko, Selorme Azumah, Kennedy Antwi, John Eliasu Mahama and Sidua Hor – met with Prof. David Sanders on … Read more

On January 30, 2018 eleven members of the Central Council of the Turkish Medical Association (TMA) were arrested after realeasing a brief public statement affirming that war in Syria is … Read more

It seems that the Global Fund believes that it can address the challenges of AIDS, TB, and malaria while accepting funds from corporate investors and the alcohol and food industries. … Read more

PHM Global steering council meeting taking place in Bangkok from the 28th to the 31st of January 2018. Identifying current and emerging threats to people’s health, mobilizing towards People’s Health … Read more

Date: 28 Jan 2018 COMMUNITY WORKING GROUP ON HEALTH Press Statement 24 January 2018 Government must show political will to address Cholera and Typhoid in Zimbabwe THE Community Working Group … Read more

This 3 Day International Conference will take place in New Delhi 28-30 March, 2018. Specific objectives of the conference: To  harness  evidence regarding the prevalence of  both  under  nutrition and  … Read more

PHA4 is taking place 15-19 November 2018 – hosted by PHM Bangladesh in Savar, Bangladesh. The objectives of the Assembly and associated activities include: To evaluate and critically analyze current … Read more

WHO Watch is a civil society project directed to the democratisation of global health governance and coordinated through PHM and Medicus Mundi International (more here).   As part of WHO Watch, PHM … Read more

Now in its fifth edition, the GHW is widely perceived as the definitive voice for an alternative discourse on health. This new edition addresses the key challenges facing governments and … Read more

Date: 21 Nov 2017 A PHM meeting for the Middle East and North Africa region happened in Tunis this weekend. Delegates from Egypt, Palestine, Morocco, Lebanon and Jordan were hosted … Read more

The International Association of Health Policy in Europe (IAHPE) held its 18th conference on 21-24 September in Thessaloniki (Greece). Researchers, academics and activists – many of them linked to the People’s … Read more

Date: 31 Aug 2017   Mother Earth: One Health  A learning scenario of unity, utopias, realities and dreams. Moments of The Global Encounter in Rosario Argentina, june 2017 ReAct Latin … Read more








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