BREAKING: The beloved dodgeball that had been stuck in the gym rafters since 2004 has been knocked down. The item used to free the ball, a basketball thrown by bored varsity players, immediately became stuck in its place

that new animal crossing character named sasha that uses he/him pronouns i say congrats on the gender

I love Sasha but can y’all remember that other countries exist and Sasha isn’t inherently a feminine name? 🙄

In this episode of “questions that have never been asked before”: Is this rabbit a genderqueer icon or just slavic?

I just looked up Sasha’s names in the other game localizations, and there’s a whole lot of interesting things going on!

  • As we’ve already covered, Sasha is primarily a masculine name in Slavic languages, but it is typically feminine in English-speaking countries.
  • The funny thing is that in the Russian version, his name isn’t even Sasha! It’s Геррит (or Gerrit, which is also his German name)
  • Meanwhile, Gerrit is a name of Dutch origin, but in the Dutch version his name is Sasha. 
  • Ariel is another one of those names that can be masculine or feminine depending on where you are, though in Spanish-speaking countries it’s usually masculine. 
  • Alix is also a gender-neutral name, though it should be noted that in French, it is more commonly a feminine name. 
  • The Japanese name ミッチェル and Korean name 미첼 both translate to Mitchell, while the Chinese name 蜜雪兒 could be Mitchell or Michelle. 

It seems that for many of these, they intentionally picked gender-neutral or ambiguous names. So in conclusion, congrats! This rabbit is indeed a genderqueer icon.

(Please correct me if I’m wrong about any of these, especially Chinese and Korean as I do not speak or read either of them. I also couldn’t find anything on the gender connotations of the name Sasha in Italian or Dutch, so if anyone has any info on this I’d love to know!) 

So he’s consistently both androgynous and foreign.

this rabbit’s gay AND european!

Mobility aids and sensory aids aren’t a “worst case scenario”

Stop acting like it’s a tragedy when someone starts using a cane or wheelchair, and stop acting like it’s someone admitting defeat if they need ear defenders or stim toys.

Aids are a good thing. They allow us to live better than we could before, and that’s something to celebrate, not demean and be doom and gloom about.

Oh, Katie? It's so sad. Ever since she turned 40, she's been glasses-bound.

Hot damn, it's almost like mobility aids are tools that make life easier and allow us to spend more time doing what we need and want to do and less time struggling!

Could you imagine if ableds applied the same stigma to tools in general? "Wow, you need a can opener to open cans? Thats so sad." "I hope I never need to use a hammer. Could you imagine? Pounding nails with anything other than your bare fists? I'd rather die." That's how they sound!


yeah brother

*right clicks on you*

*views your properties*

She's got that apotropaic dick


she will never get Evil hole

English girl carries today’s salmon catch home

Norway, 1910s

so i walked out of crackle barrel yesterday and this gem was there to greet me


the head blinks if you get too close

no offense to 2012 me but the tone of this post really does not do any justice to how genuinely disturbing that fucking car is

every time i remember this fucked up thing i spend an upsetting amount of time scouring the internet for any trace of its existence but as far as i can tell nobody else has ever encountered it and at this point im half convinced that it was some sort of manifestation of a malignant spirit that doesn’t actually exist in this dimensional plane

Encounter: malignant spirit from another plane that manifests as a patriotic Chevy in the Crackle Barrel parking lot with a human head on the hood that blinks if you get too close

Good morning weird women

my cat is incredibly sweet and wants nothing more than to be within a 5 ft radius of a person at all times, gently chilling in your orbit.
he is also VERY, VERY DUMB 

it’s a slow morning so husband and I are reading, not making much noise. meanwhile, Barold goes downstairs to use his box and when he comes out, he starts yowling like his lil heart done broke. husband goes to to the top of the stairs all worried like, “Barold, what’s wrong?”

kitty zips back up the stairs and just oozes onto husband’s feet, purring high-powered lawnmower style. the realization hit us both at the same time…

this. boy. this itty bitty kitty boy. 

he couldn’t see or hear us for ten continuous seconds, forgot. we. were. home. and immediately burst into tears !!!!

I was just focusing on the fact that you named your cat Barold for the entirety of that post