
Sagittarius Horoscope


sagittarius - The Archer

November 22–December 21

  • Today's Prediction

    12 October, 2021

    Dear Sagittarius, you are more likely to strike a deal with an international client and become a self-made billionaire. You will not face any health issues today and your body and mind will be in tune.

  • Yesterday's Prediction

    11 October, 2021

    Dear Sagittarius, cash will flow in from other income sources as well. Money loaned and forgotten is likely to be returned now. Your excellent health will keep you energetic all day long and will allow you to be involved in home chores.


Your Characteristics

“To the Sagittarian, life is secretly a circus, and he's the clown, rolling and tumbling through purple hoops in a sky-blue suit." Linda Goodman

You are FIRE. It is a force that inspires you to be creative, passionate and energetic. It gives you the willpower to never give up despite all the challenges you face in life. It makes you action-oriented, decisive and optimistic. Negatively it makes you aggressive, selfish and sparks a need to be in the centre of attention.

Mutable. It makes you adaptable, resourceful and flexible in your approach. For the greater good you would rather conform to the norm, but standing your ground is of little importance. Your core characteristic makes you adapt to change and are frequently considered the chameleons of the zodiac. Quick to help others, they are selfless and stretch yourself.

Jupiter. It allows you to be expansive, affirming, and joyful. It has the power to bestow luck and good fortune. It is a source of your affinity for optimism, friendliness and enthusiasm. It makes you a big thinker, the seeker who loves to engage in philosophical inquiries and debates. You would tend to have strong luck when following your high-test beliefs.

A half horse, half archer, your symbol represents optimism and ambition on a global scale.

You are optimistic, hilarious, fair-minded, honest and intellectual. Sagittarius is completely free of deception and will tell the truth without any compromise. You will never run away from a fight or call for help. You love to travel and always have your suitcase ready. You always scrutinise your dreams with intellect and compelling logic.

Monotony bores them and that’s why they are tagged as commitment phones. You always act first and think of consequences later. You have a tough time accepting the seriousness of life. Responsibilities seem like a burden to you. Sagittarians are mostly gamblers and Laz Vegas is their favourite destination. Your over-optimism makes you trust the wrong people

You make excellent teachers, broadcast journalists, coaches, writers or hosts because of their intellectual, talkative and encouraging qualities.

They are spontaneous and fun and are perhaps the best sun sign to have a conversation. If you have a Sagittarian friend keep your suitcases packed. Also, not to forget, they are really funny. But you will always get non-sugar coated advice and truth from them. Even though at times their words can be too blunt their advice is always profound. And if they loan you money they won’t utter a word about it ever.

Don’t expect her to say things that you want to hear, maybe you will hear things you need to hear. Then, suddenly she will say something so special that you will end up blushing. Sagittarius females are regular Pollyanna - an excessively cheerful beings. She will never lie but can fly into fiery rages. She is a trusting child - with an outlook so naive that she is vulnerable to wolves.

This man moves around with lady luck and his chances of winning the odds are surprising. And, that luck works well for him in love too. He is mostly accused of beings tactless and thoughtless. He seeks casual relationships that can get downright promiscuous. He is downrightly honest in love and you can’t expect deception from him. Ultimately, he wants his freedom and doesn’t like being controlled. He just wants you to be what he wants even if you don’t give him everything he desires.

  • Dr Prem Kumar Sharma

    Dr Prem Kumar Sharma


    30 yrs + Exp CONSULT
  • Manisha Koushik

    Manisha Koushik


    10 yrs + Exp CONSULT
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Tuesday, October 12, 2021