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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna




I love that this man swore on national TV he would never trust pants again... and then ran with it for iconic looks like THIS.


i did not know he said that, but my love for his art just increased


I think it was live on SNL, he had a wardrobe malfunction during Montero and his pants crotch shredded open. He had to finish the song with a hand on his crotch without making it look... like that. That's all anyone wanted to know about when they interviewed him for like a month


now that’s how to roll with the punches 8)

lil nas x montero lil nas

Honestly I think the pole sliding part of montero is SO powerful. Right before it you see lil Nas x rising up to heaven, the colours of heaven shining on and from him, the wings of an angel before him. And he turns around and chooses to go to hell. He is not condemned. And in this is is figuratively saying "If there were a choice, I would choose to be this way. I do not want a heaven that hates - I want a hell that loves." And that's just. Really beautiful!!!



montero lil nas x music