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Agathonia Media
Sitting on the platform, waiting, reading a paper or two. What for? Daniel Plenge, PhDaD, NEETUE h.c. mult., PDA, apl. i.R.
Münster, Germanyagathoniamedia.comJoined April 2020

Agathonia Media’s Tweets

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Is #planning the past, as the mainstream argues? Is planning the present, as critics of #capitalism argue? Or is planning the future,as different revolutionaries argue? For an outline of an answer we need a little philosophy of planning, so I improvise it.
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Nice ride. Got a funny insight at min 50.Sociologists of knowledge have wondered for decades how (social) science can influence politics. Not sure,but prbly they have forgotten to hypothesize that u just have to populate a treasury with lots of ideologues, that's basically it. 😂
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Hey @yanisvaroufakis if ever you make it back to Australia, @DanielBleakley of the @TheAusInstitute would like to interview you while you drive his @tesla. See my experience here: You can trash Neoliberalism while enjoying the EV experience.

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This⬇️ was actually a quite entertaining event. It's also fascinating that we have had these "history versus X" debates in one tradition for 300 years or so by now, a bit different across all disciplines in the 20th century, and in another probably for 2000plus years.
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"Too much Maths, too little #History: The problem of #Economics" (2015) Proposition Team - Robert Skidelsky & Dr. Ha-Joon Chang #platonism #problems
Are scientists immune to charlatanism? Currently,many assume that just the less or uneducated believe nonsense. But no,they are not. Mario Bunge, physicist&philosopher, tells us that scientists believe in all sorts of nonsense outside of their specialties.
"This exclusionism, together with the virtual impossibility of proving anything, gives mathematical #economics a powerful incentive to make the real world more like their models than to make the models more like the real world."
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"Too much Maths, too little #History: The problem of #Economics" (2015) Proposition Team - Robert Skidelsky & Dr. Ha-Joon Chang #platonism #problems
"So yes,I predicted the crisis,&yes,I explained how Australia could avoid it as well—though the policies Australia’s government followed had the side effect of giving Australia the second-highest level of household debt in the world today"
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"So schrieb (Erhard) zum Fall Polen: »Der polnische Arbeiter hat sich als willig&fleißig erwiesen, wenn auch seine Leistung nicht an reichsdeutschen Maßstäben zu messen ist. Dies ist der Ausfluss mangelnder Erziehung und rassisch bedingter Eigenschaften.«"
"But here’s the problem: we usually have absolutely no idea how the systems that govern our daily lives really work. Not the foggiest. It takes activism and active confrontation with #systems to really understand what they are made of..." ⬇️
"it has been more than 20 years since #normal or above-normal rainfall has been recorded in southern Brazil, with some exceptions. ... In Argentina, the northeastern Litoral region has recorded below-normal rainfall for the last two years, particularly during the summer."
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"Paraguay, southern Brazil & northeastern Argentina cover a vast region of South America crossed by rivers that make up the Río de La Plata Basin, and have been experiencing a severe water deficit for almost 3 years, with two consecutive summers under the influence of La Niña."
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"This pandemic has created a period of tremendous churn where we have seen the state support people in a way we wld have previously considered impossible. Out of previous trauma,Labour founded the NHS – something that came from Welsh Labour. Cld a #UBI be this generation’s NHS?"
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Alltagsfilosofie EP3 - Minima Moralia Im Grunde ist die bürgerliche/moderne Familie eine Art Fließband, unterschiedlich straff tayloristisch & patriarchal strukturiert,mit variablem externen Personal etc., aber gleichem Elend. Nur konsequent, wenn 'Sorge-Arbeit' entlohnt würde.
assembly line vintage GIF by US National Archives
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Plus the economists.
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We're going to need some kind of criminal accountability, not only for the fossil fuel executives who have lied to the public about climate change for decades, but for the political leaders who have had it in their power to stop climate breakdown and yet have done nothing.
Flying blind? Flying accumulating, exploiting, destroying, faking, silencing, noising ...
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"As I keep saying, we need to think harder about #inflation. Because in many ways, monetary policy is still flying #blind after all these years." @StephanieKelton ⬇️ How (Not) to Fight Inflation
Prognose: Der in der Regel verschwiegene und oft auch 'gefälschte' Indikator 'healthy life years' wird in den kommenden Jahrzehnten einen kontinuierlichen Rückgang erleben, global und national. #Gesundheit
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Warum Gesundheit gar nicht unser "teuerstes Gut" ist | heise online