Healthy conversations

We’re working to make Twitter a safe place for free expression.

Two birds talking #WhatsHappening

You should be able to speak your mind and find credible information easily.

Twitter is an open service that’s home to a world of diverse people, perspectives, ideas and information. We’re committed to protecting the health of the public conversation — and we take that commitment seriously.



We want people on Twitter to have safe, inclusive, and authentic conversations. With that goal in mind, we work hard to minimize toxic and illegal content, and give people tools to control their interactions.

Account and service integrity

We do our best to keep people with bad intent from creating or maintaining accounts, compromising the accounts of others, or artificially boosting harmful content. This helps us protect the safety, security, and credibility of Twitter accounts.

Positive impact on society

We foster free and global conversations, and are committed to healthy discourse. That means we try to minimize the distribution and reach of harmful or misleading information, especially when its intent is to disrupt a civic process or cause offline harm.


We want you to join the conversation and feel safe.

Our rules are intended to create a culture of trust and respect, so the way we approach enforcement is pretty simple.

  • We work hard to make interactions with us understandable, efficient, and fair.

  • We’ll try to give you as much information as possible. If we make a mistake, we’ll say so.

  • We give you the necessary tools to control your conversations, and we’re here when you need us.

  • Play by the rules and you’re free to express yourself however you like.

Healthy public conversation requires a group effort

Our Trust and Safety Council is a group of independent expert organizations from around the world.

Find out more






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