Narendra ModiConta verificada


Prime Minister of India

Participa desde janeiro de 2009
Nasceu em 17 de setembro


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  1. há 5 horas

    We are committed to ensuring cleaner and better urban spaces. Watch my speech.

  2. há 8 horas

    Best wishes to Minister Ji on his birthday. I have worked closely with Rupala Ji for many years and closely seen his commitment to public welfare. He is playing a critical role in strengthening India’s animal husbandry and fisheries sectors. Prayers for his long life.

  3. há 8 horas

    Birthday greetings to Rashtrapati Ji. Due to his humble personality, he has endeared himself to the entire nation. His focus on empowering the poor and marginalised sections of society is exemplary. May he lead a long and healthy life.

  4. há 20 horas

    In line with our commitment to ensure top quality urban spaces that are garbage free and water secure, the Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0 and AMRUT 2.0 would be launched at 11 AM tomorrow, 1st October.

  5. há 21 horas

    राजस्थान का सामर्थ्य, पूरे देश को प्रेरणा देता है। हमें राजस्थान के सामर्थ्य को भी बढ़ाना है और देश को भी नई ऊंचाइयों पर पहुंचाना है। लोगों का जीवन आसान बने- Ease of Living, ये आज देश की सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकताओं में से एक है।

  6. há 21 horas

    आज देश में अभूतपूर्व तेजी के साथ मेडिकल इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर का निर्माण हो रहा है। पिछले 6-7 वर्षों में 170 से अधिक नए मेडिकल कॉलेज बने हैं, 100 से ज्यादा पर काम चल रहा है। डॉक्टर बनने का सपना देखने वाले युवाओं के लिए ये बेहतरीन अवसर है।

  7. há 21 horas

    पूरी निष्ठा से किए गये प्रयास कभी व्यर्थ नहीं जाते। हमारे प्रयास अब देश की स्वास्थ्य व्यवस्था को सशक्त कर रहे हैं। दशकों तक टुकड़ों में बंटी रही हमारी स्वास्थ्य सेवाएं अब सक्षम भी बन रही हैं और संवेदनशील भी।

  8. há 21 horas

    CIPET will cater to the skilled manpower needs of the petrochem and energy sector. It will also create more opportunities for the youth and boost 'Ease of Living.'

  9. há 21 horas

    Ensuring top quality healthcare for every Indian.

  10. 30 de set.

    Our Law Minister is also a decent dancer! Good to see the vibrant and glorious culture of Arunachal Pradesh…

  11. 30 de set.

    Ensuring a better future for the people of Rajasthan. Watch.

  12. 29 de set.

    I am happy that in the last seven years, we have made great progress in setting up of medical colleges across India. Tomorrow, foundation stones for medical colleges in Banswara, Sirohi, Hanumangarh and Dausa will be laid.

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  13. 29 de set.

    Top quality education is a priority for our Government. At 11 AM tomorrow, CIPET: Institute of Petrochemicals Technology, Jaipur will be inaugurated. This institution will cater to the aspirations of youngsters who want to study aspects relating to petrochem and energy sectors.

    Mostrar esta sequência
  14. 29 de set.

    Chaired the 38th PRAGATI meeting today, in which eight important projects relating to the Ministries of Railways, Power, Road Transport & Highways and Civil Aviation were reviewed. These projects span across 7 states and are worth over Rs. 50,000 crore.

  15. 29 de set.

    Thank you for the kind words on the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission. There is immense scope in leveraging technology for betterment of health infrastructure and India is working hard in this direction.

  16. 29 de set.

    Today's Cabinet decision will give an impetus to exports, create job opportunities and bring greater investment in our nation.

  17. 29 de set.

    We are committed to doing everything possible to fight the menace of malnutrition. Today’s Cabinet decision on PM-POSHAN is a crucial one, benefitting the youth of India.

  18. 29 de set.

    भारतीय रेलवे के विकास में एक नया अध्याय जुड़ने वाला है। सरकार ने आज एक महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लेते हुए नीमच-रतलाम रेल लाइन के दोहरीकरण को मंजूरी दी है। इससे जहां क्षेत्र के सामाजिक और आर्थिक विकास को नई गति मिलेगी, वहीं स्थानीय पर्यटन को भी बढ़ावा मिलेगा।

  19. 29 de set.

    The doubling of this important section will solve traffic problems and benefit the people of Saurashtra.

  20. 29 de set.

    Had an outstanding discussion with author and academic, Shri Raghuvendra Tanwar. He spoke to me about his work on India’s partition as well as other aspects relating to history. He is a fine mind and am glad to see his passion towards history.


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